
I started, fell asleep, and here we are.

Welcome to not Saturday. Sorry yet again for my absence, but it was the end of finals last week and I was in pain and....ramble-y stuff. I do not wish to talk about finals week or rather the grades of my finals which I receive on Monday. I failed at least two. However finals don't count against us, but teachers tend to work differently. The look of disappointment from my Spanish teacher might just kill me. 

This week was almost like a free one, but not. Remember all that Newport Mansion Intensive stuff I mentioned a while back? Well that happened again with new topics about to choose from, I went with Shakespeare. We did a series of scenes from various plays including Macbeth. I mention Macbeth in particular for two reasons. One, I was the second witch, and two, actors. On Monday they had local actors who preform Shakespeare every summer come and do a few scenes for us and they did Macbeth, which is the play this summer that I might be going to possibly attend. The guy who played Macbeth was really great, and we were informed later that that was his audition. I think he got the part.

Happy graduation Deidra and Kayla! Sorry to hear that it was uncomfortable. It's kinda funny because Simon tweeted this video:
That might have jazzed it up a bit. Uh anyway... 

Words.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................I'm lost for words. I'm trying to come up with a sufficient argument for Hawking vs Einstein, so of course I went to wikipedia first. And Saw this (on Hawking):

That's not my point I just thought it was funny. Nothing to do with the argument I'm still trying to find. Thinking about it. Okay so trying to find out who is better than who is a bit difficult. We can say that The Beatles are better than One Direction, sure. But that's a band, a group of people who work together to create something. That doesn't work out with individual people though. If I were to choose which one of my IRL friends I liked more as person I would end up fighting them and myself and probably combust. This probably isn't the answer you were looking for Kate, but comparing two human beings isn't possible. Or at least, easy. However if you were to compare the work of said people it would be different. Unless you're like me. I still see that as a disadvantage or unfair to the two different people.  "Who accomplished more?" isn't really a valid question. People as humans, work at different paces or levels if you will. So to compare the level of thinking between two people is hard. I think in order to do such a thing you would need to understand the thought process of the people posed and then, from a critical point of view, decide what accomplishments meant (mean) more. And putting value to something is even more difficult. I mean sure we doing all the time, but with objects, not people. Then again I guess you could say I value John Green more than Maureen Johnson, but I don't really know them. And their accomplishments vary. Therefore I am unable to decided critically, or at all who accomplished more based on value. And then the fact that science is involved, and that I barely kind of passed physics throws me off completely. But if we discard the science from this problem I can work with it easier. I'm sure that you all are familiar with John Locke and his "Tabula Rasa" theory. Which brings science back. Right. Well if, and most likely we are, formed from what we experience than no two people can really experience one thing the same way. Just like how colors, like red, are seen in slightly different shades to everyone. I think what I'm trying to say is that I am not qualified to answer such a question or resolve such an argument, Kate.

I don't know if you guys read the second Forbes article about Alex Day, but I found it to be...weird. Particularly this paragraph 
“'Albums are dead as far as I can tell,' says Day. 'I don’t mean physical formats are dead, but the concept of an album seems redundant when you can cherry-pick any individual track you like on iTunesanyway. Putting out singles means each song has its own artwork and its own video; it gets its time to shine; it makes me work harder to make sure the songs are good enough to withstand that light; and it’s more interesting for my audience, who are getting new songs from me every few months at the moment instead of once every year or two.'”
What is your views on the album? Personally I like the idea of an album, and everything that comes with it. I can understand the quickness of just releasing a song, but... then it's just a song. Something that by itself did well, or didn't. But an album that does well is a bunch of songs that a person would purchase because they liked all of the songs. No longer just a song, but a compilation of work that has done well. Thoughts?

I've never participated in paintball, but my brother has. I don't think it would be something I would try. My favorite animated film is... not counting Disney.... My Neighbor Totoro or How To TrainYour Dragon and one I would like to see is Brave. Because I started all this yesterday, fell asleep, I think this is all I want to say. DFTBA.


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