Hey, guys. You are reading about a very tired Kira. I have been working on a project for the last six hours, non stop. I am DONE.
I...have nothing to write about. So...random ramblings.
I hope you all had good weeks. I...did not. I'm under a lot of stress at the moment, which makes me worried for in a few years...
Ooh! Random comment that depicts my inner child! It's my fourteenth birthday next Sunday!
Same request as always - visit alifetimeofenchantment.webs.com My friend is collecting people's Harry Potter memories. She's disappointed. Only one person joined. Make her happy and post?
For some reason I wasn't sure how to start this post... so here's a picture of two cats cuddling in case you are into that kind of thing.
Thanksgiving was a lot of fun for me. My mom and I went to my Aunt and Uncle's house where most of my mom's side of the family go for Thanksgiving. We had a delicious meal and my uncle let me ride the four-wheeler for the first time!
I'm tired and don't really have anything else to say this week. I hope all of you are doing well!
Just 5000 more words left to write for NaNo!
Thinking of a title
And I still don't have one. So I took an unexpected vacation last Sunday in which I just went to bed and forgot to post. It sucked when I woke up the next day realizing that I hadn't. I decided to give myself small topics in order to write more. Not sure if you guys did this too but I went back to the first week and just saw how small my posts got as the time progressed.
No more I tell you! So the first topic is really just to give you a large summed update of me I guess. I have been doing well. We [being the ninth grade class] were just taught how to check our grades, and I am semi-proud to announce that I am passing all my classes, except Algebra. I need to bring my grade up five more points to pass and I only have eleven days to do it in. That won't be too fun. I know the material, it was just those two or three problems on each test that brought my grade down. Once that has lifted I will be doing exceptional for the first trimester. Woo!
I saw Arther Christmas on Friday, which is a cute film I must say. Really caught the inner child that believes in Santa Clause. It's also officially Christmas in the states now that Thanksgiving has passed here. I'm glad, because turkey is gross. Do you guys celebrate Christmas? If so do you have any traditions you normally do? At my house we pretty much just decorate and watch the Home Alone movies and Elf. Also, what is your favorite part about the season? Mine is the music. I'm a big fan of the caroling and all that jazz. I think one of my favorite songs is 'Walking in a Winter Wonderland'. It has always been too, not sure why.
My next set topic is tea. I quite enjoy tea, and I found eight reasons why tea is good for you. If your not a big tea drinker like me this may not pertain to you, however its my topic.
1. Tea contains antioxidants. Antioxidants are important because they help to protect our immune system. They fight against free radicals that are found in the environment and have even been shown to help slow down the effects of aging.
2. Tea contains less caffeine than coffee. An eight ounce cup of coffee has been shown to contain 135mg of caffeine while the same size cup of tea only has about 40mg. Caffeine can have negative effects on the body including raising blood pressure, irritating stomach lining, and even causing rapid heartbeat. The less caffeine you drink, the better it is for your body.
3.Drinking tea may reduce the risk of heart attack. Drinking a cup of tea a day can actually help to keep cholesterol from building up in your arteries. Blood clots that are formed from this build-up are the main cause of heart attack and stroke.
4. Tea can protect your bones. The phytochemicals that are naturally occurring in tea have been shown to help strengthen bones.
5. Tea can protect your teeth. When you don't add a lot of sugar to your tea it can actually help to protect your teeth against cavities. The reason for this is that tea contains fluoride that can keep plaque from building up.
6. Tea can keep you hydrated. The reason for this is that tea is made with water, an essential fluid that our bodies need everyday.
7. Tea has no calories. Unless you add milk or sugar, tea doesn't contain any calories. If you consume 250 fewer calories a day you can lose up to one pound a week. Tea is a good choice if you're looking for calorie-free drinks.
8. Tea boosts your metabolism. Drinking green tea can actually help you burn an additional 70 to 80 calories a day. In just one year, drinking five cups of this tea everyday can help you lose up to eight pounds.
I found that interesting enough to share. Adam I loved those videos you posted last Saturday, and yes I have watched Yugioh Abridged and it is defiantly the best thing ever. I haven't gotten around to reading your fic, but I will being a Swindon Town fan. Also Deidra and Kayla can you be my official cake bakers? That Nyan cake looks so deliciously awesome! I'm glad freedom taste so great Campion, because now I'm stuck with the exams. Kate I'm glad your all caught up and doing well. Words words words words words words.
I had a small movie fest these past few days. It started with Ferris Bueller's Day Off on Thurs., Footloose on Fri., Grease on Sat., and The Outsiders tonight. I'll watch Drop Dead Fred tomorrow, and Forest Gump on Tues.
Anyway I kinda quit NaNo due to the fact that I have less drive that I thought I did when it comes to writing a lot of words in a small amount of time. I haven't written in weeks. To bad, I'll try something else next year, writing isn't really my thing I guess. However I seem to be doing well with the longer post. To recap: Math grades= horrible, Christmas is a good thing, tea is a mega beverage, and I'm good at mentioning you guys to fill up space. Oh and I suck at NaNo, but that's fine. I'm going to continue my movie vacation with The Outsiders.
The Miracle of Swindon Town.
Hi, I hope everyone had a great week. My week was ok, I've been studying a lot because I have a lot of in class tests as well as my finals coming up soon. I met up with a few friends Thursday night though, we ordered pizza and watched Family Guy "It's a trap." That was fun.
Kate, It's really cool that you found other nerdfighters in your area. I've found a good few randomly in college. I wore my pizza John t-shirt to the Fred and George thing and loads of people were like "OMG you like John Green!" It was a great wat to meet people cos I'm usually really shy.
Deidra, I hope your university applications go well, it seems weird to me to have to write an application cos the system is really different over here.
I can't believe that the pizza vegetable thing is true.
I posted some Swindon Town fanfiction on my new blogger account. Here's a link http://miracleofswindontown.blogspot.com/2011/11/prologue.html
Feel free to check it out, or not, or whatever :)
I'm going to try and post weekly. Sorry, this is a short post.
Kate, It's really cool that you found other nerdfighters in your area. I've found a good few randomly in college. I wore my pizza John t-shirt to the Fred and George thing and loads of people were like "OMG you like John Green!" It was a great wat to meet people cos I'm usually really shy.
Deidra, I hope your university applications go well, it seems weird to me to have to write an application cos the system is really different over here.
I can't believe that the pizza vegetable thing is true.
I posted some Swindon Town fanfiction on my new blogger account. Here's a link http://miracleofswindontown.blogspot.com/2011/11/prologue.html
Feel free to check it out, or not, or whatever :)
I'm going to try and post weekly. Sorry, this is a short post.
