
Living Off Red Bull

I know I complain a lot about advanced classes, but it's all in fun-I really enjoy it. It's challenging. There's one problem, though.

I enjoy my sleep. And right now, I'm living on Red Bull and coffee. Thank God for caffeine...

Gonna keep this short, favourite charity is the WWF, I buy just about all my T-shirts and coffee mugs from there, and they're a really great charity. Or so says the tree hugger/ animal nut perso .



This blog post may end up being short because I today has been a busy day.
I realized I missed answering a question from last week! My favorite charity (besides for the This Star Won't Go Out) is Make-A-Wish.  Someday I hope to be a part of it so I can help make a child's wish come true.
I checked out the youtube channel, Campion.  It's definitely cool!
It's good that you had fun at the debs, Adam, and congrats on becoming Prom King.  You looked nice in the pictures.

I missed Maureen Johnson's reading because my internet wasn't working.  I can't wait until I read her new book.  It sounds amazing.
My first Volleyball game is tomorrow, though it's really just a scrimmage.
I've got to go now, still not quite done with homework.


Just Listening


Its afternoon here and its a pretty normal day. I'm on the computer in my basement waiting out hurricane Irene. Yup I live on the east coast and its ridiculous how serious [and not serious] people are taking the hurricane. I think it will be okay and nothing will go wrong. So I'm waiting for the hurricane to prove me wrong. Nothing so far. People are actually taking surfboards to the beach still, and are still on the roads even though it is highly suggested to stay indoors.

Okay so I just realized I didn't answer questions from last week in my post so I will do that now.
 I play the clarinet, guitar, piano, and I have tried really hard to gain a saxophone. I actually seriously considered buying one from Luke [http://www.youtube.com/user/LukeIsNotSexy] but I didn't have the money. I also play a mean glockenspiel. That's about all I can play, for now. Favorite Doctor Who, well most recently its "The Doctor's Wife" which is the episode Neil Gaiman wrote. I thought last nights episode was good, for the most part. it had a few good [even great] twists, but nothing I didn't already suspect would happen. Not sure if you guys caught it last night so I won't mention the parts I enjoyed or the ones I thought were, well eh.

Adam I'm glad you had a good time at the debs, you looked good, and "Prom King"! Glad the suit was all business. Campion your YouTube channel is awesome, I hope you keep making videos. Kayla sounds like everything is going awesome, and that's great! Kate and Kira I hope your classes do get better. Deidra I'm sorry about the whole prom situation, I'm not one for dances, though I still go to be with friends.

I've been doing a lot of listening and watching lately. Like right now I'm listening to Maureen Johnson read from her book "The Name of the Star" on blogtv. As for watching...well I have Buffy the Vampire Slayer on my computer.

I technically start school this Thursday, so I hope that goes well. And my favorite charity is A Wish Come True, which is like Make A Wish where they give a child  their wish. An example would be how A Wish Come True sent me to Disney World when I was eight. The same charity sent my second oldest brother to Disney World when he was four. So they were and are a big part of my life, therefor I deem them my favorite.
That's about all I have to say this Sunday.

P.S. I don't have to take algebra two apparently, ever. Just thought you should know. :)


Busy week

I've had a ridiculously busy week, well I was working Monday and Tuesday on a construction site which was an experience! Then on Wednesday I had the debs, it was absolutely amazing, I met up near my school with all my friends and a few others. We hung around taking photos for about an hour until we got on the bus to go to the hotel. I should mention that the debs is for students from the school who are starting college and tickets are 75 euro so it's a really classy thing they put on. I felt weird in a suit and tie, I'm usually just in a pizza john t-shirt and jeans.
Jane and I posing for a photo!                                        Me excited in the car.

When we got to the hotel, we sat around and chatted for a while and then had a lovely meal, I had soup, beef and apple pie. Afterward there was a really good band who played for about an hour. Then there was a disco which was fun.

Also, I got voted "Prom King" which was really awesome. In other news, I start college in two weeks and unless I sort something out soon, I will be homeless! I'm trying to work something out with a friend so maybe we can rent an apartment.

I've started copying Alex Day and have bought a blank deck of cards with the intention of all my friends making them, it's going to be so cool. Thanks for all your trock song ideas, I'm going with the idea of bad wolf, I really liked that plot.

Anyway, I left writing this til quite late so I'm going to bed now.


Summer, School, Sisters and Stuff (Yay Alliteration!)

I actually have a couple of things to talk about today, all of them good. First of all, my sister is coming to visit for the weekend!!!! She decided last minute to fly up here for a quick visit and so we're going to pick her up from the airport later tonight. I'm really excited that she's coming, my sister is awesome.

Secondly, they were having a sale at Chapters on these language learning pack things so I picked one up cheap for Japanese, which is a language I've been wanting to learn for a while. I haven't started yet, but I will soon, I flipped through the book it came with and it looks like it'll be an interesting experience.

