Sorry I didn't post last week. I'm not sure if the fact that hardly anyone posted makes me feel better or worse about not posting. Maybe it's both.
Tomorrow is Hallowe'en, and I'm really excited. I'm going to be answering the door dressed as the Joker. Or, I guess, a witch if I get lazy, which I probably will. Maybe Abigail from the Crucible. Sorry, that was a terrible joke. Don't mind me. The Joker would be awesome, but the costume would require a lot of effort, and clowns are freaky. It is also Lily and James Potter's death anniversary tomorrow. And that of Nearly Headless Nick. That is sad.
Kate, I was never big on toys as a kid, but my favourite, favourite, has to be a stuffed elephant I have. It's super soft and super cuddly, and it sits right on top of my battered copy of Peter Pan on my bookshelf. I have had both of those for years and they both mean a lot to me, despite the fact Peter Pan has to be one of the most disturbing books ever. This is coming from a girl who curls up with a Stephen King novel and a mug of hot chocolate on a regular basis.
Kayla, every year I tell myself I'm going to do NaNo and every year, I back out. I'd love to try someday, but it always seems like work gets in the way. I'm a sophomore in high school, so work probably shouldn't be an excuse, but it is.
Sorry, Deidra. We're not all dead! I'm a hypocrite. I get kind of concerned when any of you misses a post, but I miss them all the time. I guess that's not exactly hypocrisy, but it's kind of ironic. I don't know what I'm saying any more. Also, I am sorry about your fish.
Adam, it's funny you say that you're going as Eleven, because a friend of mine dressed up as Ten for a spirit event at school a while ago. He even had a Sonic Screwdriver. I ended up hooking my iPod up to a speaker and playing Doctor Who music whenever he walked down the hall. I think he tried to be annoyed, but it didn't work very well.
This week I have emulated Katie in a way greater than usual - I'm using multiple colours, obviously. I like it. It looks pretty. And less ostentatious than a couple of weeks ago, when I tried the same thing. I think that time I just used colours that were too harsh.
I should get going. Enjoy your weeks and never forget to be awesome.
Not A Very Spooktacular Monday
I always feel like I should start my post off with an excuse every time I miss a week,, but I know that is not what you guys necessarily want to read, so I won't. But I will tell you about last Monday.
Last Monday was my last volleyball game Ever. I am not doing it next year, and intramurals aren't really my thing, so I won't be doing any in college. The only time I can really see myself doing anything volleyball like is just passing the ball and messing around with friends.
The PSAT is the Preliminary SAT, and the SAT is the Scholastic Assessment Test. The SAT is a required test for most universities and colleges on the coast, but most midwestern colleges prefer the ACT (American College Test). There's also the PLAN test, which all the sophomores had to take last year, which is like a practice ACT. I scored high on that last year, and it predicts my ACT score to be 32-34, which is really high (and I doubt I'll get that high of a score the first time I take it). The ACT and SAT are graded differently, too.
I haven't dressed up for Halloween in a long time. My shyness held me back as a kid. If I wasn't to old and if I had the money to make/buy the costume, I would love to dress up as Link from the Legend of Zelda. The way my bangs/fringe fall when they aren't tucked behind me ears look a lot alike Link's hair, so all I would have to do is dye my hair blonde and get the green cap to hide the rest of my hair.
I'm pretty sure I'll be doing NaNo this year. Hopefully the story line I have written will last the 50,000 words. I think one of the reasons why I managed to be successful last year was my competitiveness. I'm not necessarily competitive in sports, but I am definitely competitive when it comes to academics and challenges (like NaNo) that I set for myself. For me it is almost like trying to do well on a test like the PSAT. I know if I don't finish or I score lower
On one hand Katie, your lucky for getting out of school, but then on the other hand, you aren't very lucky. It seems as if everyone on the coast is talking about Hurricane Sandy, and everyone here in the Midwest is just going around business as usual. That's one reason living here is good. We don't have to worry about hurricanes, though I do live in Tornado valley.
My cats just pulled out one of my favorite toys from my childhood, my woody doll. I think it was actually my brother's and I stole it from him at a young enough age that it just stayed mine (that also happened with my favorite blanket). Woody had always been my favorite toy, I think I would still consider him to be my favorite. He means a lot to me and acted as a security doll to me when I was a kid. What are all of your favorite toys?
Happy Halloween and I hope school work isn't bogging you down too much.
Last Monday was my last volleyball game Ever. I am not doing it next year, and intramurals aren't really my thing, so I won't be doing any in college. The only time I can really see myself doing anything volleyball like is just passing the ball and messing around with friends.
The PSAT is the Preliminary SAT, and the SAT is the Scholastic Assessment Test. The SAT is a required test for most universities and colleges on the coast, but most midwestern colleges prefer the ACT (American College Test). There's also the PLAN test, which all the sophomores had to take last year, which is like a practice ACT. I scored high on that last year, and it predicts my ACT score to be 32-34, which is really high (and I doubt I'll get that high of a score the first time I take it). The ACT and SAT are graded differently, too.
I haven't dressed up for Halloween in a long time. My shyness held me back as a kid. If I wasn't to old and if I had the money to make/buy the costume, I would love to dress up as Link from the Legend of Zelda. The way my bangs/fringe fall when they aren't tucked behind me ears look a lot alike Link's hair, so all I would have to do is dye my hair blonde and get the green cap to hide the rest of my hair.
I'm pretty sure I'll be doing NaNo this year. Hopefully the story line I have written will last the 50,000 words. I think one of the reasons why I managed to be successful last year was my competitiveness. I'm not necessarily competitive in sports, but I am definitely competitive when it comes to academics and challenges (like NaNo) that I set for myself. For me it is almost like trying to do well on a test like the PSAT. I know if I don't finish or I score lower
On one hand Katie, your lucky for getting out of school, but then on the other hand, you aren't very lucky. It seems as if everyone on the coast is talking about Hurricane Sandy, and everyone here in the Midwest is just going around business as usual. That's one reason living here is good. We don't have to worry about hurricanes, though I do live in Tornado valley.
My cats just pulled out one of my favorite toys from my childhood, my woody doll. I think it was actually my brother's and I stole it from him at a young enough age that it just stayed mine (that also happened with my favorite blanket). Woody had always been my favorite toy, I think I would still consider him to be my favorite. He means a lot to me and acted as a security doll to me when I was a kid. What are all of your favorite toys?
Happy Halloween and I hope school work isn't bogging you down too much.
Working on my costume.
Hi, sorry I didn't get a chance to post last week, was very busy with college work and just didn't get the time. So hope everyone's well :)
There's not much news with me, college work is growing to ridiculous proportions. Just when I think I couldn't have more work, I actually get more work. I'm still going to get out a little this week, think I might implode otherwise. Jack White is coming to give a talk in UCD so I'm uber-excited about that. I'm a huge fan and it'll be amazing to get to see him talking about his career.
Deidra, I think halloween is celebrated in most countries, I think it originates from Ireland/Scotland/Wales or this general area, or at least that's the propaganda we were fed in school :P I'm going to a friends party halloween night, going to dress up as the 11th doctor. I wanted to go as the 10th but coats are expensive. So far I have my trousers, shirt and shoes. I know a shop where I can get suspenders and a bow-tie pretty cheap. Now I just need to figure out how to get a fez. Hopefully I'll think of something, maybe I can make one myself.
Other than that, things are quiet here. Started reading Faster by James Gleik, it's good, it's about humans obsession with time and how we measure it. It's kind of a factual/physicsy type book. Since I'm going to be in San Francisco this summer I'm pondering buying a vidcon ticket. I need to make up my mind soon, it'll be sold out soon.
