I think I have a problem with fish. Life just doesn't want me to succeed or something. My fish were doing great, looking awesome in the new tank. And then yesterday I come back from class and one of them is dead. I don't think he was very strong to begin with, as his tail was all ratty, but I really liked him. So my friend brought me to go get more, so now I have two sucker-fish, three guppies, and a snail. Woo! So we will see how this goes. I don't think I am going to get more fish until life decides to take all of these ones from me. Then I think I will get a beta fish. Apparently they are pretty hardy.
So the Harry Potter marathon went as well as it could on a Friday night. First we went up to the library and took nerd-tastic pictures, since most people were dressed up. Then we started the movies. I made it through the first two and half, then left to go to bed. It's mostly because I really don't like the third movie. It's too long, and I am not a big fan of the whole let's-go-back-in-time plot. The rest of the nerdfighters ended up calling it quits after movie four, and are planning on finishing this Saturday. During the day, though, so that we can actually be awake. One of the best parts of the evening was that we ordered pizza, and they totally drew awesome stuff all over the boxes. I will put pictures at the bottom of the post. But all in all it was a jolly good time.
Tomorrow I am going to the first of three questionnaires for a substance use research study. I thought it might be interesting to do, and to be able to say that I have been part of a psychology experiment. I may win a $100 gift card as well, which would be really cool.
That's about it. Not much else going on. As always, don't forget to be awesome.
Things thus far
So an amount of stuff has happened between now and last time I posted. My brother has gone back to school today, my friends find it weird that we haven't got school anymore, personally I don't feel any different, guess it still hasn't hit me that I don't have to go to high school anymore. Also my radio show starts airing on Monday, it's the first episode that we recorded (we've done about eight or nine episodes) so we're pretty excited about it going to air. We've also added another friend of mine to the show and it runs a lot better with three people, it's also fun to have him around because my other two friends are both bronies and I'm not, so it's fun to have them rip into me for not liking the show.
Also, I've started doing driving lessons with my parents because I've decided it's about time that I go and get my license, I should have gotten it a while ago but I need it before I go off to uni. This happened last year as well but it's odd reading your posts about how cold it is (even going ice skating) when it's the hottest summer we've ever had. In fact we are going through a drought right now and the hillsides have turned this weird yellowish green colour because of the lack of water.
So I've got to go help my grandfather paint his house tomorrow so have an awesome guys
Can't Focus
Friday morning my mother had gastric-bypass surgery, so yeah... that's giving me lots of anxiety. I wish I could just skip ahead a year so I know that everything turns out okay. She's doing well now, but it's just the start.
I'm making my way through the first Lord of the Rings book rather slowly. If only I could read the series without actually having to spend the time it will take to read the trilogy.
I can't believe it's already the end of January. On Wednesday every junior in my school has to take a state writing exam. I'm sure it will be easy, but it's going to be a waste of 90 minutes. My American Lit teacher said that they only grade based on the traits of writing and how well you get your point across, so we can lie when it comes to statistics. Like we could say, "Over 75% of high school students in Fremont, Nebraska have an after-school job," without knowing if it was true.
Best Wishes
I'm making my way through the first Lord of the Rings book rather slowly. If only I could read the series without actually having to spend the time it will take to read the trilogy.
I can't believe it's already the end of January. On Wednesday every junior in my school has to take a state writing exam. I'm sure it will be easy, but it's going to be a waste of 90 minutes. My American Lit teacher said that they only grade based on the traits of writing and how well you get your point across, so we can lie when it comes to statistics. Like we could say, "Over 75% of high school students in Fremont, Nebraska have an after-school job," without knowing if it was true.
Best Wishes
Ice Skating and Beavertails
My marimo finally came!! Ah I'm so excited, I forget if I posted about this, but I ordered one online a while ago and it finally came today. I put it in a bowl with some plastic jewel rock things for the bottom, but looking at it now it seems empty so I'll have to look around for some kind of decorations or figurines to put in there. When I do I'll post some pictures of it.
