So... beginnings are tough... can we just skip to the part where things get interesting? Cool.
Today was good, there was an Envirothon lecture on our special topic which is low impact development. The presenters themselves were okay, and I didn't fall asleep so all in all it was a pretty nice morning. What I found most interesting after it ended was how I saw everything after. For example, I went into a parking lot and I just kinda exploded with ideas on how to improve its sustainability.
On to more interesting things, like books! My first John Green book was Paper Towns when I was in the seventh grade. My sister had read the book and was raving about it. I at the time didn't like to read but she convinced me that I had to read the book. I ended up reading Paper Towns and really enjoying it. I like to think of it as my favorite JG book because it was the first book I read outside of an assignment. Looking over at the books (because I own them all) I think my favorite by far is An Abundance of Katherine's. I feel like Katherines' is underrated and extremely amazing. It was so entreating, I remember laughing so hard.
Though Katherines is amazing it's not my favorite book ever, just my favorite JG book. So outside of John's books, what is one of your favorites? Just gazing at the shelves I can't decide, so I'll make a list of five books I think are awesome.
1. Saving Max by Antoinette van Heughten. This book blew my mind, and that's all I have to say.
2. Dear Zoe, by Philip Beard. I haven't read this book in a while but I remember it being really good. I devoured it in a few hours. That good.
3. If I Stay by Gayle Forman. I. Love. This. Book. Words can't begin to describe how much I want to own this book.
4. The Girl with the Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier. Realistic fiction has never been more, honestly, real.
5. And lastly, but certainly not least Coraline by Neil Gaiman. One you've all probably heard of. It was my first Neil book. My mother read it to me and my sister when I was about six or seven as a bed time story.
On the topic of Coraline, it is my least favorite literature-to film-adaption. Now that I've gone on about books...what else is there... Music. I like Elton John, but I don't think I know many songs by him per se. He's like Led Zeppelin, I just don't listen to them as much.
On the topic of music I watch this television show called Once Upon and Roger Daltrey is going to be the voice of one of the characters. When I found out I wanted to puke I was that excited.
It was the end of the second trimester on Friday and I'm freaking out because I want my grades to be good. My moms not too over the top, but I can't stand the suspense. I made honor role last time, and I think it would be cool to have that happen again.
Again back to music, have you guys heard Lady Godiva? Thoughts? Okay, until next Saturday...
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