
Be on the Lookout for Shia LaBeouf!

Hey everyone, hope your weeks have gone well. Mine has been quite alright; I did pretty good on one of my calculus tests, I'm working on a watercolour painting in art, I'm starting to figure out what classes I have to register for my first year of university, and just today I had some spare time so I built a house of cards that was 6 levels high.Oh, and I was also nominated as valedictorian. There will be a vote next week to see who will be valedictorian out of the nominees. Even though I don't really like making speeches I'm still hoping that I'll get it.

Deidra's over for a sleepover tonight so we decided to make some more awesome food for supper and dessert. This time we made chicken samosas. Well, kind of anyway. We didn't have all the spices the recipe called for so we just kind of put in a bunch of stuff until it tasted good (note: for some reason cinnamon tastes really good with chili powder and curry powder). We also decided that we would try to make the dough instead of just buying some premade stuff, and that turned out.... interesting. In the end we couldn't shape them right because of the dough so we just made them into dumpling shapes since it was easier. I have to say though, this was probably one of the favourite things I've made for supper. 

For dessert we made a mixed fruit tart, with strawberries, apples, and kiwi. It was super easy and equally delicious so I don't know why I haven't ever made it before.

Adam I hope your exams have been/are going well. Good luck! Try not to stress too much.

Kate I am super jealous you get out of school so early. I just want my final year to be over already, but it just has to drag out all the way to the end of June. 

Campion, like Deidra I also write the title last and its usually just something relating to what I have talked about in the post. But if I can't think of anything good for that then I just put something random since it's just a title so its not that big of a deal really. I also get nostalgic quite a bit about things I remember from the past. And about the whole thing where your mom said your grandparents would be really strict, well that's probably because they were her parents and the grandparent-grandchild relationship is quite different from the parent-child one. My grandparents are the same way, and I love them for it.


PS - you guys should totally check out this song, its funny and random: Actual Cannibal Shia Labeouf

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