
Back to school next week (fake enthusiasm)

Well, my holidays are almost up. I go back to school on Tuesday next week, so that means that I have about five days left of freedom... and most likely I will use them by doing absolutely nothing. Well I've had a pretty good holiday and I suppose that all that I really wanted to do was just, well, nothing. I found a few good hobbies  during my time off, like watching bad movies and MSTing bad fan fiction so it wasn't a complete waste of time. This year is supposed to be my last year of high school and I'm certain that it will be a lot better than last year. Last year I had three subjects which I absolutely hated, Accounting, Maths and Biology and now this year I don't have to take a single one of them!

About immortality. Well I think that what you would get out of it depends on the person. Some people couldn't stand to be around forever whilst others would relish the opportunity and enjoy it. Given the choice, I would chose to be immortal. I've asked people this question a lot and all of them have answered with mortality. Well, everyone I asked were my friends, so it's possible that at our young age, we have our whole lives ahead and we think that's enough for one person. But I guess that if you asked someone the same question who was say, 85 their answer could be completely different. All that I'm saying is that it depends on the person. Not only but there is the saying that with age comes wisdom, so with immortality you could learn so much more about life than one single mortal person could. There is the problem of having to watch all of your loved ones die but a mortal live is full of that anyway. In our own lives we will be forced to watch people that we love die, it's just that an immortal would be full to an even greater extent. But personally, I would chose to be immortal. Well that's my 2 cents on the subject.

Anyway, I'm sorry for missing last week but I was really sick and I ended up sleeping the entire day but I'm much better now (sort of).

So have an awesome week guys

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