
Bestest Birthday Ever

     As the title clearly points out, today is my birthday and it was the best day ever. So many awesome things happened, I swear I must have had a smile on for the past 24 hours. This post is going to be split into four parts, so that I can write about the awesomeness correctly.

     Part 1: My Midnight Surprise
I am going to start this by saying I have the best boyfriend in the world. And he has the ability to plan the best surprises imaginable (at least to me, sorry if this part gets all sappy, I can't help it). He has been teasing me about my gift for weeks now, and the build up to him giving it to me was just crazy. Last night we watched Memento, and then at midnight he told me to close anything I had open. Then he instructed me through to the Ning, my Google+, both of my Tumblrs, and then Facebook. On each he posted a really sweet message and a poem he wrote for me. And on Facebook he changed his relationship status to being in a relationship with me (something we talked about a little while ago). It was the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. I honestly started crying, especially when he read me the poem. It was the best.

     Part 2: My Brilliant Best Friend
Kayla as well has been teasing me a lot about my birthday gift, and I can finally understand why she was so excited all this time. We both have a second period spare in school with our friends which we spend in the library. She made me the coolest Doctor Who themed card. And then I opened up the gift box and oh my gosh she made me awesome nerdy t-shirts! One is TFIOS themed, with a pair of lungs-that-suck-at-being-lungs on it. Another says 'I am Sher-locked', which as you can guess is from the show Sherlock which I totally love. And the last one, which I think is my favourite, is me-themed. It is a picture of a Dandy Lion in an airplane, with the Tumblr, DeviantArt, and Blogger logos. It makes sense if you know that my online name is Dandelions-Fly. Also, we kind of had this tradition of decorating each other's lockers with streamers and stuff, but since I don't use a locker (I prefer to carry everything in my backpack) she decorated my bag and I walked around like that all day. It was really awesome.

     Part 3: An End and a Beginning
Finally, finally, I can share the news that I have been waiting for for months. I found out today, just after Kayla gave me my gift, that I have been accepted to university! It was the best, most relieved feeling I have felt in a long time, especially since I had so much trouble with my stupid applications. But I've been accepted *giant squid of happiness*! So next comes applying for money to pay for that, and applying for a dorm room, and generally being excited about this. Oh, and I guess finishing high school. That's pretty important for this, I guess.

     Part 4: Where I Answer Real Questions from Real Awesome-Bloggers! (that would be you guys)
So to answer Kayla's question, I have two sisters, one older and one younger, the latter who still lives at home and generally annoys me. We used to never ever get along, we fought like crazy. But now that we have grown up a bit and whatnot, we get along alright. 
Katie, I have heard Lady Godiva, and I'm not quite sure I like it. I mean, the song is good and all, as is the music video, but I thought it was more playful than anything else Alex has written. I guess I just like his more serious music.
Adam, I don't think crime in Canada is too bad, but crime around here is nuts, in my personal opinion. The closest city to us, Thunder Bay (where I will be going to school ^.^), has a bad habit for late-night break-ins at the corner stores. It's gotten to be pretty bad. Also, sorry about the false awesomeness on the 250th post. I usually delete any drafts that have been left by Thursday, but I guess I missed one last week.
Campion, I don't know what you are trying to say about the word 'colour'. I know that it can be spelled either 'colour' or 'color', depending on what country you live in. I don't even know what is the correct form for in Canada any more. As for answer, I don't think I would like it any other way than how it is written. 

     That's all for now, sorry this post was long. I will post pictures of my t-shirts either on Facebook or on DeviantArt, and maybe even the Ning if I get around to it. If you wanted to read the poem, it's on the Ning, my Tumblr, and Facebook. Hope you all had great and amazing weeks, and that your weekends are nice and relaxing (or rockin', depending on how you like it). 

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