So my week was pretty crazy, but hopefully I won't be quite as busy next week. I'm going to Thunder Bay this weekend so I'm going to try to get some Christmas shopping done. I'm pretty sure I know what I'm getting for my parents and my sister, which is strange because I usually have trouble figuring out what to get them.
Anyway, like Deidra said we made an awesome Nyan Cat cake last weekend, here's a picture we took before eating it.
Adam, I love Yugioh Abridged Series! There are just so many things to love about it: the voices, all the stupid jokes, stupid internet references. I could write down a whole bunch of my favourite jokes from there, but I'll restrain myself and just say: I agree with you, everyone should definitely check it out.
Kate, I agree about the whole US congress thing. I laughed when I heard they were going to try to censor the internet. The whole pizza vegetable issue also made me chuckle a bit.
Good to hear from you again Campion, it's great your exams are done. I got to say, I definitely don't prepare for my exams as well as you seem to do so I hope you get super awesome marks.
Anyway, like Deidra said we made an awesome Nyan Cat cake last weekend, here's a picture we took before eating it.
Adam, I love Yugioh Abridged Series! There are just so many things to love about it: the voices, all the stupid jokes, stupid internet references. I could write down a whole bunch of my favourite jokes from there, but I'll restrain myself and just say: I agree with you, everyone should definitely check it out.
Kate, I agree about the whole US congress thing. I laughed when I heard they were going to try to censor the internet. The whole pizza vegetable issue also made me chuckle a bit.
Good to hear from you again Campion, it's great your exams are done. I got to say, I definitely don't prepare for my exams as well as you seem to do so I hope you get super awesome marks.
Freedom never tasted s good
Well after several months of study and preparation my exams have finally come to a close and I am now free. It's good to my freedom back and now I can go back to working on some of my art and film projects that I was working on before exams started. I've got a filmshoot tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday, all with different people. So it's good to keep myself busy for the moment.
Adam, it's awesome that Father Ted's free on YouTube. I've seen a few of the episodes and I wanted to get back into it. Deidra, you haven't seen Lord Of The Rings? Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just in New Zealand everyone has seen Lord Of The Rings. I guess that I'm just not used to people who haven't seen it because it's such a big part of our culture, but they are good films and I would recommend seeing it. Also I hope that yours and Kayla's University applications go well. Kate, it's awesome that you found another Nerdfighter in your town, I was really excited when I found out that a few of my friends were also nerdfighters.
I'm sorry that I missed last week and that this weeks post is a bit late but I out of my exams now so I'm not under as much stress as I was before so getting these posts out should be a lot easier for me now.
I hope that you guys have an awesome week
Adam, it's awesome that Father Ted's free on YouTube. I've seen a few of the episodes and I wanted to get back into it. Deidra, you haven't seen Lord Of The Rings? Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just in New Zealand everyone has seen Lord Of The Rings. I guess that I'm just not used to people who haven't seen it because it's such a big part of our culture, but they are good films and I would recommend seeing it. Also I hope that yours and Kayla's University applications go well. Kate, it's awesome that you found another Nerdfighter in your town, I was really excited when I found out that a few of my friends were also nerdfighters.
I'm sorry that I missed last week and that this weeks post is a bit late but I out of my exams now so I'm not under as much stress as I was before so getting these posts out should be a lot easier for me now.
I hope that you guys have an awesome week
A Sigh of Relief
After today, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief. I have been working my butt off this past week to get all of the work on my independent study project for my English class done for today. I have worked about a total of at least 12 hours in the past couple days, and I never even ended up finished reading the second book. I can't say how good it felt to be able to hand in the rough drafts and whatnot today. It means at least a weekend free from working or thinking about it. FREEDOM!
I have been thinking for a while on what I will do my Biology project on, though, since I have been so busy with this one. I have chosen symbiosis in nature, which is basically species who live together mutually and work off of each other. A cool example of this is the clown fish and sea anemones. The anemone provides the fish with protection, and the fish provides the anemone with a source of nutrition. Without each other, they would both likely die. I think it's a pretty interesting topic. At least one that I will not be bored looking into.
Also this week I submitted my university applications. It was an easy process once I decided what programs I wanted. After I was done though, I don't know if I felt more or less relieved. I mean, I didn't have to worry anymore about doing them, or stressing about what choices to make. But all of sudden the reality that I am in my final year of high school, and in a few short months I will be leaving home to start this, was just all too scary. It was kind of a momentary panic as to what emotion I should be feeling. Makes me wonder what will happen when/if I get accepted.
Kayla and I ended up watching Edward Scissorhands, which I must say was a really good movie. I laughed a lot, which means that it has to be good. We also made a cake. A NyanCat cake. It was awesome.
Adam, the Father Ted clip was hilarious. Maybe over the Christmas Break I will watch some of the episodes on YouTube. They really seem like they are worth a look.
Kate, you are so lucky that you have other Nerdfighers in your town. Other than Kayla, there are no other really nerdy people around here. Which is really notsome. Also, I laugh at the Internet Censorship idea. They can try, but I don't think it is quite possible. People will find a way around it.
Kira, I am infinitely jealous of your five day weekend. We only got 3 days for our Thanksgiving. Also I had a ton of homework to do during that weekend, which didn't help the relaxation. I hope yours is relaxing though.
I have a music recommendation for this week. It is Alice's Theme by Danny Elfman, from Alice in Wonderland. I have had the tune from this song stuck in my head all week, and as much as I love love love it, it has driven me crazy. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Hope your weeks have gone well and better than mine, and that your Thanksgivings (or regular Thursdays) have passed with pleasure. Don't forget to be awesome!
Kayla and I ended up watching Edward Scissorhands, which I must say was a really good movie. I laughed a lot, which means that it has to be good. We also made a cake. A NyanCat cake. It was awesome.
Adam, the Father Ted clip was hilarious. Maybe over the Christmas Break I will watch some of the episodes on YouTube. They really seem like they are worth a look.
Kate, you are so lucky that you have other Nerdfighers in your town. Other than Kayla, there are no other really nerdy people around here. Which is really notsome. Also, I laugh at the Internet Censorship idea. They can try, but I don't think it is quite possible. People will find a way around it.
Kira, I am infinitely jealous of your five day weekend. We only got 3 days for our Thanksgiving. Also I had a ton of homework to do during that weekend, which didn't help the relaxation. I hope yours is relaxing though.
I have a music recommendation for this week. It is Alice's Theme by Danny Elfman, from Alice in Wonderland. I have had the tune from this song stuck in my head all week, and as much as I love love love it, it has driven me crazy. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Hope your weeks have gone well and better than mine, and that your Thanksgivings (or regular Thursdays) have passed with pleasure. Don't forget to be awesome!
