So I spent nine hours at school today. The Freshman start at normal time on the first day while everyone else comes an hour an a half later. Tomorrow I'll be at school a bit over twelve hours, but I'm not to worried about that.
In my previous post I mentioned how I have all my hard classes this semester, but from what today was like, it seems like it won't be that bad. I already have two hours less homework than I did last year.
My first class was Algebra 3. The teacher seems nice and we'll get homework everyday, but I'll be able to finish that in my extra study period. AP Psych is my next class. I'm a bit worried for it. I know I will have to study, which I'm not used to doing, but I think I'll do better than my AP class last year. Then I have orchestra followed by my study period. My last class of the day is American Lit. The teacher is cool and funny, and even though English is probably my least favorite subject, it'll be alright. Though, my reading of The Hobbit will be put on hold as we have started reading Huckleberry Finn already.
I'm actually excited for the school year.
I missed your birthday, Campion, but I hope you had a great one.
I have to go finish up paperwork from the school now and there's not much I can think to add in this post. Next week I should have more time to write.
PS: While making this post, I hurt myself about five times by accidentally cutting myself. I've clearly had a long day.
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