Thirdly, I'm not 100% on the idea yet, but I think I've decided what I'm going to aim to become when I'm older. A veterinarian. I really like animals and I'm good in all my science and math classes so I think it is a good decision. And I have to start out taking 2 years of general science courses in university before I can even apply for the vet program so it gives me time to get more experience with animals and fully come to my decision. It sucks a bit though because it means I'm going to probably have to take physics again this year which I was hoping to avoid.

Finally, this isn't really as big or exciting, but my mom just baked some pulla and it smells delicious so I think I'm going to go eat some right now. =)

As for Dr. Who episodes that I liked, well.... The Empty Child was good, Evolution of the Daleks was also pretty cool, Midnight, and The Idiot's Lantern was not bad as well. I also like the Ood and K-9, they're probably my fave non-human characters.

My favourite charity is probably the World Wildlife Fund because as I said before I really like animals and we humans can really screw them over sometimes. Two years ago my sister "adopted" a tiger in my name for Christmas and last year my parents "adopted" a polar bear in my name as well. Another one would be the MS Society because I remember taking part in the read-a-thons that they had for elementary school kids and I think that's great because it raises money for a good cause and gets kids reading at the same time.

I checked out your youtube channel Campion, it was fun to watch so I do hope you keep it up.

As for school I don't have my schedule on hand at the moment but I'm going to be in 12U English, 12U Advanced Functions, and 12U Biology first semester. Then 12U Chemistry, 12U Data Management, and 12U Calculus second semester. *12U means grade 12 University level if you were wondering* Like I mentioned above I may have to take 12U Physics as well and I was thinking of taking 11U Art for fun, but I might not be able too if I'm too busy with my other classes. I'm not looking forward to my English class because I have the same teacher that taught it last year and she made her last class write tons and tons of essays.

And yeah, that's about it I think,


after a while, it gets... not good

   I'd like to start off by saying I was extremely tired and not in a good state of mind last week when I posted, and that is why I suggested the fall/autumn theme idea. When I woke up the next morning and reread my post, I face-palmed. Not my brightest idea. Forgive me? Anyway, as a reminder to the horrible timezones that separate us, Kayla and I came up with an idea that may help to remind us. Here is the story:
   On messenger, Kayla showed me clocks that she set up on her computer to show the time in Ireland and New Zealand so that she didn't have to remember it, like I do. But alas, I apparently had the time difference for NZ wrong. So I made the suggestion that we should put clocks, or something of the sort, onto the site, so that we (mainly me) wouldn't mess up the time differences anymore. So we searched and searched, and Kayla ended up finding the beauty that now sits at the bottom of the site. Not only can you look at our time zones, but every other possible Earth time zone you can think of. And there are some strange ones.
   Other than that, my week has been pretty tame. I've been on Ning chat a lot, which has been fun, and odd. Sometimes conversation on there can get a little wierd, but I've met some really interesting people there. Awesome Nerdfighters. : )    Also, I got Skype, which was something I didn't think I'd ever do, mostly because I don't have a functioning webcam, but apparently all you need is a microphone. So that has been pretty fun. Kind of awkward, since to anyone who walks in I'm just basically sitting here talking to my computer, but I'll get over it.

   Kayla, I would love to believe that going to the Hallowe'en dance would get me off the hook for prom, but I think my mom has other ideas. I'm starting to get the idea that if I don't literary handcuff myself into my room, I will be forcefully dragged to the dance. *sigh* Besides, you know more than anyone that I don't really like dressing up at Hallowe'en.
   Again Adam, congrats on your test scores! I can't wait to get some real news on your school, though I have a feeling it'll be good. I've been listening to a lot of Trock lately, but I haven't really heard much about the Bad Wolf episode, or about Bad Wolf in general. It was one of my favourite themes with Rose. All of the warnings, and yet the tragic end still happened. Thank god for Bad Wolf Bay. That had to be the saddest scene ever.
   Welcome back Katie's computer! It's great to fully hear from you again. I also am a big fan of Evan, though I don't really watch much Youtube anymore. Also, I haven't seen any of his liveshows lately, which sucks, 'cause I really want to hear his new music. I absolutely love The Limit as X Approaches Girlfriend. Mostly because I kind of understand most of it. Also, my favourite charity is the This Star Won't Go Out foundation, mostly because I loved watching Esther so much, and it was horrible when she passed a year ago.
   Kate, I love that you count down the days of school. I do that, but more toward the end of school, since it's easier. Though I don't know how that's going to go at the end of this year, seeing as it will be my final year of high school. I'm both excited for it to be over, and sad that it has come so quickly. It seems like it was just yesterday I was sitting down in my first ever high school class (which was art) and making friends that have lasted through these years.
   Kira, I know what you mean about homework. I also have been in all the advanced level courses in my high school, and with my procrastination, work tends to pile up until I am just ready to scream.
   I do feel sorry that you don't get snow too often, Campion. Snow is my favourite part of our winters, as it makes the world so much cleaner and quieter. That is, until snowplows ruin everything.

