Its afternoon here and its a pretty normal day. I'm on the computer in my basement waiting out hurricane Irene. Yup I live on the east coast and its ridiculous how serious [and not serious] people are taking the hurricane. I think it will be okay and nothing will go wrong. So I'm waiting for the hurricane to prove me wrong. Nothing so far. People are actually taking surfboards to the beach still, and are still on the roads even though it is highly suggested to stay indoors.
Okay so I just realized I didn't answer questions from last week in my post so I will do that now.
I play the clarinet, guitar, piano, and I have tried really hard to gain a saxophone. I actually seriously considered buying one from Luke [http://www.youtube.com/user/LukeIsNotSexy] but I didn't have the money. I also play a mean glockenspiel. That's about all I can play, for now. Favorite Doctor Who, well most recently its "The Doctor's Wife" which is the episode Neil Gaiman wrote. I thought last nights episode was good, for the most part. it had a few good [even great] twists, but nothing I didn't already suspect would happen. Not sure if you guys caught it last night so I won't mention the parts I enjoyed or the ones I thought were, well eh.Adam I'm glad you had a good time at the debs, you looked good, and "Prom King"! Glad the suit was all business. Campion your YouTube channel is awesome, I hope you keep making videos. Kayla sounds like everything is going awesome, and that's great! Kate and Kira I hope your classes do get better. Deidra I'm sorry about the whole prom situation, I'm not one for dances, though I still go to be with friends.
I've been doing a lot of listening and watching lately. Like right now I'm listening to Maureen Johnson read from her book "The Name of the Star" on blogtv. As for watching...well I have Buffy the Vampire Slayer on my computer.
I technically start school this Thursday, so I hope that goes well. And my favorite charity is A Wish Come True, which is like Make A Wish where they give a child their wish. An example would be how A Wish Come True sent me to Disney World when I was eight. The same charity sent my second oldest brother to Disney World when he was four. So they were and are a big part of my life, therefor I deem them my favorite.
That's about all I have to say this Sunday.
P.S. I don't have to take algebra two apparently, ever. Just thought you should know. :)
I am very jealous, you know that?