
In which I write stuff

I'm back home for a week for two reasons. 1) We're having our annual yard sale which has been something of a tradition for as far back as I can remember. 2) This coming week my church does this thing for children called the Daily Vacation Bible School and I help out with making the snacks, decorations and crafts. Last year's theme was the high seas so we transformed the whole church into a big ship with a mast and everything. This year's theme is something about pandas so we're making the church into a bamboo forest.

Adam, what sort of farm do you live on? One with animals and stuff or just crops, or a mix of both? And that's cool that you're getting into vlogging and making trock, good luck with both of those things. Unfortunately, I don't really know any Canadian bands that aren't already well known. Though I do like IAMX and The Asteroids Galaxy Tour if you haven't heard of them (neither is Canadian).

Katie, I've heard that Kinder Surprise Eggs were not available in the states, but not Mars Bars. I know how you feel about cleaning your room too, every year I have a massive 3-4 day spring cleaning of my room to purge all the unnecessary things and I usually give it away or sell it in our yard sale.

Kate, I've never had a scrapbook before just because I never would feel like making one. I do think they're pretty and a nice way to remember things, but I guess it's just not suited for me... because I'm so lazy or something.

Kira, that website was really cool! I went and checked out all the different subjects and sadly enough I ended up doing better in french than I did in english grammer (damn you grammer *shakes fist*). As for food: CHOCOLATE, chocolate is amazing! But if that doesn't count then I would say pasta, I love pasta of almost every kind.

Campion, I haven't seen the third Transformers yet, but I'm planning on it. I've enjoyed the first two movies, as you mentioned yourself, on a purely action and explosion sort of way.

Deidra, like you I am a generation one Pokemon fan, my original favourite pokemon was Butterfree just because it was a butterfly and I was obsessed with those when I was little. Now I'd have to say I like Gengar, Beedrill, and Tentacool. I'm not completely against the newer generations though because I have Pokemon Black and I adore Darumaka, Snivy, and Audino from there.

My flower sprouts. : ) They're only a couple cm high so far.
To bring this to an end I guess I'll just ask you guys about webcomics. Do you read any? Have any recommendations? Not even know/care what they are? I'll recommend three here: Hark! A Vagrant by Kate Beaton (a Canadian!) Her comics are usually funny and come along with little interesting history facts. Cyanide & Happiness by Kris, Rob, Matt, and Dave. It's very funny and should be taken with a grain of salt. Finally, Scandinavia and the World by Humon. I love the representation of Finland in this comic, he's probably my favourite character (that and his coat of arms is awesome). Check those out sometime if you're bored or in need of a laugh.


1 comment:

  1. aww the sunflowers are looking good ^.^ and i hope we get to spend time together while you are here :) darn family :p