Oh and oh man the weather has been pretty freezing here all week. It's been like -30 degrees or colder every day. But that's good in a way because the canal was finally opened. So even though it's been so cold I've already been skating twice. My sister works part time at the Beavertail shack on the canal so she gets me free or discounted Beavertails whenever I go there, which is totally epic. She even let me have one that had pizza sauce, garlic seasoning, and cheese (which is not on the menu, only the employees get to have it) and wow that was probably the best Beavertail I've ever had.
I also started this thing called a memory jar. I meant to do it right at the beginning of the new year, but it got delayed by a bit obviously. Basically it's just this container I cut a hole in the top. Whenever something good happens I write it down on a piece of paper and throw it in the container. Then at the end of the year (if I've stuck with it that long) I can open it up and read about all the good things that happened in my life over the past year. I thought it was a neat idea.
Katie, I hope you're all better now since you sounded like you were on the mend in your last post. And no I haven't watched Carnegie Hall.
Adam, yeah here in Canada HST is added to the advertised price when you go to the till. It's like 13% so it does bump the price up by an awkward amount, usually I just make sure I have a couple bucks more than the price tag says before buying anything rather than trying to calculate things in my head. And my sister went all over on a bus tour. Some of her stops include: London, Paris, Berlin, Rome, Pisa, Amsterdam, Prague, Venice, um maybe Munich, and then somewhere in Belgium and somewhere in Switzerland. She got some really nice pictures. Stopped by Platform 9 and 3/4. Went up some mountains in Switzerland. I think she said her favourite place was Berlin. She brought me back a crystal starfish necklace, a wooden clog piggy bank and literally over half a meter of chocolate.
Kate, I'm glad you're enjoying reading and practicing your music.
Kira, I'm glad you're not dead. Also get a robot to throw a frisbee? Really? I can barely do that and I'm a person.... but then again I am challenged at certain things lol. Hope you're feeling better too.
Deidra, wow why is this the first I'm hearing about this car accident. I'm glad that everyone is ok. The fish look cute, I hope these ones do better now that they have the new tank. And have fun with your movie marathon.
Campion, I know what you mean about the Azog storyline in the movie. I think they're focusing on it to make Thorin's story more dramatic or something, I dunno. I can't really remember all the details from the book (I should reread that sometime). I am interested in what they're going to do with the necromancer though. And I can't wait to see Mirkwood. And oh man if you do not go to Hobbiton when you live that close that's just insane. It would cost me like an arm and a leg to get there so you should go and if you do you should take some pictures to share with us. :)
Oh and oh man the weather has been pretty freezing here all week. It's been like -30 degrees or colder every day. But that's good in a way because the canal was finally opened. So even though it's been so cold I've already been skating twice. My sister works part time at the Beavertail shack on the canal so she gets me free or discounted Beavertails whenever I go there, which is totally epic. She even let me have one that had pizza sauce, garlic seasoning, and cheese (which is not on the menu, only the employees get to have it) and wow that was probably the best Beavertail I've ever had.
I also started this thing called a memory jar. I meant to do it right at the beginning of the new year, but it got delayed by a bit obviously. Basically it's just this container I cut a hole in the top. Whenever something good happens I write it down on a piece of paper and throw it in the container. Then at the end of the year (if I've stuck with it that long) I can open it up and read about all the good things that happened in my life over the past year. I thought it was a neat idea.
Katie, I hope you're all better now since you sounded like you were on the mend in your last post. And no I haven't watched Carnegie Hall.
Adam, yeah here in Canada HST is added to the advertised price when you go to the till. It's like 13% so it does bump the price up by an awkward amount, usually I just make sure I have a couple bucks more than the price tag says before buying anything rather than trying to calculate things in my head. And my sister went all over on a bus tour. Some of her stops include: London, Paris, Berlin, Rome, Pisa, Amsterdam, Prague, Venice, um maybe Munich, and then somewhere in Belgium and somewhere in Switzerland. She got some really nice pictures. Stopped by Platform 9 and 3/4. Went up some mountains in Switzerland. I think she said her favourite place was Berlin. She brought me back a crystal starfish necklace, a wooden clog piggy bank and literally over half a meter of chocolate.
