
My room is a mess, I have tons of work to do, and I watched Doctor Who because it's more important.

I need to get more sleep. All this week I've been up late and it is really taking a toll on me. I hope to catch up a bit this long weekend (Happy early Canadian Thanksgiving all!). But I also have to get a lot of studying done since midterms are coming up in a week. 

Hmm what else have I been up to... there's a Sears closing in the mall so they've been having a sale for the longest while to get rid of a bunch of stuff. I ended up buying a dress, a one piece outfit and a vest thing for 30 bucks. I love when things are on sale. I was also considering buying a mannequin but it would have cost me over 50 bucks and I couldn't think of any real good reason to have it other than I kind of wanted it. 

I went to the first Anime Club meeting on the weekend. I had fun, met some cool people. We didn't do much anime watching the first day, it was more of a social, get to know each other kind of thing. The day after I went on a tour of all the anime related stores within reasonable distance from campus. Needless to say I bought some manga, pocky, and this thing called a Giant Caplico. You guys have to try a Giant Caplico if you ever can, they are heavenly. They'd probably be found near the pocky if you find a store that has some.

I just watched all the Doctor Who episodes over the past couple days, I saw the last one just this evening. I agree with you Adam, I liked how the Rory/Amy story wrapped up. I also cried quite a bit, it was just so intense and really well acted out. On another DW note, I really loved Oswin. She seems like she'll be an interesting companion. It'll be interesting to see how the whole situation gets played out. 

In other news I got my hair cut on Monday. Some of you may have seen my picture on tumblr or facebook but I'll post it here anyway. I'm really liking the sidecut, it looks good when I leave my hair curly too if I do say so myself. 

In other not so fun news apparently there was a big recall of a bunch of beef products here in Canada due to it being contaminated with a bad strain of E coli. So I'm going to be staying away from eating any beef for a while if I can help it. 

I started watching Dexter (because I totally needed to start another tv series, it's not like I have a million others to finish already). It's alright so far, nothing too exciting but I'm enjoying it. My sister said her friend who was really into the show told her it gets really good by the 3rd season so I guess that's something to look forward to. 

HAHAHA haha ha hah ha..... Campion you are so funny. Yes it is totally possible for me to choose a favourite fictional character out of all the tv shows, movies, books, etc that I've seen. *note sarcasm* I can't even begin to narrow it down, there are just so many that I like for so many different reasons I really don't think I can compare them and choose just one that's the best.

Also I bought a bunch of posters so I'm just gonna post a bunch of pictures of them now because I can. (Still considering buying more Doctor Who, Supernatural and Sherlock ones... will depend on if I'm willing to spend the money)

Hope you guys all had good weeks and hope your next week goes even better!

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