That's all for me.
There's not much news with me, college work is growing to ridiculous proportions. Just when I think I couldn't have more work, I actually get more work. I'm still going to get out a little this week, think I might implode otherwise. Jack White is coming to give a talk in UCD so I'm uber-excited about that. I'm a huge fan and it'll be amazing to get to see him talking about his career.
Deidra, I think halloween is celebrated in most countries, I think it originates from Ireland/Scotland/Wales or this general area, or at least that's the propaganda we were fed in school :P I'm going to a friends party halloween night, going to dress up as the 11th doctor. I wanted to go as the 10th but coats are expensive. So far I have my trousers, shirt and shoes. I know a shop where I can get suspenders and a bow-tie pretty cheap. Now I just need to figure out how to get a fez. Hopefully I'll think of something, maybe I can make one myself.
Other than that, things are quiet here. Started reading Faster by James Gleik, it's good, it's about humans obsession with time and how we measure it. It's kind of a factual/physicsy type book. Since I'm going to be in San Francisco this summer I'm pondering buying a vidcon ticket. I need to make up my mind soon, it'll be sold out soon.
That's all for me.
I'm going to a Halloween party tonight (in an hour or so) hopefully I can be back in time to post more words.
Hurray lateness. I hope you guys to come back and read this bit. I want to clarify that I do not have a life outside the internet. It just so happens that stuff outside the internet has happened and I was there. Three major things happened.
Hurray lateness. I hope you guys to come back and read this bit. I want to clarify that I do not have a life outside the internet. It just so happens that stuff outside the internet has happened and I was there. Three major things happened.
- Halloween Dance Friday the 19th
- PSAT's Saturday the 20th
- Friends Halloween party the 27th
The Halloween dance was okay. Not even a forth of the student body showed up (we only have 160 kids in our school). I went as Fandom Tumblr, but realized upon arriving I spelt Tumblr with an "er". So the rest of the night was just me wearing normal clothes with a cape. I got home that night around eleven and continued to stay up until midnight.
Bad planning on my part because the PSAT's were the next morning at eight am. I think I did okay on it though. I 'm hoping I did well enough I can take them again next year. I then continued that day with two hours of The Amanda Show and a nap progressing from 3pm-12am, an hour of the Kenan and Kel Show, the slept until 1am-9am. That was why I didn't post.
This past Saturday I went to my friends Halloween party which was good. We played a game called Bunco, ate several carrot sticks and played the world's most inconsistent game of Truth or Dare. Our best dare was to sing Gangnam Style. It was horribly racist. I went as a chicken super hero.
Everything else seems irrelevant. Hurricane Sandy is due to knock out power in my area soon. I really don't want flooding, it's such a pain. As you can tell school was cancelled today, and most likely Tuesday too. It's great because I still have homework I don't want to do. And a piano performance I need to practice... Without a piano. I don't own a piano, or the sheet music. I got this cool looking chap stick called "eos" the night of the school dance.
It's very nice. Also gluten free and mostly organic.
One last thing. Our Geometry unit is based around Navigation this year. So the teacher wanted us to find boats to plan out courses and other things. It could be anything. We had a budget of 1 million (fake) dollars to spend. I found an actual for sale replica of The Black Pearl. My teacher told me after class that I won the nonexistent prize for creativity.
I should do the rest of my internet homework so I don't have to worry about it.
P.S. I think my U.S. History teacher is a Nerdfighter!
I'm feeling extremely apathetic.
Wow, only Deidra's post between this and my last post... hope everyone's ok and just really busy.
All I have to say is that this week has been so relaxing and I really needed it. Only bad thing is now I have to get back into the mood to do school work which is not enjoyable at all. I feel like I should have gone for an art degree instead but at the same time I'm glad I chose science. I just wish it had a little less of a workload.
I'm supposed to be going to a Halloween-ish themed anime club meeting tomorrow but I haven't even really got my costume together yet so I don't know if that's going to happen. I'll go either way though. Otherwise I'll just dress up for Wednesday and watch some horror stuff that night. I've been getting into the mood already by watching Masters of Horror and this one movie called Eddie the Sleepwalking Cannibal.
Anyone doing NaNo this year? I'm thinking about it, but even if I start the chances I'll stick with it to the end are very slim.
I finally saw Prometheus just yesterday. I actually liked it, but there was a really gross surgery scene that I had to look away for. I think David was my favourite character in that, but maybe it was just because Michael Fassbender played him. Nah I liked the whole AI thing he had going on, it was good.
I made chocolate chip cookies yesterday too, they were delicious. I should make them more often since they're so easy and good and quick. Somehow I don't think that'll happen though.
And I feel like I was going to say more but I've forgotten it apparently so I'll leave it at that.
Hope to hear from you guys.
All I have to say is that this week has been so relaxing and I really needed it. Only bad thing is now I have to get back into the mood to do school work which is not enjoyable at all. I feel like I should have gone for an art degree instead but at the same time I'm glad I chose science. I just wish it had a little less of a workload.
I'm supposed to be going to a Halloween-ish themed anime club meeting tomorrow but I haven't even really got my costume together yet so I don't know if that's going to happen. I'll go either way though. Otherwise I'll just dress up for Wednesday and watch some horror stuff that night. I've been getting into the mood already by watching Masters of Horror and this one movie called Eddie the Sleepwalking Cannibal.
Anyone doing NaNo this year? I'm thinking about it, but even if I start the chances I'll stick with it to the end are very slim.
I finally saw Prometheus just yesterday. I actually liked it, but there was a really gross surgery scene that I had to look away for. I think David was my favourite character in that, but maybe it was just because Michael Fassbender played him. Nah I liked the whole AI thing he had going on, it was good.
I made chocolate chip cookies yesterday too, they were delicious. I should make them more often since they're so easy and good and quick. Somehow I don't think that'll happen though.
And I feel like I was going to say more but I've forgotten it apparently so I'll leave it at that.
Hope to hear from you guys.
And The Blog Is Dead ...
....... Is anyone out there? I was totally shocked to find that pretty much no one posted since last Thursday, and Kayla only got hers finished because she was here with me and I reminded her. Well then.
Anywho, this is a bit late because I've had a really busy day and I remembered at like, 10 o'clock while I was eating a late dinner. Then I went and played Wii, then got ready for bed. It was only once I was cozy in my bed that I remembered again.
So, Hallowe'en activities. Tonight I went to the Haunted Fort at Old Fort William here in Thunder Bay. Basically it is a walk-through story type thing that is meant to be scary. The story: A doctor goes crazy, gets killed, is revived because he is somehow immortal, chops off the hand of his killer, and rampages the town. The group has to find his blackened heart and destroy it in his presence. It was fun. I ended up doing a bunch of the interactive things because I love these types of things. I carried the severed hand from the beginning to the madman killer guy. Then I carried a rose from the children's ward to the doctor's not-really-a-funeral funeral. Then I flipped the switch to electrocute a guy. It was pretty awesome. Not all too scary, but still really fun. I love the Fort, I kind of would like to work there someday.
This weekend I am going to make candy apples with the house, attend an open mic night and maybe read some of my stuff, cheer on my house soccer team and maybe play a bit, create my costume, get new fish, and go trick or treating through the residence. I am thoroughly excited. I love Hallowe'en. I am super pumped. My costume is going to be a jellyfish made out of recyclable materials and an umbrella because I get a house point for being eco-friendly. Yay house point.
I hope you all have an amazing weekend and an awesome Hallowe'en. And if you don't celebrate it in Ireland or New Zealand (I don't remember from last year) then I encourage you to at least watch a scary movie. Adios! Don't forget to be awesome!