   Anywho, I don't really have anything else to write about. The title of this post is completely unrelated to anything in it. It was just something that happened. So don't forget to be awesome, and have a good week!

The sort of lazy-ish post

It's really late right now, seriously. I'm tired I just finished I big English assignment and I'm so glad that it's done. I'm looking foreward to next week though, next week are our practice exams so now after my huge assignment I have to go and study like crazy, grrrrrrrrrr....

Anyway on a brighter note, a friend of mine recently started up a New Zealand YouTube community for all of the New Zealand YouTubers. I've been surprised with the results, already about 70 people in the community and for a small country like mine, it's nice to know that there a few others who like to do what I do.

So, I need to go to bed before my mother figures out that I'm still up and before I do go here's my YT channel http://www.youtube.com/user/YetiAndFrodo

Nothing like a little bit of shameless self promotion to feel all arrogant inside
Have an awesome week



I Hate Honours Classes...

I am in all honours at school. Every honours class my school has, I take. French, World Literature, World Studies, Algebra 2, biology, and economics. It's barely been a week and we have huge amounts of work. I'm ignoring that to type up this.

Since I am ignoring my mass quantities of work to do this, I'm going to keep it short and end it now. Music reccommendation...Mysterious Summer Night, by...Dang it, I'm forgetting the composer. Meh, Google it, you'll find it.



Today was my first day of my sophmore (10th grade) year.  My school always say that they try to spread out the harder classes in your schedule, but that didn't happen for me.
My classes this quarter and next are:
AP US Government  (next quarter) Personal Fitness
Biology -all semester
English 10 Honors - all semester
Algebra 2 Honors - all semester
Plus I have orchestra.

Even though it was the first day of school, I still got 2 hours worth of homework.  I had to read all of Chapter 1 from my US Gov book, and I had worksheets from Algebra and English.  It's going to be a very stressful semester.  Volleyball also makes things harder because I won't get home before 6 PM because of practice everyday.
I won't have very much free time this first semester of school.  I know I won't have time to to check Tumblr and YouTube everyday, which is a bummer.

Don't get me wrong, I love school, just not these classes I'm taking.  They will probably get better, though... hopefully :)  Doesn't stop me from looking forward to the weekends and seasonal vacations.

When it comes to instruments, I play the violin and I am in the process of learning the guitar.  I'm taking watching videos from youtube by this guy called Justin, he's a really good teacher.  As of today, I can play 6 songs, a few of which are songs by Nerdfighters.
I'm glad you are happy with your test score, Adam! I'm only about half way into the third series, but I really like the episode in which Rose and the Doctor have to say goodbye.  It made me cry.  You might have already written a song about it considering it was kind of a big thing, but that's been my favorite bit so far.

Only 178* more days left of school!
Best Wishes, Kate

*Estimated number, probably far off from the true number


Twice I've Done This Today

Hey you lovely people, guess what?
The awesomeness that is my computer is BACK! So I'm happy. It returned to me this past Wednesday, and we have been together ever since! That sounded really weird...sorry. Anyway this means I can type as much as I want for as long as I want! So much awesome has happened within the past week, it was really hard to wait until today to tell you.
I don't know if you guys follow the awesomeness that is Evan [http://www.youtube.com/user/naveregnide] on YouTube. I do. Today he went on blogtv and played through his new album that is due to come out soon. It was great getting to listen to it before it released, so I knew whether or not I would enjoy it. Like how Alex Day has player's on his website so you can listen before you buy. Well I enjoyed it immensely, and will be saving the change from the couch cushions so I can have the songs myself.
 If you did watch that short, and very poor quality video I made about my vacation to North Carolina, I can confirm that it was actually that boring. Not sure if I mentioned if me and my sister actually got to the waterfall or not, but we didn't. By the time we turned back, and were almost out of the trail, [which, by the way was the most horrendous path ever. two miles of large rocks and nothing else. Not a path, paths are smooth not bumpy.] my dad showed up in his car and gave us a ride back to the cabin we were staying at. Apparently where we turned around was five minutes away from the stairs to the waterfall. The stairs however were like another mile...so either way that wasn't happening.
Oh and my scheduling went well. I will be in:
Honors English
Honors History
CP [College Prep] Environmental Physics
Algebra 1
And my after school activities will be Visual Arts [so art class].
I am very pleased with the classes, and I am excited to attend them. The down side was purchasing the uniforms. It cost around one-hundred thirty dollars.:(
Another important thing or things I guess is I got Twitter and a personal blog. Tumblr was a bit too...Tumblr. So I just got a blogger.
Oh another thing was how well this girl named Catherine is doing with her fundraiser for the ALS Association. She is well on her way to decreasing world-suck for people with ALS. If you guys want to help her reach her awesome goal of 2,000 dollars, share this video: 
with anyone and everyone so they can help too!
Well this has been my longest post in awhile, and I feel quite good about it. Until next Sunday!
My blog:
 Also I think themes would be great...how about your favorite charity and why they are awesome?
Its a one color kind of day...



