
I Hope Someone Woke Up Green Day.

I swear I was going to write this two hours ago, but my dad took me to Walmart.  We were only going for a few things - snacks for volleyball and cooking oil - but somehow the trip managed to last an hour.

So, unfortunately a kid from school may have committed suicide over the weekend.  The autopsy hasn't come in yet, but people say he downed 5 months worth of his insulin medication.  I never knew the guy, didn't even recognize his face, and none of my close friends will knew him, but I found myself wanting to hug most of the people I saw crying.  Three years in a row someone close to people have died.  My freshman year, a kid from the towns Catholic school was killed in a car crash.  Last year, my sophomore year, a teacher committed suicide, and now this.

Doctor Who spoilers maybe?  Instead of going to homecoming (which isn't that much fun anyway), I went over to a friends house and together we watched Doctor Who.  I also believed Amy and Rory would have a nice ending, but, haha, no. I was wrong.  It definitely thought it was sad.  I think if my friend and I would have been watching the episode alone, instead of with each other, we both would have cried. Instead we just kind of laughed how random comments until the end in which we sat in silence.  I didn't even tear up. Though I have gotten teary eyed seeing gifs and posts on Tumblr.

My top five video games are as follows:
1. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
2. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
3. Pokemon
4. World of Warcraft
5. Sonic Adventure Battle 2

I'm prefer Nintendo overall, but mostly just from the Game Cube and earlier consoles.  All of these on the list have been in my life for years.  The Sonic one was a special favorite of mine. How I got into World of Warcraft is actually a (somewhat) funny story.

I was 10 and my brother was 15.  He had gotten into the game, but my parents weren't sure of letting him continue to play it.  That's when he decided he'd teach me to play so that I could be on his side when he told our parents it was a great game.  Once I actually got into the game, he regretted his decision as we then had to split the computer time and share an account.  I still play it every so often now, when I have money and I'm not busy all the time, and we both have separate accounts.

It's banned books week and my school's library actually has a shelf now dedicated to certain banned books. I picked up "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close."  I'm only 6 pages in, but I love it.  I hope I continue to enjoy it.

And, plot twist, O Pioneers! was actually a good book in my opinion.  Sure, this is the third out of all three books we've had to read for American Lit that had a bad ending, but I enjoyed more than Huck Finn nonetheless.

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