I'm not really sure as to what I should write but I'm going to type and see what ends up on the page.
Not much has happened since I last posted. I went to see a play on Monday, I really enjoyed it, it was callec "Bus Banter". It was a series of about 10 short sketches/monologues set on buses, either Dublin bus (the bus for getting around Dublin) or Bus Eireann (the bus service for getting around Ireland in general). Some of the sketches were hilarious, one was of three tourists, german, english and american on a tour bus where the driver is giving information in irish and a North-side Dubliner is translating (pretty badly). I also loved one of a guy sitting on the bus trying to learn a soliloquy from Hamlet.
Also, sort of on the topic, there's a pretty big divide in Dublin. The river which runs through it divides in north and south side. If anyone read the book "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton, the north side is like the greasers and the south side is like the Socs. I actually wrote an essay making a comparison for English class once. Anyway, stereotypically the south side is extremely posh and the north side is really rough. The accents don't exactly help the stereotype. :)
On the topic of books (I'm just on a roll here :P) I'm reading a book at the moment called "The Sisters Brothers", I'm really enjoying it, it's a western set in the 1850's. The style of writing is very interesting, the longest chapter so far has been about 5 pages and the shortest has been half a page. It's kinda weird but I like it.
In other Adam related news, I'm going to a rugby game this weekend between Ireland and Italy, I'm pretty excited, I haven't been to a rugby game in six years, it should be a nice experience, I'll post photos.
In an attempt to make this seem longer I'v done more spacing than usual. :)
Anyway, I've got two tests this week which are worth 15 percent each of my final grade. So that's a bit nerve-inducing I guess. Also, I want to try to get into writing creatively a bit more, I miss doing short stories. So I think I might take that up again.
That's all from me, have a good week everyone.
I love, love, love The Outsider!
ReplyDeleteMe, too.