
I thought of a pun for this title that had to do with the date, but it made me want to facepalm, so I'm not titling this post that.

I just felt like putting that as the title.

This week isn't very busy for me, but I do have All State orchestra auditions coming up, so I'll be practicing everyday and ahhhhhh I am so nervous.

Your question is one I can't answer, Campion.  I have around ten different favorite character, though I'm sure I could make a list of twenty-five if I wanted to.

Deidra, I can't wait to hear you what you thought of JK Rowling's new book.  I'm hoping to read it soon.  I'm about half way through Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, and it is really good. The only major thing that I dislike about the book is it's formatting.  A bunch of dialogue will be in one paragraph or, depending on the character that's narrating, the whole chapter will be one paragraph.

I also got an Avenger's poster. It's like the picture shown, without all the words at the bottom.  I have four other big posters in my room - two band posters, a Jack Sparrow poster, and a Super Mario Bros. Wii poster.  It would be awesome to get Hank, Katherine, Michael, and Charlie to sign the Mario poster.  What posters do you all have in your rooms?  Also did any of you watch the Hank and Katherine (with Michael and Charlie sometimes) Play Super Mario Bros Wii? If you haven't and you are looking for something to do.  Definitely give it a chance.  It's hilarious and suspenseful.  I almost hit my laptop a few times watching it.

Katie, I already know for sure I won't be doing NaNo this year.  Well... probably.  I have a week of October after volleyball ends, and that is when I will make my final decision.  Unless I have a ton of time even with homework, I most likely will not be participating.

Well, Adam... I think we have some pretty amazing zoos and theme parks here in the USA.  It is a big country and the vlogbrothers are here, of course.  Also Hollywood. I haven't really been out of the midwest much. I think Katie would be much better suited for answering this question as she traveled through many of the states.

I'm gonna leave this post at that.  I have two essays I need to write, one for English and one for Math.
Hope you all feel great

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