Kate, I'm glad you're enjoying reading and practicing your music.
Kira, I'm glad you're not dead. Also get a robot to throw a frisbee? Really? I can barely do that and I'm a person.... but then again I am challenged at certain things lol. Hope you're feeling better too.
Deidra, wow why is this the first I'm hearing about this car accident. I'm glad that everyone is ok. The fish look cute, I hope these ones do better now that they have the new tank. And have fun with your movie marathon.
Campion, I know what you mean about the Azog storyline in the movie. I think they're focusing on it to make Thorin's story more dramatic or something, I dunno. I can't really remember all the details from the book (I should reread that sometime). I am interested in what they're going to do with the necromancer though. And I can't wait to see Mirkwood. And oh man if you do not go to Hobbiton when you live that close that's just insane. It would cost me like an arm and a leg to get there so you should go and if you do you should take some pictures to share with us. :)
Away for the week and The Hobbit
My post is late this week because my family had suddenly decided to go away for the week so I didn't have time to post anything, also the place we were staying had no internet. Pretty much all of my mothers siblings, her parents and the majority of my cousins from my mothers side were all staying out there with us so it was pretty crowded. It was nice though seeing everyone, also it was really relaxing to go and stay out at the beach. I really enjoyed myself.
Something that I did manage to do while we were out there was see the hobbit and read the book. I enjoyed them both and it was interesting to the differences in the both of them. I wasn't a big fan of the changes that they made to the film though, like how Azoc (I think that's how you spell it) was the primary villain of the film when he was only briefly mentioned in the book. Not sure why they did that, it could have been done to add a consistent villain that they can have throughout the film, but I don't think that they needed that. Something I did like about the movie was Martin Freeman as Bilbo, I thought that he did a nice job and made a really likable Bilbo, I also liked how they did the game of riddles. Gollum was really creepy in that and it was fun to watch Bilbo try to outwit him. After reading the book I can see why they decided to make multiple films, but I think that two might have been better than three but I guess we will have to see. So all in all, I really loved the book and thought it was great, I liked the movie too but I did have a few problems with it.
I guess that I should actually visit Hobbiton sometime. It is down the road form me (about an hours drive) so I should really go there. I have been to a few places that the lord of the rings was shot in. I've been to the place where they shot Minis Stirith and Helmsdeep, its just a rock quarry now and in the films and I did manage to recognize some of the locations they were in. Also I had a friend who was one of the hobbiton extras and it's pretty cool to see one of your friends in a block buster film, even if it is for just a few seconds.
Anyway guys, hope you have an awesome week
Something that I did manage to do while we were out there was see the hobbit and read the book. I enjoyed them both and it was interesting to the differences in the both of them. I wasn't a big fan of the changes that they made to the film though, like how Azoc (I think that's how you spell it) was the primary villain of the film when he was only briefly mentioned in the book. Not sure why they did that, it could have been done to add a consistent villain that they can have throughout the film, but I don't think that they needed that. Something I did like about the movie was Martin Freeman as Bilbo, I thought that he did a nice job and made a really likable Bilbo, I also liked how they did the game of riddles. Gollum was really creepy in that and it was fun to watch Bilbo try to outwit him. After reading the book I can see why they decided to make multiple films, but I think that two might have been better than three but I guess we will have to see. So all in all, I really loved the book and thought it was great, I liked the movie too but I did have a few problems with it.
I guess that I should actually visit Hobbiton sometime. It is down the road form me (about an hours drive) so I should really go there. I have been to a few places that the lord of the rings was shot in. I've been to the place where they shot Minis Stirith and Helmsdeep, its just a rock quarry now and in the films and I did manage to recognize some of the locations they were in. Also I had a friend who was one of the hobbiton extras and it's pretty cool to see one of your friends in a block buster film, even if it is for just a few seconds.
