
A Series of Whys

Brought to you by What & Who Inc. It's been a pretty awful week with many lows and a few highs. Mostly because I've had the week off, and have been bored out of my mind. Usually the vacation feels long, and I can't wait to go back to structure after the first few days, but it feels too short and uneventful. I haven't done any work since last Friday. What's weird is that I don't miss anyone really. I mean it would be nice to see friends and a few teachers, but I'm not as ecstatic as I was over winter break. I'm not sure why.

I think it's because of Envirothon. I like it, a bit, but not enough to go through with it. I want to drop it, but there's no other club I would really rather do. I like learning about sustainability, and environmental ways of doing things, or eco news with my state. But you know that click you get when you really like something, and you can't stop learning it, or when you find a book you really like. I just don't have that click when Envirothon comes around.

Wow I sounds joyful. Let's move onto the highs. Kayla's post for a start. I got overly excited when she mentioned Someone That I Used To Know, because my brother showed me that video a while back, and one of his friends was apart of the making of the song or something. Not quite sure, but I thought that was cool.

Another high was Thursday, over here it was 60 degrees Fahrenheit which is I think is around 16 degrees Celsius. I went for a walk around my neighborhood that day, which was nice, but I wore the wrong shoes so I got blisters.The other high was that I wrote a short story as an assignment about the painting Liberty Leading the People for our French Rev. unit and my teacher e-mailed me back saying he liked it. I felt the end lacked detail though. If you want to read it, it's posted here

I've been slowly catching up with Buffy this past vacation, but I'm not much farther past season five. When I'm done I'll start Angel. I've heard of The Walking Dead, but don't know what its about. I seem to be the only one on the internet to have not watched any of Sherlock. I want to, but just haven't gotten to it. Oh, I might get a Mac in a few weeks! I bought a new desk, and a bookshelf to go with it. I'm excited for that.

Do you guys have any tricks to help yourselves stay focused while reading? I seem to be struggling lately with staying on task with books. I've started so many, and can't seem to finish them. And on the topic of humans and animals, if I could choose which to be, I would be an animal. Our emotions and brains worry too much, that and I'd rather be a turtle. I really like turtle's.

As a recap: Vacations are boring, should I stay with Envirothon?, I watch few T.V. shows, reading is hard for some reason, and I long to be a turtle. Until next Saturday...


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