Anywho, this is a bit late because I've had a really busy day and I remembered at like, 10 o'clock while I was eating a late dinner. Then I went and played Wii, then got ready for bed. It was only once I was cozy in my bed that I remembered again.
So, Hallowe'en activities. Tonight I went to the Haunted Fort at Old Fort William here in Thunder Bay. Basically it is a walk-through story type thing that is meant to be scary. The story: A doctor goes crazy, gets killed, is revived because he is somehow immortal, chops off the hand of his killer, and rampages the town. The group has to find his blackened heart and destroy it in his presence. It was fun. I ended up doing a bunch of the interactive things because I love these types of things. I carried the severed hand from the beginning to the madman killer guy. Then I carried a rose from the children's ward to the doctor's not-really-a-funeral funeral. Then I flipped the switch to electrocute a guy. It was pretty awesome. Not all too scary, but still really fun. I love the Fort, I kind of would like to work there someday.
This weekend I am going to make candy apples with the house, attend an open mic night and maybe read some of my stuff, cheer on my house soccer team and maybe play a bit, create my costume, get new fish, and go trick or treating through the residence. I am thoroughly excited. I love Hallowe'en. I am super pumped. My costume is going to be a jellyfish made out of recyclable materials and an umbrella because I get a house point for being eco-friendly. Yay house point.
I hope you all have an amazing weekend and an awesome Hallowe'en. And if you don't celebrate it in Ireland or New Zealand (I don't remember from last year) then I encourage you to at least watch a scary movie. Adios! Don't forget to be awesome!
Posting Late from Back Home
I'm writing this from the airport in Toronto because I have a bit of a layover before my final flight out to Thunder Bay. I'm so glad that my school has this fall study break, it's one of the only universities that has one in Canada. My midterms went so-so I think I failed one and maybe just barely passed another. Bio was the only one I think I did any good on. But enough about school. I'm on break now so let's see if I can talk about something more interesting.
Basically I'm going home this weekend to visit with Deidra and have a late Thanksgiving dinner with my family since I didn't go home on that weekend. I can't wait to see Deidra again, catch up on things and hang out a bit. It'll be nice after all the new stuff and boring school work. As for my family, it will be nice to see them again, but I just have this feeling my mom is going to take one look at me and immediately start going on about how I need to eat more and exercise more and sleep more and it's just going to be annoying.
And yeah so this was supposed to be posted yesterday but my flight got delayed and I was really tired when I got home so I forgot until just now... Um as for book recommendations I really liked Zombies Vs. Unicorns, The Book Thief, The Darkest Powers series, Storm Thief, Goose Girl, Battle Royale, etc.
Basically I'm going home this weekend to visit with Deidra and have a late Thanksgiving dinner with my family since I didn't go home on that weekend. I can't wait to see Deidra again, catch up on things and hang out a bit. It'll be nice after all the new stuff and boring school work. As for my family, it will be nice to see them again, but I just have this feeling my mom is going to take one look at me and immediately start going on about how I need to eat more and exercise more and sleep more and it's just going to be annoying.
And yeah so this was supposed to be posted yesterday but my flight got delayed and I was really tired when I got home so I forgot until just now... Um as for book recommendations I really liked Zombies Vs. Unicorns, The Book Thief, The Darkest Powers series, Storm Thief, Goose Girl, Battle Royale, etc.
*cough cough* - And a Sad Ending
Deidra is not doing so good. There are two ways that sentence works: health-wise and school-wise. Starting with school, I have been procrastinating a bit too much and ended up having to skip the pool yesterday in order to do homework. This is from doing little to no homework over the weekend. So yeah, no more doing that. Health-wise, I have been basically sick since I moved in. Ranging from sniffles to coughing to sore throat and all that good stuff. Now it has simmered down to just a cough and sore throat in the morning and a slight difficulty breathing at night. I made an appointment with health services for tomorrow, so hopefully that goes well. As long as I'm not dying or anything.
Kayla, I promise that your study week will not be all studying. I will make at least some of it awesome. You can come and visit the awesome-ness that is my dorm and room, and all of the insane people that I live with. Get to see what you are missing out on while living in that lonely apartment with your sister.
Katie, I have done a concept map as an assignment once during high school. It was for my philosophy course and it sucked. I personally don't find them useful as an organizer, and didn't see the point in doing it as an assignment. I would much have preferred doing questions or something.
Adam, I will be insanely jealous if you get to go to Comic-con. I hope you get to go, though. It would be an amazing experience. I have no doubt that you will do good with the interview. Just relax, take deep breaths, and think about what they are asking you.
Katie, good luck on your PSAT. And maybe either Kira or you can answer this, but what is the difference between studying for a PSAT and an SAT? Isn't the first just a practice of the second? Wouldn't the practice just be a little less difficult than the actual test?
Anyway, that's all from me for this week. It feels like it was yesterday that I last posted. Weird how time works sometimes. Don't forget to be awesome!
Afternote: Now I am sad. I just found Titan, my favourite fish, dead at the bottom of the tank. :'(
Kayla, I promise that your study week will not be all studying. I will make at least some of it awesome. You can come and visit the awesome-ness that is my dorm and room, and all of the insane people that I live with. Get to see what you are missing out on while living in that lonely apartment with your sister.
Katie, I have done a concept map as an assignment once during high school. It was for my philosophy course and it sucked. I personally don't find them useful as an organizer, and didn't see the point in doing it as an assignment. I would much have preferred doing questions or something.
Adam, I will be insanely jealous if you get to go to Comic-con. I hope you get to go, though. It would be an amazing experience. I have no doubt that you will do good with the interview. Just relax, take deep breaths, and think about what they are asking you.
Katie, good luck on your PSAT. And maybe either Kira or you can answer this, but what is the difference between studying for a PSAT and an SAT? Isn't the first just a practice of the second? Wouldn't the practice just be a little less difficult than the actual test?
Anyway, that's all from me for this week. It feels like it was yesterday that I last posted. Weird how time works sometimes. Don't forget to be awesome!
Afternote: Now I am sad. I just found Titan, my favourite fish, dead at the bottom of the tank. :'(
So...Not Dead
I actually have time to post this week. I'm so shocked about it that I have no clue what to write about.
It's been a really long time since I've actually read a book, and I'm looking for a good one right now. The idea is that if I have one, I'll make time for it. Any recommendations?
My friend and I spent Saturday being utter idiots. Normally, I'm not big on television. However, I watch a certain cartoon known as Young Justice on Saturdays. My friend and I were exchanging text messages, practically in tears. It was ridiculous.
Someone asked about posters a while ago. I have a Harry Potter one, a Pirates of the Caribbean one, a Doctor Who one, and a Batman. I also have a periodic table affixed to my ceiling. I'm not quite sure why.
Kate, congratulations on your quarter finals results. I hate American Literature with a passion. It is my worst class, and easily my most difficult. I'm taking the PSAT on Saturday, too. I'm not really worried - it's not like it matters sophomore year. It is a little unnerving that I'm going in blind, though. I've only ever studied for the SAT.
Adam, I love San Francisco. It's a really great city, possibly even one of my favourites in the United States. Not in the world, though - that title probably falls to Rome. I'm sure you'll enjoy your trip.
Kayla, I hope you got through your week all right and that this one is better for you. Kudos to you, though - you always post, despite work. I miss every other post.
I think I should probably get to my homework now. Enjoy your weeks, guys. I think I'll celebrate my decent-length-post by making it rainbow...
Stress, and the Relief of said Stress
I think it is safe to say that I will not be getting into All-State, unless some miracle happens. The three-octave major scale that was chosen at the audition site was the D major scale - the one I had not practiced as I hoped I would not have to do it. I had three hours to practice and memorize it, and I did, but the high notes (which are really high) kind of sucked during the actual audition.
