

My week this time around, was okay I suppose. I didn't really do anything, then again I never do anything... reflecting on this I realize that I should find a way to make my life more interesting, well I haven't vlogged in a while... I know that I'll probably never get around to it.

Something that I actually did do this week was in art class, the project that I'm working on is centered around puppets and the other day one of the art teachers gave me a big box filled with junk, like computer pieces random bits of wire and random pieces of metal (And no, I have no idea why they had this box lying around) . And using the pieces from this box I managed to construct a marionette puppet. Now actual puppet builders have years of experience, fine tools and good materials to work with. I, however have never made a puppet before, all I had to use was a box of assorted junk and all that I had to work with was a few pairs of pliers. The puppet that I did end up making did look sort of cool (in a piece of junk kind of way) and I do like the thing, even though controlling the bloody thing is like trying to text wearing a pair of garden gloves. It's movements are awkward and not really that impressive and the right arm and right leg are way to heavy but I am proud of it, mostly because it's the first puppet I've ever built.

It's getting late so just one more thing before I go to bed, a while ago I joined a Facebook group for people who are nerdfighters throughout New Zealand. And sometime last year, I started chatting and messaging a new friend that I had made within the group. She lived quite far away from me but we were just chatting on the internet, so it never really seemed to matter that much. Then I found out that she was going to university in the same city that I lived in, needless to say I was happy that a fellow nerdfighter was moving into the neighborhood. To cut a long story short, we hung out a few times and then we started dating and now she's my girl friend. So yeah, I have a nerdfighter like now... I really can't think of a way to end that without being awkward but there you go.

So I'd better stop this before it gets anymore awkward

So anyway have an awesome week guys

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