Thanksgiving Break
Personally, I'm used to Thanksgiving being in October. I honestly don't care right now, though - I'm just happy I have a five day weekend. And no homework. I'm delighted.
Deidra, Kayla, good luck with your university applications. A few years off for me. Deidra, I love the Big Bang Theory. And cookies. Thanks for reminding me that I really wanted to bake some. I am also rather jealous about your bilingual keyboard. Would have made the 4 years of French easier. Kate - I totally agree. The U.S. Congress is messed up - how does that count as a vegetable?
Deidra, Kayla, good luck with your university applications. A few years off for me. Deidra, I love the Big Bang Theory. And cookies. Thanks for reminding me that I really wanted to bake some. I am also rather jealous about your bilingual keyboard. Would have made the 4 years of French easier. Kate - I totally agree. The U.S. Congress is messed up - how does that count as a vegetable?
Caught up and STUFF
So.... the US congress isn't doing it's job to the best of their abilities. They pretty much have said the tomato paste inside of pizza sauce will count as a vegetable in school lunches even thought tomatoes are fruits. Plus they have proposed a bill that will censor the internet. Luckily there are so many people from the public who oppose that bill.
I believe I read somewhere that congress's approval rating is 9%. My question is who are these 9%?
Yesterday I caught up to where I needed to be for NaNo. I still haven't written any for today, so I will have to work on that soon.
Last week I forgot to tell you that I found another Nerdfighter in my town!
I was wearing my Sons of Admirals t-shirt, and this girl from my math class (who I have kind of known for about a year) comes up to me after class and says, "When I saw you wearing that shirt, my heart beat a thousand times faster. I love them!"
I was completely thrown off guard and only say "...Really?!" before the bell rang to signal the end of school. I went home and checked to see if I was friends with her on Facebook. I wasn't so I did a little bit of non-creepy facebook stalking. Even though we weren't friends, I could see that under her favorite teams was the Swindon Town Swoodilypoopers, and under her favorite music were Charlie Mcdonnell, Alex Day, and Still Got Legs. Plus she was making the Nerdfighter gang sign in a few of her pictures. I got really excited. So know I know we have at least four, including me, nerfighters in my town.
Last thing, in PE we had to write what they called a "Life Saving Letter" to anyone. We pretty much had to tell someone why it was important to be healthy, what risk factors can affect them, how he/she can set goals to accomplish personal fitness, and why we care about them. I wrote to past John Green about his little weight issue. My nerdfighter friend wrote to Hank pretty much saying "I know you really love them, but you got to lay off the corndogs. They are fattening and unhealthy." It was a fun joke and our teacher will probably be confused by the irrelevance of our inside jokes.
"Cool story, bro."
Hi everyone, I hope you're all keeping well. I had a sort of mixed week.
Tuesday I went out to a bar for a party with the Sci-Fi society, it was really nerdy and fun. They played really cool music like the pokémon theme tune. (I can get just that one type of accent on my keyboard because it's the only one in the Irish language). I stayed at a friends apartment and wore my tiger print onesie, in the morning his flatmate came in was like "?????".
Also, I have an amazing youtube reccommendation, you might have seen it already because it's quite popular. It's the yu-gi-oh abridged series, it a comedy thing of edited down yu-gi-oh episodes with the voices dubbed over. There's around 50 episodes and they're ridiculously funny.
On Wednesday I went to the student protest. It was good fun, people were generally quite good humoured. Some of the banners were really fantastic. You probably won't get this but there were two people with placards saying "Down with this sort of thing." and "Careful now." It's a brilliant reference to the epic Irish comedy Father Ted. In fact I'm going to post a video in this.
OMG OMG you can watch all the full episodes of father ted on youtube for free!!!!!!! YAY :)
I think I'll put another one because that doesn't really show what the show is like. Ok, explanation to the next clip. It's a really clever episode that's sort of like "Speed", Dougal is the new milkman and the previous milkman has put a bomb on the milkfloat to kill him. If he goes over 4 mph then the bomb is armed and when he goes back below 4mph it goes off. In this scene the bomb is armed when Dougal and Ted find a devious trap by the milkman to make him go under 4mph.
Anyway, that's all from me for this week, adios! :)
Tuesday I went out to a bar for a party with the Sci-Fi society, it was really nerdy and fun. They played really cool music like the pokémon theme tune. (I can get just that one type of accent on my keyboard because it's the only one in the Irish language). I stayed at a friends apartment and wore my tiger print onesie, in the morning his flatmate came in was like "?????".
Also, I have an amazing youtube reccommendation, you might have seen it already because it's quite popular. It's the yu-gi-oh abridged series, it a comedy thing of edited down yu-gi-oh episodes with the voices dubbed over. There's around 50 episodes and they're ridiculously funny.
On Wednesday I went to the student protest. It was good fun, people were generally quite good humoured. Some of the banners were really fantastic. You probably won't get this but there were two people with placards saying "Down with this sort of thing." and "Careful now." It's a brilliant reference to the epic Irish comedy Father Ted. In fact I'm going to post a video in this.
OMG OMG you can watch all the full episodes of father ted on youtube for free!!!!!!! YAY :)
I think I'll put another one because that doesn't really show what the show is like. Ok, explanation to the next clip. It's a really clever episode that's sort of like "Speed", Dougal is the new milkman and the previous milkman has put a bomb on the milkfloat to kill him. If he goes over 4 mph then the bomb is armed and when he goes back below 4mph it goes off. In this scene the bomb is armed when Dougal and Ted find a devious trap by the milkman to make him go under 4mph.
Anyway, that's all from me for this week, adios! :)
I Can't Think of Titles
I'm not really in the mood to write today so I think this will be shorter than usual. I've been losing precious hours of sleep this week to the horrible monster that is homework. Hopefully I'll catch up on some this weekend, but then again, I say that every week.
Like Deidra I did my university application this week. I applied for a biology major and hopefully I'll be heading into zoology, but who knows, I change my mind so often.
This weekend Deidra's going to be coming over for a sleepover so she can help sell poinsettias as a grad fundraiser the next day. We're going to be watching a movie of some sort as well, but we're not sure what yet. I've been trying to get her to watch The Lord of the Rings for a while now, but that's a long trilogy so we might not have time for it. Maybe just the first one. Or Edward Scissorhands, I'm supposed to get her to see that as well.
Hope your guys' weeks went well and you aren't as busy as I am.
Like Deidra I did my university application this week. I applied for a biology major and hopefully I'll be heading into zoology, but who knows, I change my mind so often.