I was extremely nervous; this was my first audition for something serious like this. I hate to say I lost all hope half way through. The only part I'm really proud of is how I played the first half of the violin etude.
At least it's all over now... until next year, but then I'll have a lot more time to practice.
Quarter finals were last week. Somehow I managed to receive all A's, though in American Literature I was .03% away from a B+. The American Lit final was surprisingly hard. Our teacher even said that everyone does horribly on it even though they have tried to fix the test over the years. I usually score above a B on finals, but on this one I got a D+, a 76% to be exact.
I guess the stress isn't truly gone. I have to take the PSAT this saturday. I took it last year, so I'm not really all that nervous.
I wish you well with your work visa interview, Adam.
It seems like life has been full of work for a lot of you, and I hope it all gets better.
I was extremely nervous; this was my first audition for something serious like this. I hate to say I lost all hope half way through. The only part I'm really proud of is how I played the first half of the violin etude.
At least it's all over now... until next year, but then I'll have a lot more time to practice.
Quarter finals were last week. Somehow I managed to receive all A's, though in American Literature I was .03% away from a B+. The American Lit final was surprisingly hard. Our teacher even said that everyone does horribly on it even though they have tried to fix the test over the years. I usually score above a B on finals, but on this one I got a D+, a 76% to be exact.
I guess the stress isn't truly gone. I have to take the PSAT this saturday. I took it last year, so I'm not really all that nervous.
I wish you well with your work visa interview, Adam.
It seems like life has been full of work for a lot of you, and I hope it all gets better.
San Fran
Hi everyone, hope you all had good weeks. Thanks for the feedback on the going abroad stuff, I was at sometalks during the week and I'm still a little on the fence as to whether I can definitely afford to go. My friends and I have agreed to go to San Francisco for the summer to work for two months and then go on a holiday. I didn't really get all that much input to the decision but they all had their heart set on there. I have no problem going there and would possibly have picked it myself, I just would have liked to have been more included in the decision process. I was going to say something but then I heard we could go to Comic con in San Diego and I was quiet :)
I'm really hopeful that this plan won't just fall through like most of my plans do. The only thing I'm nervous about is I'll have to go for an interview in the U.S. embassy in Dublin to get my visa granted, which is kinda scary.
I've got lots of work to do this week as always but I feel I have some sort of hold on it, so I'm going to try and get out and enjoy life a bit this week. I met up with a nerdfighter girl in my college this week. She was very cool, I might try get a small gathering going this week if time allows.
I've been reading "A short history of Tractors in Ukrainian". It's pretty good so far, I think it's interesting and well written but it's probably not my type of book in general. I'll still finish it and enjoy it but I don't think I'll be rereading it or anything.
I'm really hopeful that this plan won't just fall through like most of my plans do. The only thing I'm nervous about is I'll have to go for an interview in the U.S. embassy in Dublin to get my visa granted, which is kinda scary.
I've got lots of work to do this week as always but I feel I have some sort of hold on it, so I'm going to try and get out and enjoy life a bit this week. I met up with a nerdfighter girl in my college this week. She was very cool, I might try get a small gathering going this week if time allows.
I've been reading "A short history of Tractors in Ukrainian". It's pretty good so far, I think it's interesting and well written but it's probably not my type of book in general. I'll still finish it and enjoy it but I don't think I'll be rereading it or anything.
Weirdly Tired Week
I almost forgot to post I was so caught up with other stuff. I don't want to spend forever at the computer. Firstly because my room's in the basement and it's really cold in my room. Second I still have English homework to do and it's 11:03. I have until Wednesday, but I want to get it out of the way. I've had masses of homework each night all week. I was so stressed yesterday I actually forgot some homework at home. Which means I have to turn it in late and I'll get a lower grade because of it.
Kate you'll do awesome at your All States Orchestra audition. I just know it. As for posters I only have two. But I share my room with my sister and she has like ten all across the room. I have an Abby Road poster and a poster of The Who in their twenties hanging above my desk. my sister has a bunch of Anime posters. Mostly Sailor Moon and Card Captor Sakura.
Deidra I have had many fish growing up. We stopped buying them when I was about nine or ten. I think like six of them at different times were all named Zim from Invader Zim. Zim was always a fighter fish. I think that eventually I will try reading J.K.'s new book, but that is in the distant future.
Kayla try not to pull a me. When I have a lot of work to do I stress and procrastinate like crazy. And of corse because I procrastinate I become even more stressed and it takes a few days to calm down. I'm sure that's not healthy, so don't do it.
Adam I'm team America. Not all the way, because there are so many wonderful places, like Canada and New Zealand, but we're pretty special. America is really big. I wasn't a fan of the hotter places, so I'm going to suggest to you the Eastern side. Being a New England-er I recommend here. However places like Florida are really awesome too. The Mid-West was nice, I can't really explain why. I wasn't such a huge fan of the Western parts of America. Arizona was okay, but I didn't really like California. My mom grew up in California, so she loves it there. I didn't like the dry heat. It's all year round, and doesn't appeal to me. But that doesn't mean you might not like it. I would recommend America because we're pretty multi-cultural. From my experience we don't really have set traditions, because pretty much anything goes. We may not be the nicest people, but we're weird and adventurous. The reason I like New England, especially in the fall, is because of the forestry. We're pretty forested compared to the rest of America. The trees are beautiful this time of year. I will warn you that it gets cold here. Not Wyoming cold, but close. My brother lives in Wyoming, and it can get really low in temperature. Once my Aunt, who also lives there, called us to say that it was -39 degrees Fahrenheit (which is the same in Celsius). I think you could experience a lot wherever you are in America. People are different from state-to-state here.
That was longer than I thought it would be. *shrugs*. I bought five book for myself at the dollar store this week. I didn't know they sold books, so I went kinda crazy. They're not well known books and probably not well known authors, but they're all hardcovers. Speaking of books I dropped The October Club, too much school, not enough book reading time. I have to do chores and help winterize my house tomorrow, so that's why I'm in such a rush to get work done today. I'll probably end up doing English homework on Monday or Tuesday. My crystals from my Chemistry lesson grew like crazy. Here's a photo.
This picture is two days old, they've actually grown even more. It's ridiculous!
Lastly before I go I want to talk about my History assignment. My teacher wants us to create a concept map with 100 things linking off. I don't know if you guys have ever done a concept map or if you have your own versions of one. With a overarching topic in the middle with subtopics branching off and so on. Anyway I have 60 so far, but it's not due until the 25th. I wanted to share the gorgeousness that is my project. I say this because it looks so organized and well constructed. I'm really proud of it so far.
Kate you'll do awesome at your All States Orchestra audition. I just know it. As for posters I only have two. But I share my room with my sister and she has like ten all across the room. I have an Abby Road poster and a poster of The Who in their twenties hanging above my desk. my sister has a bunch of Anime posters. Mostly Sailor Moon and Card Captor Sakura.
Deidra I have had many fish growing up. We stopped buying them when I was about nine or ten. I think like six of them at different times were all named Zim from Invader Zim. Zim was always a fighter fish. I think that eventually I will try reading J.K.'s new book, but that is in the distant future.
Kayla try not to pull a me. When I have a lot of work to do I stress and procrastinate like crazy. And of corse because I procrastinate I become even more stressed and it takes a few days to calm down. I'm sure that's not healthy, so don't do it.