So, I finally got my results, it was possibly the longest car ride I've ever had to collect them, but in the end I did fine, I got 520 points out of a possible 600. They take your six best subjects and give you a mark out of 100, rounded up to the nearest five, so I was delighted with the score I got. I was fifth in my year of 70, which was really awesome. I'll get my offer from college on Monday morning, hopefully it'll be for Math and Physics in UCD. Getting the results was a great atmosphere with my friends, most of them got what they were hoping for so I was really happy for them.
I applied for one of the ningmaster positions on the nerdfighters website, I got a message from one of the current people saying that they'd reccommended me so hopefully with a bit of luck I'll get the job. It'd be awesome to get involved in the website.
I was out for a meal with my family tonight to celebrate the whole getting to college thing, it was a lovely restaurant and I had a great time. I can't wait for the debs on Wednesday, I'll make sure to put some photos in my post next week.
Also, I've hit a wall lately with my trock songs, so if anyone has any favourite episodes or ideas please let me know :)


Happy as a Clam

Hello, how is everyone doing today? I had a pretty nice week so I'm in a good mood right now. I spent all day cleaning my house and breaking in my new awesome boots that I bought. I also spent some time outside watching at least 6 hummingbirds fly around and play with each other. They were really cute. We set up a hummingbird feeder every year and this is about the time that the babies are big enough to fly so they're always hanging around. I also got back in a writing mood and managed to write out another page for my short story. Also they were having a sale on classic novels at Coles yesterday so I bought 3 and started reading Journey to the Centre of the Earth. It's pretty good so far.

The closest thing my school has to a debs is what Deidra said: prom. I went in grade 9, skipped 10 and 11, but I plan to go this year. Our school is so small though it's really just a fancy dance with food trays and punch. And yes Deidra you are coming with me whether you want to or not. We don't even have to stay for the whole thing, but you have to be there for some amount of time. The only way I see you getting out of it is if you go to the Halloween dance instead and then we can just have our anti-prom as per usual.

I hope your computer gets fixed soon Katie and have fun at school! Kate good luck with volleyball practice and school starting next week. Kira I spent 7 or 8 years learning to play the piano. It was fun at first when I was younger, but as I got older I just kind of stopped liking it (also I realized I hate being in front of people speaking or performing...) so I quit. I can probably still play some things on there, but it's been about a year since I last played so I'd probably be a bit rusty.

Campion your excitement over snow makes me smile, mostly because where I live we get snow for about 6 months of the year. It's cool that you had so much fun with it though. : ) I'm glad you had such an awesome day.

Theme weeks sound good to me, we should just choose someone to start and they can come up with the first theme. Then the next week the next person in line can choose the new weeks theme. Also I don't think the themes have to be about fall, it could be anything like a movie week, book week, pet week, nature week, food week, hobby week, family week, etc, etc. It could really be anything and we would all be free to write whatever we want about that theme.

DFTBA everyone!

A late post

I'm sorry this post is late guys, my internet has been pretty terrible lately. So anyway, it's winter here in New Zealand and every year it snows everywhere else except the city I live in (I didn't see snow for the first time until I was 14) but earlier this week IT SNOWED!!!! Me and my friends were so excited, everyone was running around whilst the snow fell. It was an awesome day and it snowed.... for once. Sure it only snowed for like 5 minutes and it hasn't snowed since then but it still counts (sort of). Anyway it's freezing so I have to go turn the heat on so have a great week guys, DFTBA



Numb Mind

   This post is going to be short, because I am extremely tired. I had to get up at 4:30 this morning to drive into the city for my driving lesson and to pick up my niece for the week, and then my mom decided it was a good time to go back to school shopping. (I HATE SHOPPING). I was pretty nervous about everything, so I didn't sleep much during the night, and I couldn't sleep at all during the drive up, which is strange because usually sleep amazingly in vehicles. The lesson itself went pretty alright, and I might write a post on my personal blog about it another day if I get around to it.

   Adam, I can't wait to hear about your exam results. I'm sure you did great, and all of your worrying will have been for nothing. I think the Canadian equivilant of debs would be prom, which at my high school happens every year for all of the students to attend, since it is so small. But I am the kind of person who seriously dislikes dances, so I have never been to prom, or any of my school's dances. My friends hate me for it, but I don't care. Apparently I am being hijacked for prom this year, and have no choice in the matter though. So we will see how that goes.
   I remember my freshman year of highschool, Katie. I was also super nervous. Thank god my school is small, or else I probably would have had a panic attack or something. I hope you get your computer fixed soon. 
   Kate, I don't know how you survive through practices that early in the morning. I hate getting up in the morning, and am definetely a night person. School is wierd over there. Here we get our schedules in the beginning of summer, along with our reports from the last year, so we already know our classes and teachers. Though we have to wait for the first day to get our lockers, since the school is going through stupid renovations.
   I'm sure you did fine on your entrance test, Kira. Tests always seem worse after you take them. I took piano lessons for a year, but never played after that. I am not really a music person. The concepts are all lost to me.