This weekend Deidra's going to be coming over for a sleepover so she can help sell poinsettias as a grad fundraiser the next day. We're going to be watching a movie of some sort as well, but we're not sure what yet. I've been trying to get her to watch The Lord of the Rings for a while now, but that's a long trilogy so we might not have time for it. Maybe just the first one. Or Edward Scissorhands, I'm supposed to get her to see that as well.
Hope your guys' weeks went well and you aren't as busy as I am.
A Recipe for Writing
Instead of concentrating on homework, or focusing on writing my post, I decided to bake chocolate chip cookies with my sister while watching The Big Bang Theory. Of course, when baking with my sister, I mean that I measure all ingredients, she stirs everything, and then I do the actual baking part while she waits for the cookies. It's alright in the end. I don't mind it too much, but I do wish that she would help a bit more sometimes, especially when I have a lot of work to do.
I haven't really done all that much this week. I have been working on my university applications, and I think I am just about ready to send them off. I just want to double/triple check my choices, and make sure that it is what I want to do. I am kind of worried that I will not be accepted into my first choice program, which is also really my only choice. There is only one school that I want to attend, and one program that I really want to do, which is English/Education. I do have a fallback choice, which is just studying English, and a second fallback of Northern and Polar Studies. Both of them are very interesting, and the Northern studies program seems very interesting, but I've had my heart set on teaching since I was little. It's what I've always wanted to do.
Campion, I do hope that your exams are going well. I know exactly what you mean by hand cramps during English. I wrote a test in English this week, and pretty much every 5 minutes I had to stop and stretch the muscles in my hand. I wish I really was ambidextrous, it would help so much in situations like that. The holidays are coming soon though, so hang in there and good luck.
Looking at your post, Kayla, I cannot believe it has only been a week since Remembrance Day. I guess last week was just too hectic and chaotic that my mind has pushed it away. As for the movie, it is probably another that I will never see. Though it did sound alright. Just not the type of thing I am into watching.
I hope your protest went well, Adam. Hopefully it does some good. College and university fees are getting outrageously high these days. It's nuts. No one ever seems to listen to the students, to the people that matter. Also, it's good to see that I am not the only one who looks at the blog statistics. I think it's cool that 'Cupcake Birthday' is one of our linking searchwords. It makes what I have done for birthdays a little more special.
It was funny that you mentioned David Tennant in the Harry Potter movie, Katie, as I had just watched that movie a few days before. And I was specifically looking for Tennant. He looks completely crazy as Barty Crouch Jr. It was a stark contrast to him as the Doctor.
I am jealous of you, Kate, that you are reading The Catcher in the Rye. I have wanted to read it for a while now. I have been to busy this year so far with English class and all of its required reading that I haven't been able to do any pleasure reading. It is very annoying, especially since I recently bought The Scorpio Races, which I have been waiting forever to read.
I found it strange for a moment that you had to copy and past an accent for your French, Kira, but then I remembered that I have a weird bilingual keyboard, and can put aççents on my lètters with just à kéystroke. It made my two years of French classes much easier, but it can be annoying when typing now.
I haven't really done all that much this week. I have been working on my university applications, and I think I am just about ready to send them off. I just want to double/triple check my choices, and make sure that it is what I want to do. I am kind of worried that I will not be accepted into my first choice program, which is also really my only choice. There is only one school that I want to attend, and one program that I really want to do, which is English/Education. I do have a fallback choice, which is just studying English, and a second fallback of Northern and Polar Studies. Both of them are very interesting, and the Northern studies program seems very interesting, but I've had my heart set on teaching since I was little. It's what I've always wanted to do.
Campion, I do hope that your exams are going well. I know exactly what you mean by hand cramps during English. I wrote a test in English this week, and pretty much every 5 minutes I had to stop and stretch the muscles in my hand. I wish I really was ambidextrous, it would help so much in situations like that. The holidays are coming soon though, so hang in there and good luck.
Looking at your post, Kayla, I cannot believe it has only been a week since Remembrance Day. I guess last week was just too hectic and chaotic that my mind has pushed it away. As for the movie, it is probably another that I will never see. Though it did sound alright. Just not the type of thing I am into watching.
I hope your protest went well, Adam. Hopefully it does some good. College and university fees are getting outrageously high these days. It's nuts. No one ever seems to listen to the students, to the people that matter. Also, it's good to see that I am not the only one who looks at the blog statistics. I think it's cool that 'Cupcake Birthday' is one of our linking searchwords. It makes what I have done for birthdays a little more special.
It was funny that you mentioned David Tennant in the Harry Potter movie, Katie, as I had just watched that movie a few days before. And I was specifically looking for Tennant. He looks completely crazy as Barty Crouch Jr. It was a stark contrast to him as the Doctor.
I am jealous of you, Kate, that you are reading The Catcher in the Rye. I have wanted to read it for a while now. I have been to busy this year so far with English class and all of its required reading that I haven't been able to do any pleasure reading. It is very annoying, especially since I recently bought The Scorpio Races, which I have been waiting forever to read.
Keep writing those NaNo novels, guys. I know that you will succeed, and that your stories will be amazing. Even if you don't end up writing the entire 50K, at least you tried. So keep calm, and don't forget to be awesome!
Life Is Fantastic Right Now
Honestly...That's about it. Life's been really good this week. I hope you guys had good weeks, too. I've got a lot of work keeping me busy, but I've realized that I like it that way. I would get so bored if I didn't have something to do.
I just finished typing up a lab report. It took a while, but it's pretty good now. J'ai un peu du francais. Yes, I know I forgot the accent. I'm too lazy to copy and paste.
Yes, Katie, that was David Tenant. Adam, thanks for the music recommendation. I'll be sure to check him out. And, uh, yeah...I'm really in the mood to write, but I have to go finish my French. And my economics. And my flute practice. And bassoon practice.
I just finished typing up a lab report. It took a while, but it's pretty good now. J'ai un peu du francais. Yes, I know I forgot the accent. I'm too lazy to copy and paste.
Yes, Katie, that was David Tenant. Adam, thanks for the music recommendation. I'll be sure to check him out. And, uh, yeah...I'm really in the mood to write, but I have to go finish my French. And my economics. And my flute practice. And bassoon practice.
Behind and Stuff
This post may end up being short as I really need to get things done today.
So it turns out that we have to have read The Catcher in the Rye by tomorrow, and I have about 100 pages left, so that will take a few hours. I am behind on NaNo by a day because I could not get on my computer to write at all. I'll probably be spending the rest of my night doing those two things.
Thanks for the birthday wishes. I had a good and busy day.
Yeah, this has been a short post.
So it turns out that we have to have read The Catcher in the Rye by tomorrow, and I have about 100 pages left, so that will take a few hours. I am behind on NaNo by a day because I could not get on my computer to write at all. I'll probably be spending the rest of my night doing those two things.