Adam I'm team America. Not all the way, because there are so many wonderful places, like Canada and New Zealand, but we're pretty special. America is really big. I wasn't a fan of the hotter places, so I'm going to suggest to you the Eastern side. Being a New England-er I recommend here. However places like Florida are really awesome too. The Mid-West was nice, I can't really explain why. I wasn't such a huge fan of the Western parts of America. Arizona was okay, but I didn't really like California. My mom grew up in California, so she loves it there. I didn't like the dry heat. It's all year round, and doesn't appeal to me. But that doesn't mean you might not like it. I would recommend America because we're pretty multi-cultural. From my experience we don't really have set traditions, because pretty much anything goes. We may not be the nicest people, but we're weird and adventurous. The reason I like New England, especially in the fall, is because of the forestry. We're pretty forested compared to the rest of America. The trees are beautiful this time of year. I will warn you that it gets cold here. Not Wyoming cold, but close. My brother lives in Wyoming, and it can get really low in temperature. Once my Aunt, who also lives there, called us to say that it was -39 degrees Fahrenheit (which is the same in Celsius). I think you could experience a lot wherever you are in America. People are different from state-to-state here.
That was longer than I thought it would be. *shrugs*. I bought five book for myself at the dollar store this week. I didn't know they sold books, so I went kinda crazy. They're not well known books and probably not well known authors, but they're all hardcovers. Speaking of books I dropped The October Club, too much school, not enough book reading time. I have to do chores and help winterize my house tomorrow, so that's why I'm in such a rush to get work done today. I'll probably end up doing English homework on Monday or Tuesday. My crystals from my Chemistry lesson grew like crazy. Here's a photo.
This picture is two days old, they've actually grown even more. It's ridiculous!
Lastly before I go I want to talk about my History assignment. My teacher wants us to create a concept map with 100 things linking off. I don't know if you guys have ever done a concept map or if you have your own versions of one. With a overarching topic in the middle with subtopics branching off and so on. Anyway I have 60 so far, but it's not due until the 25th. I wanted to share the gorgeousness that is my project. I say this because it looks so organized and well constructed. I'm really proud of it so far.
I don't know if I'm weird for thinking that looks gorgeous or not. I'm just really happy with the outcome. Thrilled even. I couldn't get it all to fit in the screen shot. I think that's enough from me. Have an awesome rest of this week!
I just want a break...
Hey guys I have a bio midterm tomorrow that I need to study for so this is going to be really short. Basically this past week and this coming week are fucking insane for me, I have so many labs and midterms and assignments it's pretty unfair. I can't wait until my study week (though most of that will be spent doing work anyway). I've been really stressed out and probably getting less sleep than I should and I just really hate school right now. I'm praying that I don't just collapse one day from exhaustion. Adam, Canada is just awesome... I can't think of reasons why right now but it is so you should come here. Oh it is pretty cold, but it's really pretty and the people are nice. And there's maple syrup. And poutine.
All the Little Fishies
You are very lucky Kayla. I have not been able to attend any meetings for the clubs I have joined, as they always happen during my evening classes. Hopefully I will get to one soon. I joined the English Students Association and a club for writing. You do not need any more television shows. Stop before you are totally overwhelmed with feels.
I am hopefully doing NaNoWriMo this year, Katie. The writing club has NaNo support, so I am hoping that it will push me towards doing something. Also I've been wanting to write every year since I learned about it, but haven't. I have an idea of what I would like to write about, I just have to flesh it out a bit more and hope for the best. Also, I hope to have enough time for it.
So clearly I vote for Canada for your exchange, Adam. Specifically, come to my school. I am pretty sure Lakehead has exchange programs with Ireland, and it would be cool if you did. Canada is cold, so I don't know if that is a plus or minus for you. Like, really cold. We also have beautiful nature and free health care, though I don't think you would get that. There are a lot of cool activities you could do here. And of course Canadian food.
Kate, I haven't watched an episode of Hank games in a long time, and I've only ever watched two episodes of Super Mario Brothers. I prefer to play games instead of watching them. Also haven't really been on YouTube in forever. As for posters, I have The Avengers, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and an Exploding TARDIS. I also have a map of the world and a map of Shakespeare's England, courtesy of Kayla.
Anyway, it's been a long week for me. Tried tea for the first time this evening, at an event in The Study (our university's coffee house), and it was not bad. Go forth and explore the world my friends! And don't forget to be awesome.
I thought of a pun for this title that had to do with the date, but it made me want to facepalm, so I'm not titling this post that.
I just felt like putting that as the title.
This week isn't very busy for me, but I do have All State orchestra auditions coming up, so I'll be practicing everyday and ahhhhhh I am so nervous.
Your question is one I can't answer, Campion. I have around ten different favorite character, though I'm sure I could make a list of twenty-five if I wanted to.
Deidra, I can't wait to hear you what you thought of JK Rowling's new book. I'm hoping to read it soon. I'm about half way through Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, and it is really good. The only major thing that I dislike about the book is it's formatting. A bunch of dialogue will be in one paragraph or, depending on the character that's narrating, the whole chapter will be one paragraph.
I also got an Avenger's poster. It's like the picture shown, without all the words at the bottom. I have four other big posters in my room - two band posters, a Jack Sparrow poster, and a Super Mario Bros. Wii poster. It would be awesome to get Hank, Katherine, Michael, and Charlie to sign the Mario poster. What posters do you all have in your rooms? Also did any of you watch the Hank and Katherine (with Michael and Charlie sometimes) Play Super Mario Bros Wii? If you haven't and you are looking for something to do. Definitely give it a chance. It's hilarious and suspenseful. I almost hit my laptop a few times watching it.
Katie, I already know for sure I won't be doing NaNo this year. Well... probably. I have a week of October after volleyball ends, and that is when I will make my final decision. Unless I have a ton of time even with homework, I most likely will not be participating.
Well, Adam... I think we have some pretty amazing zoos and theme parks here in the USA. It is a big country and the vlogbrothers are here, of course. Also Hollywood. I haven't really been out of the midwest much. I think Katie would be much better suited for answering this question as she traveled through many of the states.
I'm gonna leave this post at that. I have two essays I need to write, one for English and one for Math.
Hope you all feel great
This week isn't very busy for me, but I do have All State orchestra auditions coming up, so I'll be practicing everyday and ahhhhhh I am so nervous.
Your question is one I can't answer, Campion. I have around ten different favorite character, though I'm sure I could make a list of twenty-five if I wanted to.

I also got an Avenger's poster. It's like the picture shown, without all the words at the bottom. I have four other big posters in my room - two band posters, a Jack Sparrow poster, and a Super Mario Bros. Wii poster. It would be awesome to get Hank, Katherine, Michael, and Charlie to sign the Mario poster. What posters do you all have in your rooms? Also did any of you watch the Hank and Katherine (with Michael and Charlie sometimes) Play Super Mario Bros Wii? If you haven't and you are looking for something to do. Definitely give it a chance. It's hilarious and suspenseful. I almost hit my laptop a few times watching it.
Katie, I already know for sure I won't be doing NaNo this year. Well... probably. I have a week of October after volleyball ends, and that is when I will make my final decision. Unless I have a ton of time even with homework, I most likely will not be participating.
Well, Adam... I think we have some pretty amazing zoos and theme parks here in the USA. It is a big country and the vlogbrothers are here, of course. Also Hollywood. I haven't really been out of the midwest much. I think Katie would be much better suited for answering this question as she traveled through many of the states.
I'm gonna leave this post at that. I have two essays I need to write, one for English and one for Math.
Hope you all feel great
Hi guys, hope you're all well today.
