Sorry for making such a late blog post, I was out all day today with no chance to come online.
The reason for this is I'm in Ottawa, Canada's capital city! I've been here a few times before already because my older sister goes to university here. It's nice seeing her, she got a summer job in Ottawa so if I didn't come I wouldn't have been able to see her until Thanks Giving or something.
Ottawa is a really pretty city in my opinion and I'm even considering coming here for university as well. The weather is really nice too, if not a tad too hot on some days for my taste. I honestly prefer my northern town where winter can get pretty harsh, but summer is fairly warm.
As for sightseeing, I went to the Parliament buildings already. I climbed the Peace Tower (the main tower with the clock in it), and got to see the Parliament stray cats. My favourite part was seeing the library, though, because it has tons and tons of books and it's the only part of the Parliament that survived the fire that burnt everything else down back in 19something. The war memorial right near the Parliament buildings had guards there with those furry, black hats so I got a picture with them and managed to see the changing of the guards.
I got to go to the Nature Museum which had tons of cool things in it. My favourites being the giant turtle fossil, the world's largest and smallest land mammals known to have existed, the live bug collection, and the rocks (as boring as that may sound, they were actually really cool). I also went to the War Museum which was very informative and sad at times. They had a couple of actual letters from different people in different wars and they were really sad to read.
I'm still hoping to go to the National Art Gallery before we head back home. I've already been there like three times or something, but I never get tired of seeing all of the neat pieces of art there.
As for Deidra's post yesterday: In my opinion a classic is something that is sort of revolutionary and new for its time, but it stays relevant and interesting for ages afterwords so it keeps getting reprinted and reread until it magically achieves the "classic" status.
Again, sorry for the late post.
P.S. I probably would have posted at least one picture with this, but I'm on crappy hotel internet and it takes like forever to load stuff so I'm not even going to try right now. There should be pictures up on my personal blog later next week if you're interested.
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