

Today was my first day of my sophmore (10th grade) year.  My school always say that they try to spread out the harder classes in your schedule, but that didn't happen for me.
My classes this quarter and next are:
AP US Government  (next quarter) Personal Fitness
Biology -all semester
English 10 Honors - all semester
Algebra 2 Honors - all semester
Plus I have orchestra.

Even though it was the first day of school, I still got 2 hours worth of homework.  I had to read all of Chapter 1 from my US Gov book, and I had worksheets from Algebra and English.  It's going to be a very stressful semester.  Volleyball also makes things harder because I won't get home before 6 PM because of practice everyday.
I won't have very much free time this first semester of school.  I know I won't have time to to check Tumblr and YouTube everyday, which is a bummer.

Don't get me wrong, I love school, just not these classes I'm taking.  They will probably get better, though... hopefully :)  Doesn't stop me from looking forward to the weekends and seasonal vacations.

When it comes to instruments, I play the violin and I am in the process of learning the guitar.  I'm taking watching videos from youtube by this guy called Justin, he's a really good teacher.  As of today, I can play 6 songs, a few of which are songs by Nerdfighters.
I'm glad you are happy with your test score, Adam! I'm only about half way into the third series, but I really like the episode in which Rose and the Doctor have to say goodbye.  It made me cry.  You might have already written a song about it considering it was kind of a big thing, but that's been my favorite bit so far.

Only 178* more days left of school!
Best Wishes, Kate

*Estimated number, probably far off from the true number

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