Hope you feel better soon Kira, I know how tiring things can get sometimes but I'm sure it'll get easier soon. Things usually do. :)
Campion, I like most can't bring myself to choose just one favourite fictional character but if I could have dinner with three I'd love to sit down with Scott Pilgrim, Sherlock Holmes and Spiderman. A bit of a random grouping but I'm pretty happy with it. Although I would love to meet The Doctor....
Kayla, your posters seem pretty awesome, they have regular poster sales in our college, I might buy a few next time they have one.
Deidra, I'm glad you're enjoying college, hope everything keeps going well.
Anyway, I have some big news, I'm going to be going to CERN for a week in March which is going to be a dream come true to be there and see the technology and all the amazing work that's done there.
I'm also going to be meeting some nerdfighters from my college in real life for the first time this Tuesday, I'm really nervous about it. i'm sure they'll all be lovely though.
Also, this week in college I get to start looking at countries to go to on an exchange. Three of my options are America, Canada and New Zealand. So I guess I'll ask the question, why do you guys think your countries are awesome? :P
Anyway, that's all for another week.
Hope you feel better soon Kira, I know how tiring things can get sometimes but I'm sure it'll get easier soon. Things usually do. :)
Campion, I like most can't bring myself to choose just one favourite fictional character but if I could have dinner with three I'd love to sit down with Scott Pilgrim, Sherlock Holmes and Spiderman. A bit of a random grouping but I'm pretty happy with it. Although I would love to meet The Doctor....
Kayla, your posters seem pretty awesome, they have regular poster sales in our college, I might buy a few next time they have one.
Deidra, I'm glad you're enjoying college, hope everything keeps going well.
Anyway, I have some big news, I'm going to be going to CERN for a week in March which is going to be a dream come true to be there and see the technology and all the amazing work that's done there.
I'm also going to be meeting some nerdfighters from my college in real life for the first time this Tuesday, I'm really nervous about it. i'm sure they'll all be lovely though.
Also, this week in college I get to start looking at countries to go to on an exchange. Three of my options are America, Canada and New Zealand. So I guess I'll ask the question, why do you guys think your countries are awesome? :P
Anyway, that's all for another week.
Too Much Stuff, Not Enough Space
I'm completely overwhelmed by everything/one lately. I can't seem to be able to function as a person. I also know for sure that I could never be a teacher. Never. Career list just got smaller.
I meant to post last week but fell very ill on Friday. So here I am, perfectly not okay. I don't want to complain, because I don't want to bore you, but I can't seem to do anything else lately.
I'm going to do some Chemistry work for a bit... hopefully I'll get it done so I can stop worrying about it. Nope. I was already a day late handing it in, because it was due friday. But then time decided to keep moving and I turned it in digitally at 12:10 am. Awesome. I'm going to continue posting since I'm already up.
I have hardly any recollection of the week prior. This week is still in my memory for now. I went camping with my class, a total of 42-45 kids. It was okay, but it rained a lot and tents were flooded, plans canceled. We didn't really get to do much. I just turned in the biggest weight on my shoulders. That Chemistry assignment was brutal on every fiber of my being. We had to create lesson plans to then be executed during a class period of 90 minutes. Never again. The career I've never wanted is to be a teacher, and yet I get stuck doing lesson plans for homework. Really not jokes.
I'm trying to do The October Fest that Carrie started, with my own books, but I'm not sure how accomplished this project will be for me. I'm still trying to decide whether or not I want to do NaNo this year. We'll see.
I'm that person who e-mails my friends funny videos from my subscriptions or articles I find on Twitter. And I've recently discovered that one of my old friends from middle school watches a lot of the same YouTubers. I think she might be a potential/ already Nerdfighter which is pretty awesome.
The Life of Pi is really great so far. I started reading Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman. If you have any scary books you would recommend that would be great because I plan on participating in All Hallows Read. You just read a scary book in the month of October or on Halloween.
Kayla I think your hair looks great. The style seems to really work for you. I never really thought too much about other people reading our blog. Strange. HELLO INTERNETZ! Anyway...
Campion to address both your questions: I don't play video games much. I like The Binding of Isaac. It's about all I really play. I've attempted Kingdom Hearts, but have never been very good at it. Scribblenauts is a fairly good game. And Tetris. Man I love Tetris. Otherwise I'm more of a music person. As for favorite fictional character... Too many. Books seem almost too hard so I'll stick with television. I like the show Once Upon A Time, and it just came out with its second season. The character addaptions are good most the time.I don't think I can choose one character from anything. Their each so different from each other.
Now I kind of want to talk about television. There is a show that just came out called The Partners which was written by the same people of the brilliant Will & Grace. That show is really awesome. It's almost like the web series The Husbands, but the characters are not both gay nor married to one another. I finished Sherlock. A million times better than Elementary, which I did watch the first two episodes to see what it was going to be like. Really awful compared to Sherlock. Utter nonsense. Also why is almost all crime shows based in New York? Like trouble doesn't happen anywhere else. Community is almost back. I can taste the awesome in the air.
I'm glad the Ponds are gone. I cried, I'll admit it. To be honest though I don't think Moffat is doing very well. The episodes aren't really stringed together and very wish-washy. Anybody else feel that? The guest writers seem to know more about Doctor Who than he does.
Almost one in the morning. Hope I didn't leave anything out. Have a nice Sunday.
I meant to post last week but fell very ill on Friday. So here I am, perfectly not okay. I don't want to complain, because I don't want to bore you, but I can't seem to do anything else lately.
I'm going to do some Chemistry work for a bit... hopefully I'll get it done so I can stop worrying about it. Nope. I was already a day late handing it in, because it was due friday. But then time decided to keep moving and I turned it in digitally at 12:10 am. Awesome. I'm going to continue posting since I'm already up.
I have hardly any recollection of the week prior. This week is still in my memory for now. I went camping with my class, a total of 42-45 kids. It was okay, but it rained a lot and tents were flooded, plans canceled. We didn't really get to do much. I just turned in the biggest weight on my shoulders. That Chemistry assignment was brutal on every fiber of my being. We had to create lesson plans to then be executed during a class period of 90 minutes. Never again. The career I've never wanted is to be a teacher, and yet I get stuck doing lesson plans for homework. Really not jokes.
I'm trying to do The October Fest that Carrie started, with my own books, but I'm not sure how accomplished this project will be for me. I'm still trying to decide whether or not I want to do NaNo this year. We'll see.
I'm that person who e-mails my friends funny videos from my subscriptions or articles I find on Twitter. And I've recently discovered that one of my old friends from middle school watches a lot of the same YouTubers. I think she might be a potential/ already Nerdfighter which is pretty awesome.
The Life of Pi is really great so far. I started reading Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman. If you have any scary books you would recommend that would be great because I plan on participating in All Hallows Read. You just read a scary book in the month of October or on Halloween.
Kayla I think your hair looks great. The style seems to really work for you. I never really thought too much about other people reading our blog. Strange. HELLO INTERNETZ! Anyway...
Campion to address both your questions: I don't play video games much. I like The Binding of Isaac. It's about all I really play. I've attempted Kingdom Hearts, but have never been very good at it. Scribblenauts is a fairly good game. And Tetris. Man I love Tetris. Otherwise I'm more of a music person. As for favorite fictional character... Too many. Books seem almost too hard so I'll stick with television. I like the show Once Upon A Time, and it just came out with its second season. The character addaptions are good most the time.I don't think I can choose one character from anything. Their each so different from each other.
Now I kind of want to talk about television. There is a show that just came out called The Partners which was written by the same people of the brilliant Will & Grace. That show is really awesome. It's almost like the web series The Husbands, but the characters are not both gay nor married to one another. I finished Sherlock. A million times better than Elementary, which I did watch the first two episodes to see what it was going to be like. Really awful compared to Sherlock. Utter nonsense. Also why is almost all crime shows based in New York? Like trouble doesn't happen anywhere else. Community is almost back. I can taste the awesome in the air.
