Today was the start of Volleyball practice. All this week we have practice 6:30 am - 8 am and then 4pm-6pm. Next week will be the first week of school, so I'll just have practice after.
Last Wednesday I had orientation. I picked up my yearbook and then ordered a this coming year's yearbook. Apparently on the freshman get their class schedules because they have to tour and familiarize themselves with the school, so the rest of us only get to know our classes, teachers, and lockers the first day of school. Which I think is pretty ridiculous. I had been looking forward to discovering the teachers I was assigned.
Kira, I like your Pottermore username a better than I like mine. Mine is Dustrain174. I didn't like at first but I'm starting to.
I personally I think that game sounds like a lot of fun. At first I'd definitely be confused but I can imagine after awhile I'd have great time with it.
Deidra, I have been lazy with learning to drive, too. The same goes for my brother. I could have taken driver's education over the summer, but than I would've had to miss my cousin's wedding. My mom might make me get my learner's permit so she can teach me how to drive a stick shift car. i guess I wouldn't mind that.
I hope your computer starts to work for you Katie!
Also, I think having themed weeks would be fun.
Dustrain174, huh? I like.