Thanks for the birthday wishes. I had a good and busy day.
Yeah, this has been a short post.
Something I didn't notice...
Was that David Tennant is in the fourth HP movie. I'm just casually watching then BAM Davids face on screen. I joined Envirothon on Tuesday, its really fun. I don't have a lot to say because I'm extremely tired. We started The Odyssey in class. I like it so far, but we're doing it in groups. I can't stand reading aloud to kids who don't care or didn't do the reading. I'm more of a self reader. My back is better if you were wondering. My novel is pathetic at a count of 3,523 words. What I've realized throughout my NaNoing is that I get everything else done besides my novel. Hell I even exercised the other day to pass the time. Elections are this week, I believe on Friday. I'm running for my advisory rep then possibly class though I don't think I would do too well. My friend Anna has some really great posters designed. I'm getting sleepy so I should go before I start making less sense.
Damien Rice
Hi, I hope you all had good weeks. I've had a lot to do lately with homework and stuff like that. This week I'm going to a protest against the increase if college fees in Ireland, it probably won't make a difference but I suppose all we can do is try.
I'd like to make a music reccommendation, he's been around for ages and he's big in Ireland but I don't know how international he is. He's Damien Rice, I've been getting really into him lately. I think he's an incredibley talented songwriter and the girl he sings with Lisa Hannigan is amazing too. His most famous songs are Cannonball and The Blowers Daughter. I really like "Cheers Darlin' and Amie". They're really amazing songs.
Just saw that "The Blowers daughter" has 15 million views on Youtube so he must be fairly international.
I might be getting my Xbox fixed this week, so that'll be a good few hours wasted away if I get that back.
As for the power question, I read a great book once called "The Amulet of Samrakand" which seemed to argue that power is intelligence rather than knowledge.
I was just looking through our stats, I can't believe we have over 3,000 views, and a significant number coming outside our countries. I also checked out the referring searchwords, obviously "A week of Awesome" was first, but "Cupcakes Birthday" and "Alliteration about Sisters" were also there. "James and Oliver Phelps University College Dublin" was there, I suppose a lot of people who went to that probably wanted to see if there was any feedback afterwards.
Oh, also, I saw Christopher Lee this week, he was amazing.
"But I'm not a miracle and you're not a saint
just another soldier on a road to nowhere"
Ah, I love Damien Rice.
Have a great week. DFTBA
I'd like to make a music reccommendation, he's been around for ages and he's big in Ireland but I don't know how international he is. He's Damien Rice, I've been getting really into him lately. I think he's an incredibley talented songwriter and the girl he sings with Lisa Hannigan is amazing too. His most famous songs are Cannonball and The Blowers Daughter. I really like "Cheers Darlin' and Amie". They're really amazing songs.
Just saw that "The Blowers daughter" has 15 million views on Youtube so he must be fairly international.
I might be getting my Xbox fixed this week, so that'll be a good few hours wasted away if I get that back.
As for the power question, I read a great book once called "The Amulet of Samrakand" which seemed to argue that power is intelligence rather than knowledge.
I was just looking through our stats, I can't believe we have over 3,000 views, and a significant number coming outside our countries. I also checked out the referring searchwords, obviously "A week of Awesome" was first, but "Cupcakes Birthday" and "Alliteration about Sisters" were also there. "James and Oliver Phelps University College Dublin" was there, I suppose a lot of people who went to that probably wanted to see if there was any feedback afterwards.
Oh, also, I saw Christopher Lee this week, he was amazing.
"But I'm not a miracle and you're not a saint
just another soldier on a road to nowhere"
Ah, I love Damien Rice.
Have a great week. DFTBA
11:11 11/11/11 Make A Wish
Well the snow is finally here, and I think it's going to stay, but I guess we'll just have to see. It was pretty warm out and I was in a good mood so I ended up shoveling our deck off. I tried to make a snowman afterwards, but it wasn't sticky enough so I'll have to try again some other day.
Today also happens to be Remembrance Day here so we had our usual ceremony at school. This year the students from the elementary school came to our ceremony as well. One class read In Flanders Fields and another sang a song. They were so cute and little. And for once my poppy didn't fall off in the middle of the day.
Movie suggestion: The Eagle. I probably wouldn't have seen this movie if my dad hadn't pointed it out in the store, but it was surprisingly good in my opinion. It's set in Roman times where a man tries to restore his family's honour. The main character is Channing Tatum so that was a bit of a plus.
Katie, I hope your lower back is feeling better. Adam, I cannot think of a more perfect name for a Doctor Who song than Tardis Blues, I'm glad your music making is going well. Kate, Happy Birthday! Hope you have/had an awesome day! Also congrats about sticking with nano until this point, I don't seem to have that sort of capability.
Power, that's a toughy. I think I'll have to agree with you Kira. Knowledge is power. And congrats on your awesome mark. Hope exams are going well for you Campion, hang in there.
Anyway I'm getting tired so I'll be heading off to bed now.
Today also happens to be Remembrance Day here so we had our usual ceremony at school. This year the students from the elementary school came to our ceremony as well. One class read In Flanders Fields and another sang a song. They were so cute and little. And for once my poppy didn't fall off in the middle of the day.
Movie suggestion: The Eagle. I probably wouldn't have seen this movie if my dad hadn't pointed it out in the store, but it was surprisingly good in my opinion. It's set in Roman times where a man tries to restore his family's honour. The main character is Channing Tatum so that was a bit of a plus.
Katie, I hope your lower back is feeling better. Adam, I cannot think of a more perfect name for a Doctor Who song than Tardis Blues, I'm glad your music making is going well. Kate, Happy Birthday! Hope you have/had an awesome day! Also congrats about sticking with nano until this point, I don't seem to have that sort of capability.
Power, that's a toughy. I think I'll have to agree with you Kira. Knowledge is power. And congrats on your awesome mark. Hope exams are going well for you Campion, hang in there.
Anyway I'm getting tired so I'll be heading off to bed now.
I Need a Break ... But I'd Rather Have a Breakthrough
Clicky the title for my music recommendation. It's basically how I feel right about now. I've been awake since 6 am, to travel to Thunder Bay for a neurologist appointment. It went really well, but the travelling took a lot out of me. It snowed last night, so the roads were kind of horrible, so it took even longer than it usually does to drive there. Then when I got home this evening I had to do English homework, because life is unfair in that way. Then I almost forgot to post.