I'm glad the Ponds are gone. I cried, I'll admit it. To be honest though I don't think Moffat is doing very well. The episodes aren't really stringed together and very wish-washy. Anybody else feel that? The guest writers seem to know more about Doctor Who than he does.
Almost one in the morning. Hope I didn't leave anything out. Have a nice Sunday.
My room is a mess, I have tons of work to do, and I watched Doctor Who because it's more important.
I went to the first Anime Club meeting on the weekend. I had fun, met some cool people. We didn't do much anime watching the first day, it was more of a social, get to know each other kind of thing. The day after I went on a tour of all the anime related stores within reasonable distance from campus. Needless to say I bought some manga, pocky, and this thing called a Giant Caplico. You guys have to try a Giant Caplico if you ever can, they are heavenly. They'd probably be found near the pocky if you find a store that has some.
I just watched all the Doctor Who episodes over the past couple days, I saw the last one just this evening. I agree with you Adam, I liked how the Rory/Amy story wrapped up. I also cried quite a bit, it was just so intense and really well acted out. On another DW note, I really loved Oswin. She seems like she'll be an interesting companion. It'll be interesting to see how the whole situation gets played out.
In other news I got my hair cut on Monday. Some of you may have seen my picture on tumblr or facebook but I'll post it here anyway. I'm really liking the sidecut, it looks good when I leave my hair curly too if I do say so myself.
In other not so fun news apparently there was a big recall of a bunch of beef products here in Canada due to it being contaminated with a bad strain of E coli. So I'm going to be staying away from eating any beef for a while if I can help it.
Also I bought a bunch of posters so I'm just gonna post a bunch of pictures of them now because I can. (Still considering buying more Doctor Who, Supernatural and Sherlock ones... will depend on if I'm willing to spend the money)
Hope you guys all had good weeks and hope your next week goes even better!
Is Anybody Out There?
Another week gone by, and I feel like I have a lot of things to say today. I meant to write earlier today, but instead I lied in bed and listened to music. It was my alternative to napping, since I was up kind of late last night and then up early for class.
Doctor Who. I was at home this weekend and so ended up watching it with my mother and sister, which wasn't bad but not good either. I did cry, quite a bit, even though I have been waiting for Amy and Rory to leave. Well, more just Amy, but whatever. I didn't expect any of that, though. I though that they would die in a more action-y way, but the emotional ending was much worse. What I liked about it was that they are actually gone. Like, the Doctor can go and check up on his other companions (except Rose but she has her own Doctor), but he will never get to see Amy and Rory again. And now I can't wait for Christmas because then we will find out some more of the Oswin plot.
Sorry Adam and Kayla about all the work you guys have to do. Maths and science are rough programs when it comes to homework. I mostly get a lot of reading, and honestly I won't have that many assignments for the classes that I am currently taking. The true joys of being an English major. Speaking of reading, I borrowed A Casual Vacancy, J.K Rowling's new novel, from a house-mate. I'm less than 40 pages in, but it's pretty good. I will let you all know my recommendation once I am finished.
Kate, you entered into what I call 'Walmart Time'. Basically, time does not pass the same as it does in the real world when you are in Walmart. It seems quick when you are shopping, when in reality a lot of time passes, and then seems slow when you are standing in line, when it takes forever and ever and ever and ever. At least here it does. I watched the movie for Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close during the summer, and it was fantastic. I was good then entire movie until the ending, and then I sobbed. I hope the book is even better than the film and that you enjoy it.
Glad to hear you are enjoying your holiday Campion. In Canada we have our Thanksgiving this weekend, so I am hoping to get a lot of work done while I am home. I looked it up, and $40 New Zealand currency is $32.23 Canadian. I agree with you, it doesn't sound like a lot but any amount of money is good money. I don't think I am able to pick just one favourite fictional character. Between movies, books, and games, there are too many to choose from. I have a favourite from everything I have read, watched, and played, so I can't even think of a few most favourite ones.
So I was looking at the blog stats (because I do that periodically) and we have over 11,000 pageviews. I find that to be pretty incredible. I personally can't imagine anyone but us reading the blog. So my question is, if you are reading this and are not a writer for the blog, can you please comment? Or something, I just want to know if people just happen across here or if there are like, weekly readers.
Anyway, going home this weekend. It may or may not be fun. I hope you all have amazing weekends and weeks. Stay out of trouble, keep your noses clean. Don't forget to be awesome!
Doctor Who. I was at home this weekend and so ended up watching it with my mother and sister, which wasn't bad but not good either. I did cry, quite a bit, even though I have been waiting for Amy and Rory to leave. Well, more just Amy, but whatever. I didn't expect any of that, though. I though that they would die in a more action-y way, but the emotional ending was much worse. What I liked about it was that they are actually gone. Like, the Doctor can go and check up on his other companions (except Rose but she has her own Doctor), but he will never get to see Amy and Rory again. And now I can't wait for Christmas because then we will find out some more of the Oswin plot.
Sorry Adam and Kayla about all the work you guys have to do. Maths and science are rough programs when it comes to homework. I mostly get a lot of reading, and honestly I won't have that many assignments for the classes that I am currently taking. The true joys of being an English major. Speaking of reading, I borrowed A Casual Vacancy, J.K Rowling's new novel, from a house-mate. I'm less than 40 pages in, but it's pretty good. I will let you all know my recommendation once I am finished.
Kate, you entered into what I call 'Walmart Time'. Basically, time does not pass the same as it does in the real world when you are in Walmart. It seems quick when you are shopping, when in reality a lot of time passes, and then seems slow when you are standing in line, when it takes forever and ever and ever and ever. At least here it does. I watched the movie for Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close during the summer, and it was fantastic. I was good then entire movie until the ending, and then I sobbed. I hope the book is even better than the film and that you enjoy it.
Glad to hear you are enjoying your holiday Campion. In Canada we have our Thanksgiving this weekend, so I am hoping to get a lot of work done while I am home. I looked it up, and $40 New Zealand currency is $32.23 Canadian. I agree with you, it doesn't sound like a lot but any amount of money is good money. I don't think I am able to pick just one favourite fictional character. Between movies, books, and games, there are too many to choose from. I have a favourite from everything I have read, watched, and played, so I can't even think of a few most favourite ones.
So I was looking at the blog stats (because I do that periodically) and we have over 11,000 pageviews. I find that to be pretty incredible. I personally can't imagine anyone but us reading the blog. So my question is, if you are reading this and are not a writer for the blog, can you please comment? Or something, I just want to know if people just happen across here or if there are like, weekly readers.
Anyway, going home this weekend. It may or may not be fun. I hope you all have amazing weekends and weeks. Stay out of trouble, keep your noses clean. Don't forget to be awesome!
Just trying to get through everything
Well my first week of holidays is nearly over and so far I have managed to accomplish very little. I've nearly finished one of the seven paintings that I need to do, I finished half of Media Studies assignment, my film crew for my school film project have all but abandoned me so I'm pretty much screwed for that and I haven't even started on my art design project. Also I've caught a nasty cold, but beyond all that everything is going fantastic.
We are trying to move house and to help our house sell my parents built a deck out the front of it, a project which I had to help out with of course. It was alright I guess since I don't have time for a job and a little extra always helps to keep me sane. The $40 I got from the few days work may not be a lot to some (especially when you take into account that this is New Zealand dollars, so it's not worth as much as other currencies) but I am usually in a state of never having money so even having a little bit means the world to me.