   I think a theme week would be a good idea. Although I don't really know what kind of theme we could have. I would suggest a back to school theme, but everyone's schooling is kind of different and spaced out differently. Maybe a fall or autumn type theme? I don't know.
   Anyway, this got way longer than I intended, so I am going to go to bed now. Don't forget to be awesome, and all that nerdy stuff.


Kira Is Tired

I just got back from my first day of high school. TOO MANY SMART PEOPLE! Just kidding. I am positive that the entrance test was rigged.

I am anxiously awaiting my Pottermore welcome e-mail. I know they've started to let people in, but I'm not sure when I'm getting mine. I know I've been confirmed, but I really don't want to be the one on the last day of September. That wouldn't be very nice. Makes a whole lot of effort kind of pointless.

Does anyone here play an instrument? I've played the piano for several years, the flute currently, and I want to go into the harp, violin, and guitar. I think they, as well as the piano, are very low maintenance instruments in the sense that if you find one, you just play. I mean, I wouldn't just pick up someone else's flute and play.

Music recommendation...Led Zeppelin.


And so Begin's the Busy Time of Year

Today was the start of Volleyball practice.  All this week we have practice 6:30 am - 8 am and then 4pm-6pm.  Next week will be the first week of school, so I'll just have practice after.

Last Wednesday I had orientation.  I picked up my yearbook and then ordered a this coming year's yearbook.  Apparently on the freshman get their class schedules because they have to tour and familiarize themselves with the school, so the rest of us only get to know our classes, teachers, and lockers the first day of school.  Which I think is pretty ridiculous.  I had been looking forward to discovering the teachers I was assigned.

Kira, I like your Pottermore username a better than I like mine.  Mine is Dustrain174.  I didn't like at first but I'm starting to.
I personally I think that game sounds like a lot of fun.  At first I'd definitely be confused but I can imagine after awhile I'd have great time with it.
Deidra, I have been lazy with learning to drive, too. The same goes for my brother.  I could have taken driver's education over the summer, but than I would've had to miss my cousin's wedding.  My mom might make me get my learner's permit so she can teach me how to drive a stick shift car.  i guess I wouldn't mind that.
I hope your computer starts to work for you Katie!

Also, I think having themed weeks would be fun.


Nervous very nervous

So I tried posting this before, but it failed, like my computer not working. I'm still using my sisters so this will be extremely short. She want to go back on Facebook. I'm nervous because I go to schedule my classes for high school tomorrow. Freshman nerves, ugh. So I made a video on my North Carolina if you were interested in how that went. http://www.youtube.com/user/invaderzimgirl14#p/u/0/EjcB0FcIyeI
When I get my computer fixed my posts will be longer.



I have four days until I get the results to the exams which will probably affect the the rest of my life. And I can't stop thinking about it. It's made me realise how important it is to not overthink things. Sometimes you have to accept that some things are just going to happen.... and yet all I can think about is how I forgot that electric charge distributes itself evenly throughout a spherical conductor. I'll let you guys know how I get on but I think I'll just try to put it from my mind........ easier said than done.......

On a much brighter note, my debs is in two weeks, I'm not sure what the American/Canadian/ New Zealander equivalent of the debs is. I think it's like prom or homecoming or something like that. If someone could explain what those are I'd appreciate it, I hear them used a lot in American TV shows.... Anyway it's basically a night out with all my school friends in a hotel, we get a picture with our dates, a really nice meal and then there's like a dance. Debs is short for "debutant social" so.......... yeah.

I was recently in Clare in the south west of Ireland which is a very, pretty, stereotypically Irish part of the country. We went on a boat out to the Aran Islands and the cliffs of Moher which was quite awesome. I liked the cliffs because they're really cool looking but also because they're used in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince for the caves Harry and Dumbledore go to. Also the Islands are used in the intro for "Father Ted". It's a TV show which never aired outside Britain and Ireland but it's the pinnacle of Irish comedy, it got three seasons in the mid 90's before the star died tragically, it's still showed weekly here and every Christmas eve my family have a tradition of watching the Christmas special, it really is timeless comedy.

Also, Deirda mentioned to me the idea of a themed week, I'm not sure of what to do for that, does anyone have any ideas?

Anyway, I'm quite happy with this post so I'll go back to songwriting :)



Short post is short

I literally cannot think of anything to write about for today's post. I've been putting it off trying to think of something, but I can't so I'll just reply to your posts and be done with it.

I checked out 19Steafan92's music and I really like it, I'll definitely have to keep an eye out for any new stuff. As for sports I don't normally watch any except the Olympics sometimes and I'm pretty average as far as playing goes. I hate contact sports though so I'd rather do things like badminton, swimming, biking and volleyball. I used to play ringette (which is a bit like hockey except with a ring not a puck), but our team kind of died off because a bunch of people left for university and we didn't have enough players.