Thankfully the weekend is almost here! What would we do without them? Honestly, I would be insanse by now. That is the only way I can keep up with sleep and homework. Also this weekend I am hoping to be able to apply to university if I am not too busy, since I have been lately. I am both excited and not excited to do it. I want to apply, and go through with the whole beginning of the rest of my life thing; I mean, it is a big step, one that I have been waiting for forever. But also I am scared. Yes, the little chicken that I am doesn't want to leave home. I love my family and my horribly little home town. I don't know if I can function without them. Also to leave my friends. That will be difficult. I've grown so close to them, I don't want any of them to leave me. I'll get over it eventually, I know, and make new friends, but still. I don't think I want my life to change.
I hope that all of your NaNo novels are coming along well. I know that school gets in the way, but keep on writing! I can't wait for the end of November to (hopefully) be able to read some of what you've written. I don't care if you think it's horrible, or if it's unfinished. I'll still want to see what comes from your minds.
Happy Sweet Sixteen to you, Kate! Here is your cyper-birthday-cupcake, as per my apparent Group of Awesome Tradition. It looks so delicious, I just want to eat it. I hope you had an awesome day, and that you rocked some socks off with your orchestral performance.
Anywho, I am extremely tired, and now really need a break. So don't forget to be awesome, have a great weekend, and yeah that sorta stuff. =D
Thankfully the weekend is almost here! What would we do without them? Honestly, I would be insanse by now. That is the only way I can keep up with sleep and homework. Also this weekend I am hoping to be able to apply to university if I am not too busy, since I have been lately. I am both excited and not excited to do it. I want to apply, and go through with the whole beginning of the rest of my life thing; I mean, it is a big step, one that I have been waiting for forever. But also I am scared. Yes, the little chicken that I am doesn't want to leave home. I love my family and my horribly little home town. I don't know if I can function without them. Also to leave my friends. That will be difficult. I've grown so close to them, I don't want any of them to leave me. I'll get over it eventually, I know, and make new friends, but still. I don't think I want my life to change.
I hope that all of your NaNo novels are coming along well. I know that school gets in the way, but keep on writing! I can't wait for the end of November to (hopefully) be able to read some of what you've written. I don't care if you think it's horrible, or if it's unfinished. I'll still want to see what comes from your minds.
Adam, I'm glad to hear that you are coming up with more song ideas. When will we be able to hear the first one? I'm very interested in knowing how it turned out. Especially since it's about Bad Wolf.
Anywho, I am extremely tired, and now really need a break. So don't forget to be awesome, have a great weekend, and yeah that sorta stuff. =D
Exams have started, yeah I'm not that excited
So my exams have finally started today and it was kinda brutal. I swear that my hand seized up several times and has lost some of it's movement. English exams always have ridiculous amounts of writing. But I'm fairly certain that it went well, so I have three exams to go until I'm free. Free to go back to wasting away my life, exams have really stopped me from doing a lot lately, my YouTube channel and film making has suffered immensely and I've got to get back to writing my comic book. So, yeah I just can't wait to finish my exams and get on with my holidays.
So until my exams finish I'm going to be very antisocial and my blog posts will be very short. Just please put up with me for a few more weeks.
Have an awesome guys
So until my exams finish I'm going to be very antisocial and my blog posts will be very short. Just please put up with me for a few more weeks.
Have an awesome guys
Falling Asleep At My Keyboard
I'm typing very slowly right now. I just finished my homework. It was long and boring. So...I honestly can't think of anything to talk about. As always, I am going to suggest you visit this. Awesome website my friend started.
You know what's keeping me awake long enough to type this? A butter tart. Easily one of the most unhealthy foods ever, but they're so, so good. Did you know my new town doesn't sell them anywhere? I'm in shock.
Guys, congratulate me. I've just set a school record. I am the first person in my school to have ever gotten a 98% on my final economics project. My teacher marks those really hard.
Anything else interesting...Okay, I'm going to ask a question someone posed to me a while ago. I always found it intriguing. What does the word power mean to you? It can mean so many things, I never know exactly what to say. If it comes down to it, I think my honest answer has to be knowledge.
You know what's keeping me awake long enough to type this? A butter tart. Easily one of the most unhealthy foods ever, but they're so, so good. Did you know my new town doesn't sell them anywhere? I'm in shock.
Guys, congratulate me. I've just set a school record. I am the first person in my school to have ever gotten a 98% on my final economics project. My teacher marks those really hard.
Anything else interesting...Okay, I'm going to ask a question someone posed to me a while ago. I always found it intriguing. What does the word power mean to you? It can mean so many things, I never know exactly what to say. If it comes down to it, I think my honest answer has to be knowledge.
Homework and NaNo = My life right now.
I fell behind on my word count for NaNo yesterday, it is now lacking 800 words plus what I have to write today.I hopefully will start writing 2000 a day so I stay ahead. Right now I have about 9200 words, but I have yet to type up what I had written during study time at school. This week is very busy for me so I know my word count will suffer even more, I just have to keep writing and do my best.
Tomorrow is the band/orchestra concert. I play in the orchestra and I'm kind of nervous even though I know I shouldn't be. Thursday is my 16th birthday as well as Academic Achievement Awards night. If you had a gpa of 3.7 or higher you receive this award. After the ceremony, everyone goes to the gym to get snacks and talk. The orchestra provides background music so I will also be playing then.
Finally, Friday I am going to a Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert. They are great; I really recommend you look up their First Snow song. Preferably on youtube so you can see footage of the concert. I get to take my best friend along to the concert, and she is going to be spending the night for my birthday.
So you can see how my word count will fall behind. Good luck to those who are doing NaNoWriMo.
Well, I've got to get to work. Homework and then NaNo.
Tomorrow is the band/orchestra concert. I play in the orchestra and I'm kind of nervous even though I know I shouldn't be. Thursday is my 16th birthday as well as Academic Achievement Awards night. If you had a gpa of 3.7 or higher you receive this award. After the ceremony, everyone goes to the gym to get snacks and talk. The orchestra provides background music so I will also be playing then.
Finally, Friday I am going to a Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert. They are great; I really recommend you look up their First Snow song. Preferably on youtube so you can see footage of the concert. I get to take my best friend along to the concert, and she is going to be spending the night for my birthday.
So you can see how my word count will fall behind. Good luck to those who are doing NaNoWriMo.
Well, I've got to get to work. Homework and then NaNo.
Feeling good
I forgot to post AGAIN. (Sigh), maybe I'll eventually get the hang of all this.
I had a really nice random day today (monday). I got up at 8:30 had a shower, dressed myself, ate breakfast and got on the bus for college. I brought a bag for the gym because I like to go to the gym on Mondays. I went to my math class at 10 and then after that went to the library at 11. I met up with my friends for lunch at 12 and I had soup, it was carrot. :) Then randomly instead of going to the gym I went into City Centre with two of my friends and we went shopping. I bought a tiger print onesie, it's awesome. It was really fun, going around the different shops looking at stuff. Then we went to a shake shop where they make great milkshakes out of chocolate bars, I got a galaxy one. We shopped some more and then went to Subway and went home. When I got home I saw Savannaamazing (my new favourite youtuber, check her out) replied to my comment on her video, which made me feel all happy. So, yeah good day.
