
Damien Rice

Hi, I hope you all had good weeks. I've had a lot to do lately with homework and stuff like that. This week I'm going to a protest against the increase if college fees in Ireland, it probably won't make a difference but I suppose all we can do is try.
I'd like to make a music reccommendation, he's been around for ages and he's big in Ireland but I don't know how international he is. He's Damien Rice, I've been getting really into him lately. I think he's an incredibley talented songwriter and the girl he sings with Lisa Hannigan is amazing too. His most famous songs are Cannonball and The Blowers Daughter. I really like "Cheers Darlin' and Amie". They're really amazing songs.
Just saw that "The Blowers daughter" has 15 million views on Youtube so he must be fairly international.
I might be getting my Xbox fixed this week, so that'll be a good few hours wasted away if I get that back.
As for the power question, I read a great book once called "The Amulet of Samrakand" which seemed to argue that power is intelligence rather than knowledge.
I was just looking through our stats, I can't believe we have over 3,000 views, and a significant number coming outside our countries. I also checked out the referring searchwords, obviously "A week of Awesome" was first, but "Cupcakes Birthday" and "Alliteration about Sisters" were also there. "James and Oliver Phelps University College Dublin" was there, I suppose a lot of people who went to that probably wanted to see if there was any feedback afterwards.
Oh, also, I saw Christopher Lee this week, he was amazing.

"But I'm not a miracle and you're not a saint
just another soldier on a road to nowhere"
Ah, I love Damien Rice.

Have a great week. DFTBA

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