That card game sounds really interesting Campion, if not a tad confusing. I don't actually have a youtube channel where I post stuff. The main reason behind that is I figure you have to be funny or entertaining or at least have something interesting to talk about to have a good channel and I don't think I'm any of those. My life is pretty boring.




   I am a big procrastinator. This can be backed up by the fact that I was nearly 17 when I finally got my beginners driver's license. Because of that, I spent the past four days of my lovely relaxing summer stuck in driving school. I have little interest in actually driving. I passed my test in mid-March, and have only driven twice. Now I have to drive with an instructor, and be actually good and not kill anyone. Not that I did that the first times.
   Driving just isn't all that exciting to me. I mean sure, I could go where I wanted, once I passed everything and such, but I live in such a small place that there is nowhere to go to. I could drive to Kayla's, which is usually a long drive for my parents, since she lives in the next town over, a half hours drive. But we see each other at school. And if I wanted to go somewhere in town, which I never do because I'm such a loner, I could just walk.
   Now my parents are done putting up with my procrastination. Driving lessons are coming, and my mom wants them done real soon. She's getting all control-freaky about everything. I mean, its not like she's ever asked me if I wanted to drive the car or anything.

   Anyway, since I've been busy with that, I haven't really had any time to think about designs for a Doctor Who bear, but it is on my to-do list now. I'm trying to think of a way to incorporate the three doctors from the newest seasons, since they are the only ones I really know, but also because I love them.
   I used to be more sporty when I was in elementary school, where I played on all the teams except for track and cross country, because I hated them. Since I've gotten into high school though, I've given up playing sports, partly because I don't like the way they are done, and partly because there is so much more work now then there used to be.
   Welcome back Kira! It's good to hear that you a nice time. Also, congrats on getting into Pottermore early. I like the sound of your user name, mostly because it has the Lumos spell in it. I always loved that one.
   The rules of that game sound extremely complicated Campion. I have no idea how in the heck you manage to actually play it. I think I would constantly be asking questions, and it would not be enjoyable at all. It would probably be more entertaining to watch, though. I don't have a YouTube channel that I post anything on. I tried doing something a while back, but I was too shy to really get anything. I'm not really the type of person to share like that. I'm much better with words, as you can clearly tell from my mile long posts. I do like watching vlogs though. They are a great way to get to know people.

   Anyway, it's getting late because I completely forgot it was Thursday and Kayla had to remind me, so I'm going to go and sleep and have nightmares about driving and whatnot. So dftba and stuff.

The Most Confusing Card Game On The Face Of The Earth

Two days ago I was in my schools strategic card game club (aka- the nerd club). I forgot my cards that day, somehow I got dragged into playing this card game that I had never heard of. Before I continue, can I just say that this is the most confusing card game on the face of the earth, seriously. It's the first card game I've seen, where you can actively change the entire structure of how you play, through the actual cards in the game. For example, I wish that I could tell you the goal of the game. But that seems to change every 20 seconds, there are cards in the deck that add new rules and goals to the game, there's not just a few of these cards in the deck. There is literally about thirty of them and that's just cards that change the rules of the game.

Rules can vary from simply changing the number of cards that you can hold in your hand, to making you talk in a ridiculous accent in order to play an extra card (I'm not making this up, this is an actual rule that you can add), the game gets really confusing when new rules are being added every 20 seconds. The games name is Fulx,it's based on Monty Python. Which probably explains why it's so convoluted. It's an awesome game and I really enjoy playing it (makes you look like a twat if you play it in public but it's still good fun).

Before I go I would like to apologize for my post last week. I feel that it was winy and just me getting down on myself. Sorry for that.

On a happier note, anyone have a YouTube channel that they vlog or post content on? I've got my own channel but just wanted to know if anyone else made videos.

Have an awesome week guys


Back Home

I'm back from California, but despite what I said in the title, I really don't think I'm home. I just moved back to the States, and despite the fact I was born here, I've spent the majority of my life in Canada. To me, that's my real home. I really miss it.

On the plus side, California was great, if a little cold. I left ninety degree weather to something a good twenty five degrees colder. So, yeah...I was half asleep when we were crossing the Golden Gate Bridge, so i didn't take a picture of the most gorgeous sunset. I remember thinking that I should pull out my camera, but I didn't...

I'm about average at sports, I guess. I'm awful at many of them, but I'm a Tae Kwon Do black belt and a dancer, so those bump up my score by a lot.

Hatred of the week. I mentioned I'm a dancer, but I do classical. And a major part of classical are dance dramas. I loathe them with a passion. Enough said.

Class starts next week. I'm going to be attending an advanced high school, so I'm a bit nervous. I honestly think I only got in because they wanted more internationals.

Since I'm bubbling with excitement over this, I am going to tell you about my Pottermore registration thingie.

