
Still Not Ginger

   So it seems that most everyone has either seen the final Harry Potter movie, or intend to see it. Personally, I thought it was brilliantly done. Although there were some scenes left out from the book, what was put into the movie was very elaborately done.

   I think my favourite scene would have to be the Gringott's scene, because it took me back to the first book, when Harry gets his first look into the wizarding world. It also showed a different, more dangerous side to a place that originally seemed so quiet and secure. I also loved that the dragon looked pretty much how I imagined it in my mind as I read it. What were you're favourite scenes (from either the movie or book, if you haven't seen it)?
   There seems to be a lot of animosity towards the Neville-Luna scenes from the movie, since there was never any indication of such things in the book, but I found it quite cute. Even though they don't end up together in the end, I'm sure they do feel some sort of emotions for each other, having gone through so much together. Maybe it isn't the whole 'let's get married and have children' sort of feelings that Harry and Ginny and Hermione and Ron have for each other, but more of a 'Holy crap I don't want you to die please don't die on me' sort of thing.

   Kira, I've kind of always been a fan of the Harry Potter movies since I was old enough to watch and understand them, but I only read the books last summer, in time to know everything before part one came out. That's when I truly started calling myself a Harry Potter fan/nerd.  I know for a fact that it's something that has changed me, and I only hope that it is strong enough to last through generations.

   Katie, you somehow managed to read my mind from across the miles and miles of nothingness that separates us and show everyone my favourite zoo animal already. The White Bengal Tiger has been my favourite zoo animal ever since I was younger and I played Zoo Tycoon on my computer. I think I may have seen them when I was younger and visited the Toronto Zoo with family, but I don't remember. I do remember bringing home a stuffed animal of one, though I can't find it.

   I have been listening to Still Got Legs over and over again so much lately, it's so good. If I absolutely had to pick a favourite, I think it would be Nightmares, but I don't know, because they are all so good. Big Bang Two and Still Not Ginger are also really good. What about you guys, which ones do you like?

   It's nice to hear that there is a real Nerdfighters community in New Zealand, Campion. Besides Kayla, I think I live to far north in Ontario to really meet many other Nerdfighters, and converting people around here would be like getting Nerdfighters to commit worldsuck. It would be pretty difficult. Also, I agree with you, breaks from school can be a real relief, but also really boring.

   My small town has been made slightly bigger for the time being. We are currently giving residence to around 700 evacuees from northern reservations that are in forest fire danger zones. The two primary schools and our arena are serving as shelters for them. I've been helping set up for them and will be helping out at one of the schools. Hopefully things will clear up for them and they will safe to go home soon.

Anywho, dftba!

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