
Repeated Head Banging

Okay, I am exceedingly tired. I've had quite a busy week, what with studying for finals, agreeing to host a French tutoring thing, and preparing for my friend's birthday. BUT I am going to not talk about any of that stuff that you don't want to hear about and find something that you might care about. Er.

Paintball. Paintball is one of the greatest games known to humankind. The other day, my friends and I decided that we would waste a huge amount of time and go to play paintball. I was killed, but it was the most fun I've had in a really long time. Not to mention I got a lot of help in math from one of my friends who is infinitely smarter than I am.

I am currently sitting at my computer, typing with one hand and drinking coffee with the other. I'm making a great deal many more typos than usual, but I have work!

Kate, I think that one video fits in very well with this topic - the Einstein vs Hawking rap battle. The one that I'm too lazy to insert a link to. An idiotic video with just about no relation to the actual topic, but entertaining nonetheless. I think Hawking has built on a lot of what Einstein has done, but Einstein laid the groundwork for him to do so. I don't think it's quite possible to judge which is the "better" scientist.

Kayla, Deidra, congratulations on graduating, glad you enjoyed prom.

Have awesome weeks,

(And Katie, I'm stealing the colour thing again!)

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