I have had really bad luck. First day, I was going to California. My flight was at six in the morning, and I live an hour away from the airport. I stayed up all night, but registration wasn't open by the time I had to leave. When I got to the airport, it was closed.

Second and third day, I fell asleep. Fourth day, I got in. My username is Ashlumos100. Not bad, I guess.

So, I'm going to get some sleep.



Recent Events, Sports, and Things

I've been paying attention to the BBC's London Riots coverage.  It's just an awful thing that has been happening the past few days.  I just can't wrap my head around why a large group of people would do something like this.  They are obviously going to get punished and they won't accomplish anything.

When it comes to sports, I'm about average, or maybe just a bit above average.  This year I will be on my school's Volleyball team and in the spring I will be doing Track and Field.  For track and field I just do Pole Vaulting, unless they need me for sprints.  I usually like being active.  I ride my bike everyday and it's my main form of transportation.

It's a shortish post this week.  See ya next week,

PS: I prefer Apple.  I just love the company and their products, even though the only thing I actually own is an Ipod Nano from around 2007.  I use Microsoft and it works perfectly fine, I just would love to have a Macbook.


An apology

First things first, I'm really sorry that I've missed my last two posts, I have reasonably legitimate excuses but I've never liked making excuses so I'll just promise that I'll not let other commitments get on top of me in the future :)

Anyway, there's little new in my life at the moment. It all just seems to have ground to a halt now that I'm waiting for my results. Just ten more days to go.

I really enjoyed the live stream of vidcon, charlies talk had to be one of the best. Also, on a youtube related note one of my friends steafan has started his music career. He's into literally all music (no exaggeration) but he's started making rock/dance music please check it out at 19steafan92 on youtube. It's really good even if it's not what i'd normally listen to.
There's normally a cliché that nerds don't like sports (although John from vlogbrothers loves football). I personally am a bit of a sport fanatic and I was wondering what the rest of you guys think.

Anyway, that's all for me, DFTBA

P.S. When I say football I'm talking about soccer

People Are Strange

This will be short, for I am tired. Its 12:23 in the morning on Sunday. You must be wondering why I'm posting so early, and that is because I'm in North Carolina visiting people and family. I want to say that deep down I like or possibly love this place, but that would be bullshit. I hate it here.
I would like to know where Adam went. Just wondering. Also happy belated birthday Campion! I know, but I would feel rude if I didn't say it. I'm a Microsoft gal. My reason: "Apple is so simple its confusing."-My dad. I decided against joining Pottermore early. I'll be going camping when the sun comes up, so no internet. Read your posts when I return on Wednesday.
P.S. Yay for sunflower growth.
P.P.S. My computer broke :( so I have to use my sisters.


Mr. Face is coming to get you!!!

Yeah... that title is completely unrelated to my post, but if you get the video game reference then you are officially awesome. DVBS is over as of today and I'm heading back to Thunder Bay on Sunday for the rest of my summer. Besides helping with that I've pretty much been lazing around and occasionally going to the beach. And of course visiting with Deidra.
I have quite a bit of Pokemon merchandise too, I never played the card game though, I just collected the cards for fun. The Doctor Who bear sounds like a really really cute idea. I love stuffed animals and I even made one for my sister last christmas so if we decide to come up with a design for it or something I might be able to make an actual teddy.

I haven't got a Pottermore account and wasn't really planning to until October. The first I heard of the early registration was in Kate's post and I'm not super eager to get on the new site so I'll just wait until it officially opens. I think I would be a Ravenclaw mostly because I'm top student in my grade, I get scared easily, I can't ever find anything when I need it, and I don't really want to be in Slytherin. If I get put in a different house though I'm not too worried.

I'm 100% Microsoft for the time being simply because it's what I've always used and it works for what I need so I don't see a point in changing. The iPad seems really cool though so I probably want to try that out sometime.

Happy Belated Birthday Campion! Deidra was telling me that you said you and your brother are 3 years and one day apart agewise and I think that's kinda cool because it's the same for my sister and I. We're 3 years appart and her birthday is the day before mine.

Here's my flowers again, they haven't grown much taller, but they have more leaves.

Anyways I'm gonna go now... so DFTBA


Timezones Are No Fun

   I really have no energy or excitement to write today. I have caught a stupid cold, and during summer of all times! It's all nice and warm outside, and the pool is all sparkling blue and inviting, but I can't do anything because I'm sleepy and drowsy and my head is all stuffed up with tiny chickens. I'm now just facing the tail end of it, but it's still really annoying. I haven't been sick during the summer since I was at least ten years old.

   Anyway, today is a special day because it is Campion's birthday! Well, technically it is and it isn't, but only because timezones are so confusing. Anyway, it is for me here, so Happy Birthday Campion! I hope you had a good day, despite your seeming dislike for the day, and here is a special Internet treat from us to you. Six cupcakes from your six blogging companions. Hope you like .jpeg flavour. 