Something else that I've started doing is doing some volunteer work at a local radio station (so apparently I have time for volunteer work but not a paying job, this is how my crappy logic works people). It's helping out with a talk show that interviews people about their daily challenges in life, like people who do work in the community or people who have disabilities. The guy running the show is actually mentally and physically disabled but he is still a pretty cool guy. I'm supposed to help run the recording equipment for the show and I have to go in for training next week.
Also I saw the movie Hotel Transylvania with some of my younger siblings. Advantage of having younger siblings, I never have to pay to go to kids movies because my parents will pay for me if I take my younger siblings and my younger brothers and sister also keep me from getting weird looks from the attendants at the cinema. The film was okay, the music sequences were painful to sit through but all in all it was a decent movie. The characters were interesting and the animation was pretty good. Also it has Steve Buscemi and Andy Samberg in the same film. Honestly never thought I would see those two together.
Well I'm glad that I'm at least keeping on schedule with my posts for the moment. Quick question before I go, who is your favorite fictional character? That is a question that I cannot bring myself to answer, I can list off some of my favorites like Vash The Stampede from Trigun or HK-47 from Knights Of The Old Republic or Seto Kiba from Yu-Gi-Oh the abridged series. But out of every fictional character I know I just can't pick. I was wondering if you guys could?
Anyway guys have a good week
I have too many things to do and not enough time to do it. I''m exhausted.
I really really want to go through and reply to all of your posts, but I don't have time to do that. This is pretty much just a stop to make sure you all know that I'm still alive.
I'm reading about the Salem witch trials right now. Just about anyone accused was charged. And then they were hanged, or some other form of execution. Lovely, don't you think?
I didn't have enough time to finish this post last night, so I'm doing it now. And now I have to go. Bye!
I Hope Someone Woke Up Green Day.
I swear I was going to write this two hours ago, but my dad took me to Walmart. We were only going for a few things - snacks for volleyball and cooking oil - but somehow the trip managed to last an hour.
So, unfortunately a kid from school may have committed suicide over the weekend. The autopsy hasn't come in yet, but people say he downed 5 months worth of his insulin medication. I never knew the guy, didn't even recognize his face, and none of my close friends will knew him, but I found myself wanting to hug most of the people I saw crying. Three years in a row someone close to people have died. My freshman year, a kid from the towns Catholic school was killed in a car crash. Last year, my sophomore year, a teacher committed suicide, and now this.
Doctor Who spoilers maybe? Instead of going to homecoming (which isn't that much fun anyway), I went over to a friends house and together we watched Doctor Who. I also believed Amy and Rory would have a nice ending, but, haha, no. I was wrong. It definitely thought it was sad. I think if my friend and I would have been watching the episode alone, instead of with each other, we both would have cried. Instead we just kind of laughed how random comments until the end in which we sat in silence. I didn't even tear up. Though I have gotten teary eyed seeing gifs and posts on Tumblr.
My top five video games are as follows:
1. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
2. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
3. Pokemon
4. World of Warcraft
5. Sonic Adventure Battle 2
I'm prefer Nintendo overall, but mostly just from the Game Cube and earlier consoles. All of these on the list have been in my life for years. The Sonic one was a special favorite of mine. How I got into World of Warcraft is actually a (somewhat) funny story.
I was 10 and my brother was 15. He had gotten into the game, but my parents weren't sure of letting him continue to play it. That's when he decided he'd teach me to play so that I could be on his side when he told our parents it was a great game. Once I actually got into the game, he regretted his decision as we then had to split the computer time and share an account. I still play it every so often now, when I have money and I'm not busy all the time, and we both have separate accounts.
It's banned books week and my school's library actually has a shelf now dedicated to certain banned books. I picked up "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close." I'm only 6 pages in, but I love it. I hope I continue to enjoy it.
And, plot twist, O Pioneers! was actually a good book in my opinion. Sure, this is the third out of all three books we've had to read for American Lit that had a bad ending, but I enjoyed more than Huck Finn nonetheless.
So, unfortunately a kid from school may have committed suicide over the weekend. The autopsy hasn't come in yet, but people say he downed 5 months worth of his insulin medication. I never knew the guy, didn't even recognize his face, and none of my close friends will knew him, but I found myself wanting to hug most of the people I saw crying. Three years in a row someone close to people have died. My freshman year, a kid from the towns Catholic school was killed in a car crash. Last year, my sophomore year, a teacher committed suicide, and now this.
Doctor Who spoilers maybe? Instead of going to homecoming (which isn't that much fun anyway), I went over to a friends house and together we watched Doctor Who. I also believed Amy and Rory would have a nice ending, but, haha, no. I was wrong. It definitely thought it was sad. I think if my friend and I would have been watching the episode alone, instead of with each other, we both would have cried. Instead we just kind of laughed how random comments until the end in which we sat in silence. I didn't even tear up. Though I have gotten teary eyed seeing gifs and posts on Tumblr.
My top five video games are as follows:
1. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
2. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
3. Pokemon
4. World of Warcraft
5. Sonic Adventure Battle 2
I'm prefer Nintendo overall, but mostly just from the Game Cube and earlier consoles. All of these on the list have been in my life for years. The Sonic one was a special favorite of mine. How I got into World of Warcraft is actually a (somewhat) funny story.
I was 10 and my brother was 15. He had gotten into the game, but my parents weren't sure of letting him continue to play it. That's when he decided he'd teach me to play so that I could be on his side when he told our parents it was a great game. Once I actually got into the game, he regretted his decision as we then had to split the computer time and share an account. I still play it every so often now, when I have money and I'm not busy all the time, and we both have separate accounts.
It's banned books week and my school's library actually has a shelf now dedicated to certain banned books. I picked up "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close." I'm only 6 pages in, but I love it. I hope I continue to enjoy it.
And, plot twist, O Pioneers! was actually a good book in my opinion. Sure, this is the third out of all three books we've had to read for American Lit that had a bad ending, but I enjoyed more than Huck Finn nonetheless.
Too many feels.
I'm sorry this is a bit late but after I watched Doctor Who I just went straight to bed. It was so intense, I couldn't help crying at the end of it. I was sure Amy and Rory would go off and live their lives together but instead it ended so insanely emotionally. At the same time, I liked that they finally wrapped up Rory and Amys story completely without any loose ends. What did you guys think?
In other news, I concur with what has been said already about the heavy workload of college. I'm drowning in homeoworks and study for tests and lab reports that I have to keep up with. That said, in two weeks I'm going to FRICKIN EDINBURGH for an ultimate frisbee tournament. It should be great fun, I've heard Edinburgh's lovely. Plus I saw Brave during the week so I'm all pro scotland :) Brave is great by the way you should all check it out. Best pixar film I've seen in a long time.
Beyond that I have little to say, my favourite video games are probably Assassins Creed, Fable 2, Pokemon, Fifa and Portal.
I'm sorry this is a bit late but after I watched Doctor Who I just went straight to bed. It was so intense, I couldn't help crying at the end of it. I was sure Amy and Rory would go off and live their lives together but instead it ended so insanely emotionally. At the same time, I liked that they finally wrapped up Rory and Amys story completely without any loose ends. What did you guys think?
In other news, I concur with what has been said already about the heavy workload of college. I'm drowning in homeoworks and study for tests and lab reports that I have to keep up with. That said, in two weeks I'm going to FRICKIN EDINBURGH for an ultimate frisbee tournament. It should be great fun, I've heard Edinburgh's lovely. Plus I saw Brave during the week so I'm all pro scotland :) Brave is great by the way you should all check it out. Best pixar film I've seen in a long time.
Beyond that I have little to say, my favourite video games are probably Assassins Creed, Fable 2, Pokemon, Fifa and Portal.
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