
Homework and NaNo = My life right now.

I fell behind on my word count for NaNo yesterday, it is now lacking 800 words plus what I have to write today.I hopefully will start writing 2000 a day so I stay ahead.  Right now I have about 9200 words, but I have yet to type up what I had written during study time at school.  This week is very busy for me so I know my word count will suffer even more, I just have to keep writing and do my best.

Tomorrow is the band/orchestra concert.  I play in the orchestra and I'm kind of nervous even though I know I shouldn't be.  Thursday is my 16th birthday as well as Academic Achievement Awards night.  If you had a gpa of 3.7 or higher you receive this award.  After the ceremony, everyone goes to the gym to get snacks and talk.  The orchestra provides background music so I will also be playing then.
Finally, Friday I am going to a Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert.  They are great; I really recommend you look up their First Snow song.  Preferably on youtube so you can see footage of the concert. I get to take my best friend along to the concert, and she is going to be spending the night for my birthday.
So you can see how my word count will fall behind.  Good luck to those who are doing NaNoWriMo.

Well, I've got to get to work.  Homework and then NaNo.


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