   Kira, I must say that I am a Microsoft person, only because I have never had or used Apple. I have heard people say it is better for video and music stuff, and since I am not really into those types of things, I see no real need to try Apple. That, and I know how to use Microsoft, and I don't take well to change.
   Congratulations Kate on getting into Pottermore. I personally don't really see any sense of rushing to get in early, as there will be more than enough time once it officially opens. And then crashes due to high traffic. That, and I'm not really all that excited for it. Harry Potter was amazing, but I don't really think that an online 'world' will be able to measure up in any way to it. It seems more like something created to keep the fandom alive, and I believe that the fans would have been able to do that on their own.
   Katie, I am extremely jealous that you have all of those Pokémon cards! I used to have a few dozen, but I think my mom sold them in a garage sale a few years ago, which is really depressing now. I looked at the Doctor Cat comic, and it is really cute. Definitely one I will be following in the future. I think your idea for a mascot is great, and a Doctor Who Bear sounds cool. I will try to design something. Also, why do you want a rooster/chicken? Would you raise it as a pet, or for food in the future? (Which would suck since you named it and everything.)
   I read a few webcomics, Cyanide and Happiness being one of them. It may be offensive and depressing a lot of the time, but I think it also makes you look at the world in a different way. It kind of shows you the things that people don't like to think about because they are horrible, but the fact is they are there and they are true (for the most part). Another comic I read is Bug, which is really funny. It pretty much makes fun of the world through the eyes of a bug. This one has always been my favourite comic, mostly because it's basically the truth, and it references nerd-ism.

   I hope you guys have a good week, and don't forget to be awesome!


Three Birthdays

It's my birthday on Thursday (due to time zone differences, for me it's today), I'm usually not one to be excited by my own birthday. Other peoples I'm fine with but when it comes to mine, I guess I just find it depressing. Not sure why but I just do, this current birthday hasn't been the best but I'm still trying to make an attempt to enjoy myself. I got friend-zoned yesterday, if you know what that is, then you know that it isn't exactly the most fun thing in the world, funny how the same thing happened to me last last year.

Anyway, enough about depressing stuff. My brothers birthday is the day before mine, for his birthday he got Starcraft II. A game I've wanted to play for quite a while and since it was my birthday today, he was kind enough to let me play.

I share my birthday with a very special Nerdfighter named Ester, who died a few years ago. DFTBA Ester, may you rest in peace, nerdfighteria will always love and remember you.

Hope you guys have an awesome week


Kira Didn't Leave a Title

So, I'm going to California for a week. Family trip. By the time you read this, I'll already be there, but I'm writing this on Saturday. I'm leaving in a few hours, so...yeah. I'm going to ask my fellow Nerdfighters to post this for me. I'm going to say things like I would if I were writing this on Tuesday, like I'm supposed to be doing.
Sunday was Harry Potter and J.K Rowling's birthday, so a very happy birthday to them. Did anyone get a Pottermore beta invite? If so, congrats!
Now, random tangent about Harry Potter over.
I recently moved back to the States from my long time home of Ontario. I am really craving company. This blog gives me something to do, and for that I am eternally grateful. I mean, there are only so many hours you can play the flute.
So, I'm going to ask you all a question. Apple or Microsoft? I'm an Apple girl myself. In fact, I'm writing this on my iPad.
Music recommendation time! My Chemical Romance. Yes, dorky, I know. But they seem to put a lot into their music, effort, heart, and all that jazz. There are better musicians out there, with less primitive songs, but MCR just plays with all they have.
Thank you to whoever is nice enough to post this for me!



Too Tired To Think of a Title

As you know, Vidcon was this weekend.  It really bummed me out since I couldn't go.  I did watch the live show that they livestreamed (you can check that out on the Vicon Youtube page).  It was very funny and especially Charlie doing not so PG things.  Charlie mentioned that he and Alex would be spending a lot of time in America with Michael and it seemed that he was hinting that they would go on a tour.  If that's true it would be so amazing to see them live and meet them, which is something I never expected to do.

I was wondering if any of you have gotten a Pottermore account yet.  The past two days registration was over before I woke up, and that was at 6 AM my time (I had to get up early for Volleyball conditioning).  I, personally, define myself as a Ravenclaw.  I knew I was either a Hufflepuff or a Ravenclaw, but I went with Ravenclaw since I am no good at finding things.  Once I do get on Pottermore, whether it be this week or October, I'll probably have a hard time adjusting if placed in a different house.

My favorite food? It's such a hard question... I love most food.  I'm one of the few people who actually likes my school lunch.
I haven't seen any of the Transformers movies though I would like to even though I'm not usually into movies that have a lot of action.
I loved Pokemon, I still do.  My favorite generations are the first and third, like Pokemon Blue and Pokemon Emerald. It's hard to pick favorites (it's always hard for me to pick favorites) but I like mudkip, moltres, and pikachu.  I usually can't get over how cute pikachu is.
I don't read any webcomics but I do sometimes go take a look at Cyanide & Happiness. I find the some of those really funny because of the simple humor and randomness that can take place.