
Kira Didn't Leave a Title

So, I'm going to California for a week. Family trip. By the time you read this, I'll already be there, but I'm writing this on Saturday. I'm leaving in a few hours, so...yeah. I'm going to ask my fellow Nerdfighters to post this for me. I'm going to say things like I would if I were writing this on Tuesday, like I'm supposed to be doing.
Sunday was Harry Potter and J.K Rowling's birthday, so a very happy birthday to them. Did anyone get a Pottermore beta invite? If so, congrats!
Now, random tangent about Harry Potter over.
I recently moved back to the States from my long time home of Ontario. I am really craving company. This blog gives me something to do, and for that I am eternally grateful. I mean, there are only so many hours you can play the flute.
So, I'm going to ask you all a question. Apple or Microsoft? I'm an Apple girl myself. In fact, I'm writing this on my iPad.
Music recommendation time! My Chemical Romance. Yes, dorky, I know. But they seem to put a lot into their music, effort, heart, and all that jazz. There are better musicians out there, with less primitive songs, but MCR just plays with all they have.
Thank you to whoever is nice enough to post this for me!


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