Also, my nanowrimo has fallen apart but on the plus side I wrote a new song that I'm delighted with, it's called "Amy, maybe I could be your man" and it's from those few minutes at the start of the doctor who episode in Germany. The part where Amy, Melody and Rory are growing up and Amy realises that Rory likes her. And to make things even better, as soon as I had that finished I got a great idea to write a blues song called "Tardis Blues", it's not finished yet but I'm really enjoying working on it.
Anyway, I hope you all have a great week :D
I had a really nice random day today (monday). I got up at 8:30 had a shower, dressed myself, ate breakfast and got on the bus for college. I brought a bag for the gym because I like to go to the gym on Mondays. I went to my math class at 10 and then after that went to the library at 11. I met up with my friends for lunch at 12 and I had soup, it was carrot. :) Then randomly instead of going to the gym I went into City Centre with two of my friends and we went shopping. I bought a tiger print onesie, it's awesome. It was really fun, going around the different shops looking at stuff. Then we went to a shake shop where they make great milkshakes out of chocolate bars, I got a galaxy one. We shopped some more and then went to Subway and went home. When I got home I saw Savannaamazing (my new favourite youtuber, check her out) replied to my comment on her video, which made me feel all happy. So, yeah good day.
Also, my nanowrimo has fallen apart but on the plus side I wrote a new song that I'm delighted with, it's called "Amy, maybe I could be your man" and it's from those few minutes at the start of the doctor who episode in Germany. The part where Amy, Melody and Rory are growing up and Amy realises that Rory likes her. And to make things even better, as soon as I had that finished I got a great idea to write a blues song called "Tardis Blues", it's not finished yet but I'm really enjoying working on it.
Anyway, I hope you all have a great week :D
Sundays are a thing.
So I almost forgot it's Sunday and that I post on this day. Lets test this...
I didn't go to school on Thursday or Friday, making them pretty awesome days. The reason I was out was because I got this terrible pain in my lower back that felt like someone was punching me every time I moved. So yea that sucked.
Also I'm doing poorly in math. I spent half of Thursday night trying to do problem #18 and every single time I did it I got it wrong. Somethings I'll never understand. Being a nerd would you would think I love school, right? Well yes I value the education part but not the people part. I swear I am going to a place where they harbor idiots. Their attitudes are mainly the problem. I don't want to go back tomorrow. Now I would consider home-schooling but I don't have enough drive. I need the classroom and teacher environment to stay focused. That's why I have such a poor homework grade. Not sure why I'm boring you with this, but I am.
So my word count can beat your word count. In suckage, that is. 2270. Yep. Unless your is zero than of course take my fail crown. keep it if you want. I'm running out of interesting things to write. Have this link, I quite enjoy it:
Also this:
I will eventually own this. The thought of that make me smile, a lot.
That is really all that is exciting in my small bubble known as life. I guess I'll read about your weeks later.
Word Count: Not What It Should Be...
Almost forgot to post today since I was relaxing after a long week. All I can say is I am sooo glad I have a three day weekend. Maybe I can finally catch up on some sleep.
Tomorrow I'm going to be spending all day volunteering at the vet clinic that comes to our town every two months. It should be an interesting experience. They said I might be able to watch some of the surgeries too, so I'll get to find out if I'm suited for that type of thing. After all, it would be hard to be a vet that can't do surgery.
As for nanowrimo... well that's not going well. School has been pretty hectic so I really wasn't even sure I would be able to do it at all. I decided to at least try and wrote for all of 1.5 days before homework took over. And I'm not like those people who sacrifice their school and sleep for nano so I'm pretty far behind. Not sure if I'll be continuing or not. I never was really good at sticking with things.
Never considered a day of silence, I like talking too much I think. It would be really hard to not say anything. Kate those are really amazing marks! Keep up the good work. Never read the Da Vinci Code either, but I've seen both the movies and heard lots of good things about the books. Good luck with exams Campion, and that's really cool you got to go to Armageddon Expo. I've never been to any sort of convention, but I've wanted to for a while. There just aren't any that happen really near me, so it'll have to wait until I have more money I suppose.
Oh, and one of my dwarf sunflowers bloomed! The other one seems like it might flower soon as well. I'm so happy and proud that they've stayed alive this long.
Tomorrow I'm going to be spending all day volunteering at the vet clinic that comes to our town every two months. It should be an interesting experience. They said I might be able to watch some of the surgeries too, so I'll get to find out if I'm suited for that type of thing. After all, it would be hard to be a vet that can't do surgery.
As for nanowrimo... well that's not going well. School has been pretty hectic so I really wasn't even sure I would be able to do it at all. I decided to at least try and wrote for all of 1.5 days before homework took over. And I'm not like those people who sacrifice their school and sleep for nano so I'm pretty far behind. Not sure if I'll be continuing or not. I never was really good at sticking with things.
Never considered a day of silence, I like talking too much I think. It would be really hard to not say anything. Kate those are really amazing marks! Keep up the good work. Never read the Da Vinci Code either, but I've seen both the movies and heard lots of good things about the books. Good luck with exams Campion, and that's really cool you got to go to Armageddon Expo. I've never been to any sort of convention, but I've wanted to for a while. There just aren't any that happen really near me, so it'll have to wait until I have more money I suppose.
Oh, and one of my dwarf sunflowers bloomed! The other one seems like it might flower soon as well. I'm so happy and proud that they've stayed alive this long.
No NaNo
I think it's safe to say that everyone has had a decent week. I know that my week has been better than the last. I've been sleeping better (which is an amazement all in its own), and I've been able to keep up with my work without stressing out like mad. The only downside to my week is that I've had a cold, but I seem to be through the worst of it now.
We have a long weekend this weekend, and my family and I are going into the city for some appointments and to spend some time shopping and being together. I am hoping to get some early Christmas shopping done, though I have no clue right now as to what to get anyone. It will be great, since I don't really get to see my dad at all during the week, as he works during the hours that I am at home, and sleeps when I'm at school.
My Hallowe'en was nothing special this year. I sat on the couch doing homework, (and freezing, as I sick), while my mum gave out the candy. I didn't even watch any movies or Hallowe'en specials like I have in past years. Also, since I was sick, I didn't wear a costume at school. I was planning to, just black angel wings, but I was feeling too horrible.
I am like you in the subject of aliens, Kayla. I believe that we cannot be as unique as we make ourselves out to be. With such a huge universe as they tell us there is, with millions of stars and planets, there has to be some other form of living creature out there. And of course, since it does not live on Earth, it would be alien to us. Little green martian-like creatures would be neat, but I'd accept anything.
