
Too Much Stuff, Not Enough Space

I'm completely overwhelmed by everything/one lately. I can't seem to be able to function as a person. I also know for sure that I could never be a teacher. Never. Career list just got smaller.

I meant to post last week but fell very ill on Friday. So here I am, perfectly not okay. I don't want to complain, because I don't want to bore you, but I can't seem to do anything else lately.

I'm going to do some Chemistry work for a bit... hopefully I'll get it done so I can stop worrying about it. Nope. I was already a day late handing it in, because it was due friday. But then time decided to keep moving and I turned it in digitally at 12:10 am. Awesome. I'm going to continue posting since I'm already up.

I have hardly any recollection of the week prior. This week is still in my memory for now. I went camping with my class, a total of 42-45 kids. It was okay, but it rained a lot and tents were flooded, plans canceled. We didn't really get to do much. I just turned in the biggest weight on my shoulders. That Chemistry assignment was brutal on every fiber of my being. We had to create lesson plans to then be executed during a class period of 90 minutes. Never again. The career I've never wanted is to be a teacher, and yet I get stuck doing lesson plans for homework. Really not jokes.

I'm trying to do The October Fest that Carrie started, with my own books, but I'm not sure how accomplished this project will be for me. I'm still trying to decide whether or not I want to do NaNo this year. We'll see.

I'm that person who e-mails my friends funny videos from my subscriptions or articles I find on Twitter. And I've recently discovered that one of my old friends from middle school watches a lot of the same YouTubers. I think she might be a potential/ already Nerdfighter which is pretty awesome.

The Life of Pi is really great so far. I started reading Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman. If you have any scary books you would recommend that would be great because I plan on participating in All Hallows Read. You just read a scary book in the month of October or on Halloween.

Kayla I think your hair looks great. The style seems to really work for you. I never really thought too much about other people reading our blog. Strange. HELLO INTERNETZ! Anyway...

Campion to address both your questions: I don't play video games much. I like The Binding of Isaac. It's about all I really play. I've attempted Kingdom Hearts, but have never been very good at it. Scribblenauts is a fairly good game. And Tetris. Man I love Tetris. Otherwise I'm more of a music person. As for favorite fictional character... Too many. Books seem almost too hard so I'll stick with television. I like the show Once Upon A Time, and it just came out with its second season. The character addaptions are good most the time.I don't think I can choose one character from anything. Their each so different from each other.

Now I kind of want to talk about television. There is a show that just came out called The Partners which was written by the same people of the brilliant Will & Grace. That show is really awesome. It's almost like the web series The Husbands, but the characters are not both gay nor married to one another. I finished Sherlock. A million times better than Elementary, which I did watch the first two episodes to see what it was going to be like. Really awful compared to Sherlock. Utter nonsense. Also why is almost all crime shows based in New York? Like trouble doesn't happen anywhere else. Community is almost back. I can taste the awesome in the air.

I'm glad the Ponds are gone. I cried, I'll admit it. To be honest though I don't think Moffat is doing very well. The episodes aren't really stringed together and very wish-washy. Anybody else feel that? The guest writers seem to know more about Doctor Who than he does. 

Almost one in the morning. Hope I didn't leave anything out. Have a nice Sunday.


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