Hello, how is everyone doing today? I had a pretty nice week so I'm in a good mood right now. I spent all day cleaning my house and breaking in my new awesome boots that I bought. I also spent some time outside watching at least 6 hummingbirds fly around and play with each other. They were really cute. We set up a hummingbird feeder every year and this is about the time that the babies are big enough to fly so they're always hanging around. I also got back in a writing mood and managed to write out another page for my short story. Also they were having a sale on classic novels at Coles yesterday so I bought 3 and started reading Journey to the Centre of the Earth. It's pretty good so far.
The closest thing my school has to a debs is what Deidra said: prom. I went in grade 9, skipped 10 and 11, but I plan to go this year. Our school is so small though it's really just a fancy dance with food trays and punch. And yes Deidra you are coming with me whether you want to or not. We don't even have to stay for the whole thing, but you have to be there for some amount of time. The only way I see you getting out of it is if you go to the Halloween dance instead and then we can just have our anti-prom as per usual.
I hope your computer gets fixed soon Katie and have fun at school! Kate good luck with volleyball practice and school starting next week. Kira I spent 7 or 8 years learning to play the piano. It was fun at first when I was younger, but as I got older I just kind of stopped liking it (also I realized I hate being in front of people speaking or performing...) so I quit. I can probably still play some things on there, but it's been about a year since I last played so I'd probably be a bit rusty.
Campion your excitement over snow makes me smile, mostly because where I live we get snow for about 6 months of the year. It's cool that you had so much fun with it though. : ) I'm glad you had such an awesome day.
Theme weeks sound good to me, we should just choose someone to start and they can come up with the first theme. Then the next week the next person in line can choose the new weeks theme. Also I don't think the themes have to be about fall, it could be anything like a movie week, book week, pet week, nature week, food week, hobby week, family week, etc, etc. It could really be anything and we would all be free to write whatever we want about that theme.
DFTBA everyone!
a fall theme was only a suggestion because it is turning seasons here, and it only occured to me later on that things are different eslewhere but you know what? i was super tired and not thinking straight, so i think we can all laugh that one off. agreed? okaii. thanks. :/
ReplyDeleteI used to enjoy the piano, but then...I don't know. It just didn't work for me. I am awful at mutitasking, so I found it hard to play two different things with two different hands. Call me stupid, but it's true. My truly wonderful friend got me into the flute, and my lab partner's sister wants to teach me the violin.
ReplyDeleteThat's not stupid, I had some trouble with it as well. I was constantly making my left hand louder when it was supposed to be the softer melody of the tune. I also found some pieces difficult to play because the notes you had to play for one hand were really far apart and I have smallish hands to it was hard to reach. :/ Good luck if you do decide to learn to play the violin, I heard it was a bit difficult.
ReplyDeleteThanks! I really want to learn the violin...and while my lab partner's twin sister wants to teach me that, my lab parter himself wants to hang out and practice the flute together, so that's pretty cool.