
Numb Mind

   This post is going to be short, because I am extremely tired. I had to get up at 4:30 this morning to drive into the city for my driving lesson and to pick up my niece for the week, and then my mom decided it was a good time to go back to school shopping. (I HATE SHOPPING). I was pretty nervous about everything, so I didn't sleep much during the night, and I couldn't sleep at all during the drive up, which is strange because usually sleep amazingly in vehicles. The lesson itself went pretty alright, and I might write a post on my personal blog about it another day if I get around to it.

   Adam, I can't wait to hear about your exam results. I'm sure you did great, and all of your worrying will have been for nothing. I think the Canadian equivilant of debs would be prom, which at my high school happens every year for all of the students to attend, since it is so small. But I am the kind of person who seriously dislikes dances, so I have never been to prom, or any of my school's dances. My friends hate me for it, but I don't care. Apparently I am being hijacked for prom this year, and have no choice in the matter though. So we will see how that goes.
   I remember my freshman year of highschool, Katie. I was also super nervous. Thank god my school is small, or else I probably would have had a panic attack or something. I hope you get your computer fixed soon. 
   Kate, I don't know how you survive through practices that early in the morning. I hate getting up in the morning, and am definetely a night person. School is wierd over there. Here we get our schedules in the beginning of summer, along with our reports from the last year, so we already know our classes and teachers. Though we have to wait for the first day to get our lockers, since the school is going through stupid renovations.
   I'm sure you did fine on your entrance test, Kira. Tests always seem worse after you take them. I took piano lessons for a year, but never played after that. I am not really a music person. The concepts are all lost to me.

   I think a theme week would be a good idea. Although I don't really know what kind of theme we could have. I would suggest a back to school theme, but everyone's schooling is kind of different and spaced out differently. Maybe a fall or autumn type theme? I don't know.
   Anyway, this got way longer than I intended, so I am going to go to bed now. Don't forget to be awesome, and all that nerdy stuff.


  1. I don't think we could do an Autumn theme because it's Winter in New Zealand and it's nearly springtime here

  2. See, I got in, so I might have done well. Either that or they wanted more internationals. I just started high school, and I go to a small one, so it's not bad. Not too many crazies.