I have thought about taking a vow of silence, though never during school. I don't think I could go a day of not talking to my friends, or giving my opinion on something. Also, I don't think my teachers would appreciate it. But one day when I'm not at school I might. Just to see what changes when my voice is not around.
Congrats on your grades, Kate. You did wonderful! I'm sure you did the best you could, and that you will be able to keep them up sufficiently through the rest of the year. And at least your teacher allowed you to redo your assignment, instead of just taking away marks.
Adam, I wish it were Saturday. But at least the weekend is almost here. One more day! I am jealous that you got to see a Rocky Horror showing, its something I've wanted to see since reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower. I hope your week was fun, and that your test went well.
Your posts are never boring, Kira. Or annoying. I've never read The DaVinci Code, or watched the movie. It sounds really good, also a bit confusing. My Hallowe'en was good, all things considered.
Exams suck, Campion. Good luck. Hopefully all of the studying you have been doing will kick in, and you will ace them. The Armageddon Expo sounds really cool. I've never been to anything like that, but I'd like to. Glad you are having fun in between studying, and not stressing too much.
I am not doing NaNoWriMo this year. I was thinking about doing it, but since I have a lot of work already, and am tired all the time, I decided against it. Plus, I find that a looming deadline just makes me produce bad writing. I'd prefer to write in my own time, when I feel like it. But all to people who do NaNo, if it works for you, that's awesome.
Don't forget to be awesome!
We have a long weekend this weekend, and my family and I are going into the city for some appointments and to spend some time shopping and being together. I am hoping to get some early Christmas shopping done, though I have no clue right now as to what to get anyone. It will be great, since I don't really get to see my dad at all during the week, as he works during the hours that I am at home, and sleeps when I'm at school.
My Hallowe'en was nothing special this year. I sat on the couch doing homework, (and freezing, as I sick), while my mum gave out the candy. I didn't even watch any movies or Hallowe'en specials like I have in past years. Also, since I was sick, I didn't wear a costume at school. I was planning to, just black angel wings, but I was feeling too horrible.
I am like you in the subject of aliens, Kayla. I believe that we cannot be as unique as we make ourselves out to be. With such a huge universe as they tell us there is, with millions of stars and planets, there has to be some other form of living creature out there. And of course, since it does not live on Earth, it would be alien to us. Little green martian-like creatures would be neat, but I'd accept anything.
I have thought about taking a vow of silence, though never during school. I don't think I could go a day of not talking to my friends, or giving my opinion on something. Also, I don't think my teachers would appreciate it. But one day when I'm not at school I might. Just to see what changes when my voice is not around.
Congrats on your grades, Kate. You did wonderful! I'm sure you did the best you could, and that you will be able to keep them up sufficiently through the rest of the year. And at least your teacher allowed you to redo your assignment, instead of just taking away marks.
Adam, I wish it were Saturday. But at least the weekend is almost here. One more day! I am jealous that you got to see a Rocky Horror showing, its something I've wanted to see since reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower. I hope your week was fun, and that your test went well.
Your posts are never boring, Kira. Or annoying. I've never read The DaVinci Code, or watched the movie. It sounds really good, also a bit confusing. My Hallowe'en was good, all things considered.
Exams suck, Campion. Good luck. Hopefully all of the studying you have been doing will kick in, and you will ace them. The Armageddon Expo sounds really cool. I've never been to anything like that, but I'd like to. Glad you are having fun in between studying, and not stressing too much.
I am not doing NaNoWriMo this year. I was thinking about doing it, but since I have a lot of work already, and am tired all the time, I decided against it. Plus, I find that a looming deadline just makes me produce bad writing. I'd prefer to write in my own time, when I feel like it. But all to people who do NaNo, if it works for you, that's awesome.
Don't forget to be awesome!
Exams have arrived.... hooray (sarcasm)
Well, I need to keep this incredibly brief because exams start in about a week for me so I'm busy with study and stuff so I haven't got much time.
On a brighter note I did get to go to the Armageddon Expo last week, it's the New Zealand version of Comic Con. That was a lot of fun, we get many opportunities to do stuff like that in New Zealand, so it was pretty fun. While I was there I think I found the most awesome T-shirt ever, it's this Doctor Who shirt with a Weeping Angel on it that says "don't blink", I think it's awesome. Also, at the expo, they had two of the actors from my favorite web series there, actors from "The Guild". I don't think I've ever seen anyone quite as charismatic as those two, during the panel they were joking along with the audience, having a good time and there was this one point in the panel, where they took off their shirts and started planking the couch on stage... it was better than it sounded. Anyway, it was a lot of fun and it was a much needed brake from study.
Speaking of which, I really need to get back to so this will be quite short
Have an awesome guys
On a brighter note I did get to go to the Armageddon Expo last week, it's the New Zealand version of Comic Con. That was a lot of fun, we get many opportunities to do stuff like that in New Zealand, so it was pretty fun. While I was there I think I found the most awesome T-shirt ever, it's this Doctor Who shirt with a Weeping Angel on it that says "don't blink", I think it's awesome. Also, at the expo, they had two of the actors from my favorite web series there, actors from "The Guild". I don't think I've ever seen anyone quite as charismatic as those two, during the panel they were joking along with the audience, having a good time and there was this one point in the panel, where they took off their shirts and started planking the couch on stage... it was better than it sounded. Anyway, it was a lot of fun and it was a much needed brake from study.
Speaking of which, I really need to get back to so this will be quite short
Have an awesome guys
Toughen Up, Kira
Okay, guys. This is it. I looked back at my old posts, and I realized just how whiny I've been. Things are going to change on Tuesdays. I will no longer be a boring annoyance. Promise.
So...did you all have a good Halloween? I was mourning Lily and James. R.I.P, guys.
Now, something else...Random book recommendation!
How about...the Da Vinci Code? I personally loved it. For those of you thar don't know, it's about a secret society that protects religious mysteries. It's fantastic.I highly recommend it, even though it's a bit controversial at times. But no worries, both religious people and atheists, such as myself, can enjoy it. Not to mention people who are religious but aren't Christian, if that wasn't clear.
So...did you all have a good Halloween? I was mourning Lily and James. R.I.P, guys.
Now, something else...Random book recommendation!
How about...the Da Vinci Code? I personally loved it. For those of you thar don't know, it's about a secret society that protects religious mysteries. It's fantastic.I highly recommend it, even though it's a bit controversial at times. But no worries, both religious people and atheists, such as myself, can enjoy it. Not to mention people who are religious but aren't Christian, if that wasn't clear.
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