
Its For The Lolz and Stuff

Hello you wonderful people of awesomeness! I had a very okay-ish week. However I am in an awesometastic mood, so yea, rainbows and kittens and stuff...:D

I can never for the life of me remember what I was going to say or what you guys said that I want to address/answer. So this is going to be hopefully very long if I can remember/find it all. Lets start with my own excitement and move from there, shall we. I am bursting at the seams with joy for two reasons or more. 1. My friend went to camp in France, and she sent me a postcard! So lets count, that's mail from England and a postcard from France. I will hopefully be writing her back sometime this week! 2. I might be going to see Katie Costello LIVE! I'm not sure if you have heard of her, Alex Day blogged about her once, and I fell in love with her music.

Next, I'm not sure if we have any substitutes for Mars Bars that you don't have. I also have had a Kinder Surprise Egg one Easter when I was four. Not sure if they're still around in the states or not. Kayla I'm so excited to see the progress of your flower sprouts! I love growing things, sadly I don't have and can't start a garden. My dog would eat all the crops :( It would be lovely to fill my front and back lawn with a garden!

Kate I am currently downloading the first Doctor on my computer and I can't wait to watch past episode one. I have also made several scrapbooks. Two of them are from my Wish to Disney World when I was eight, one from several field trips to places like farms and museums, and one of them is of my animals which is mostly cats.

I don't have a favorite food. I'm a flexitarian, which is a part-time vegetarian. I really only eat meat on Thanksgiving, by force may I add because turkey is disgusting. I must say though, that I love pineapple. Also I don't plan on seeing the 3rd Transformer film. I didn't like the first one to begin with, just not my thing. I used to watch the show with my sister when I was younger, but even then it didn't interest me.

I do, however love Pokémon. I have the first 150 in card form, my sister has little figures, a monopoly game and the video games. We used to play the card game with the little figures to make it more real because we're just that dorky. And  Pokémon wasn't just me and my sister, it was my entire family of five children. Something I forgot and will mention now is that is there such a thing as Doctor Who Bear? I was wondering because my mom misheard my brother when he said Doctor Who and thought he said Doctor Who Bear, which is awesome. If it isn't already a thing I think we should make it a thing and have it be our mascot! 

I do read online comics Kayla, and yoU could probably guess about what. Yep, cats. here are three I'm currently reading. 
Doctor Cat: http://doctorcatmd.com/2011-01-10/doctor-cat
which is about a cat who is a doctor.
Cat Vs Human: http://catversushuman.blogspot.com/
which is a women who does comics about her cats, and occasionally her dog.
And lastly Lackadaisy: http://lackadaisycats.com/
which is more than a just comic about cats. It is truly awesome and I recommend it 100%.

My music recommendations are
Katie Costello, and her song Ships in the Night:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bl9Rmx2ySC8
Al Stewart, and his song Year of the Cat [I just can't sut up about cats tonight!]:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QM7LR46zrQU
Amy MacDonald, and her song Love, Love: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mTpGECQjj4

I also might get a Twitter and Tumblr, not sure. I'll let you know how Katie Costello, my efforts to get a chicken,Twitter, and Tumblr work out!
P.S. Did I not mention the chicken? Well I want a rooster. I shall name him Colin. Colin the rooster [lol].

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