
Fun Time at the Festival

Kira, I found your book review quite interesting and Rebecca has found it's way onto my "To Read" list.
Campion, I remember the days a few friends and I would all play Pokemon.  We don't anymore, but when we did, it was always so much fun.
Deidra, usually I would consider a classic to be a story that is old but people still enjoy.  Stories like The Lion King and Great Expectations, are stories I'd consider classics, but then when I think about it, there are some newer books that I would consider classics, like Harry Potter. Most people love the series and  it wouldn't surprise me that the future generations will enjoy it as well.
Kayla, your days sounds like it was a lot of fun.  I'm usually a fan of museums other tourist attractions.
Adam, Katie pretty much summed up the Irish stereotype that some Americans have.  I think I know the answer to this question but I thought I'd ask anyway... is it true the the Irish and Scottish hate being mistaken for one another?

This weekend was my town's annual festival.  It was the 25th year I believe.  I helped out at my school's sport's club tent with my volleyball team.  We sold hot dogs and drinks and were more than likely the most reasonable priced stand in the park.  It was extrememly hot, about 100 degrees F, or 38 degrees C.
Every year it's a tradition for my family to buy Root Beer and Kettle Corn, both are amazing.  We didn't stay to watch the parade because it was hot and the parade is pretty much the same every year.

I might make a vlog about this weekend. It would be like a Thoughts from Place videos, but more like Thoughts from Around Town.  I will work on making it and if I think it is good enough, I will post it on Youtube.


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