I actually have a couple of things to talk about today, all of them good. First of all, my sister is coming to visit for the weekend!!!! She decided last minute to fly up here for a quick visit and so we're going to pick her up from the airport later tonight. I'm really excited that she's coming, my sister is awesome.
Secondly, they were having a sale at Chapters on these language learning pack things so I picked one up cheap for Japanese, which is a language I've been wanting to learn for a while. I haven't started yet, but I will soon, I flipped through the book it came with and it looks like it'll be an interesting experience.
Thirdly, I'm not 100% on the idea yet, but I think I've decided what I'm going to aim to become when I'm older. A veterinarian. I really like animals and I'm good in all my science and math classes so I think it is a good decision. And I have to start out taking 2 years of general science courses in university before I can even apply for the vet program so it gives me time to get more experience with animals and fully come to my decision. It sucks a bit though because it means I'm going to probably have to take physics again this year which I was hoping to avoid.
Finally, this isn't really as big or exciting, but my mom just baked some pulla and it smells delicious so I think I'm going to go eat some right now. =)
As for Dr. Who episodes that I liked, well.... The Empty Child was good, Evolution of the Daleks was also pretty cool, Midnight, and The Idiot's Lantern was not bad as well. I also like the Ood and K-9, they're probably my fave non-human characters.
My favourite charity is probably the World Wildlife Fund because as I said before I really like animals and we humans can really screw them over sometimes. Two years ago my sister "adopted" a tiger in my name for Christmas and last year my parents "adopted" a polar bear in my name as well. Another one would be the MS Society because I remember taking part in the read-a-thons that they had for elementary school kids and I think that's great because it raises money for a good cause and gets kids reading at the same time.
I checked out your youtube channel Campion, it was fun to watch so I do hope you keep it up.
As for school I don't have my schedule on hand at the moment but I'm going to be in 12U English, 12U Advanced Functions, and 12U Biology first semester. Then 12U Chemistry, 12U Data Management, and 12U Calculus second semester. *12U means grade 12 University level if you were wondering* Like I mentioned above I may have to take 12U Physics as well and I was thinking of taking 11U Art for fun, but I might not be able too if I'm too busy with my other classes. I'm not looking forward to my English class because I have the same teacher that taught it last year and she made her last class write tons and tons of essays.
And yeah, that's about it I think,
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