
Sleep Zombie

     Exams are officially over!! Well, they were over for me on Tuesday, after I wrote the Killer English Exam of Grade 12. Since then I have been extreme relaxing and sleeping and catching up on all of the awesome things that I haven't gotten to do since returning after break. I have slept somewhere around 20 hours since I came home from that exam. That has been nice. I've also read an entire book that has nothing to with English or school or boring stuff like that.

     Kayla, you are now allowed to stab physics. (this pertains to a conversation about how much she hated physics). Relax and become sleep zombie and maybe we can get together to watch Lord of the Rings before the new semester so that you can stop pestering me about not having seen it.
     Katie, I am thankfully not allergic to animals or anything lifey like that. The only thing I am allergic to is a weird medication thing, so it isn't something that really affects me. Also, don't feel bad about your lack of a social life. I am just like you. Except for Kayla, I really have no one else that I ever hang out with outside of school. And since she lives in the next town, we don't get to hang out much. Which is why the Internet is wonderful!
     Adam, I am super jealous of all the awesome things you get to do. I can't wait to be done with high school and out of this town so that I can do something besides sitting in front of my computer, laughing at Tumblr.
     Floccinaucinihilipilification. Really Kira. I had to go and search that to see if it was a real word, then do more searching to find what it means and how the heck to pronounce it. (which I still can't do, by the way).
     Campion, I don't know how you can stand uniforms. The entire idea of a school uniform annoys me. I mean, they take away so much individuality. Also, they tend to always have skirts and weird girly shirts for girls, both of which I really hate. Though I think I could live with a tie. Also, what is a haka? As for the movie, it looks to be very interesting. Especially since the tag lines are cyborgs can fight, but can they love and hate? and why can't a cyborg question his creator like men question god? You will have to review it and let me know.

     Tonight I am going to watch the movie In Time. I wanted to see it the first time I heard about it, but like all movies I forgot about it until I saw the trailer again for the DVD release. It kind of plays into the mortal/immortal thing I've been thinking about lately, so hopefully it will be good for that. Don't forget to be awesome!

P.S - three out of seven left-handers. I like these odds. =P

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