Anyway guys, hope you have an awesome week
In Which I Am Late But Oh So Nerdy
And despite all of my planning and sudden remembrances, I neglected to post yesterday. So I am high jacking your Friday, Kayla. My family came up for appointments and to visit yesterday so it was a crazy day. My sister and mum got into an accident on the way up (they are fine, car wasn't so lucky though) so my dad had to come up to get them. It was a good visit though, getting to see all of them.
I got my new fish tank though. Right on time, too, since my other fish died on Tuesday and Wednesday night (RIP Castor and Pollux). But I've got a few new fish though. An albino cory named Isaac (he's a sucker fish, to clean the tank) and two guppies named Argi (orange) and Callan (yellow). Good luck finding them in this poorly taken picture. I am going to get more next week, along with another snail, when the pet store that I get them at is restocked. Until then, these guys have the entire tank to themselves. I may also get a beta since I have an old-style fish bowl from a friend.
The Gatsby party was great (haha oops I made a funny). There were a good number of people and so many amazing costumes. I ended up finding a rather nice dress that also happens to be my residence house colours. Bonus. I was also coerced into buying heels, so now I own a pair of those. Also, I didn't die wearing them, although I did take them off to dance. It is very difficult to dance the Charleston in heels. The music was actually pretty good, being mostly 1920's stuff and some electro swing. And at one point the Monster Mash was played. I think the club even profited from the evening, since a lot of wine and raffle tickets were sold. I think I was the youngest one there, the only one not old enough to drink (19 here) as I was mistaken as someone who could and offered a glass of wine by a friend.

I spent the night with two nerdfighter friends, which made the night even better. It was funny, because one was dressed kind of like the eleventh doctor, and then there was another guy there who kind of looked like the tenth doctor. We talked to him, and turns out he was waiting for a girl who never showed up. We spent half the night joking that he was waiting for Rose Tyler and that she would never come, and the other half joking about 'adopting' the Doctor since he looked so distraught. There was also a guy who looked kind of like Snape, with the hair and everything, just a bit shorter, and he was talking to another guy who looked like Percy Weasley from behind. Come on, we are nerdfighters we are going to notice these things.
On other nerd-related news, we are having a Harry Potter marathon tonight. The nerdfighter group here, which we have dubbed LUNA (Lakehead University Nerdfighters Association). We believe we have better rights to it than the nurses association. Through our wonderful connections we were able to book a lecture theatre to view them, and are going to (try) to stay up all night watching them. Apparently it takes about 18 hours to watch them all, so wish me luck. I may have to resort to coffee. It wouldn't be too bad if I didn't have a volleyball game Saturday afternoon, and apparently a bunch of people from our house are leaving this weekend so I don't know how well it is going to go. But I am going to do it because Harry freaking Potter nerdfighter marathon!
I was supposed to get together with LUNA to watch the Night of Awesome at Carnegie Hall but that just never ended up happening. I am going to watch the footage from it eventually, when I am not swamped with work and other fun/nerdy things. As for reading The Hobbit and the LOTR trilogy, ha! You are too funny. Maybe over the summer. I just have way too much school-related reading to do, what with being an English major and all. But I seriously have about a dozen books here with me, sitting sadly on my bookshelf, that I cannot read because they will become too distracting from what really needs to be done.
Anyway, sorry for being late. Enjoy your weekends, may they be as nerdtastic as mine shall be. As always, don't forget to be awesome, and everyone stop being sick already. =)
The Gatsby party was great (haha oops I made a funny). There were a good number of people and so many amazing costumes. I ended up finding a rather nice dress that also happens to be my residence house colours. Bonus. I was also coerced into buying heels, so now I own a pair of those. Also, I didn't die wearing them, although I did take them off to dance. It is very difficult to dance the Charleston in heels. The music was actually pretty good, being mostly 1920's stuff and some electro swing. And at one point the Monster Mash was played. I think the club even profited from the evening, since a lot of wine and raffle tickets were sold. I think I was the youngest one there, the only one not old enough to drink (19 here) as I was mistaken as someone who could and offered a glass of wine by a friend.

I spent the night with two nerdfighter friends, which made the night even better. It was funny, because one was dressed kind of like the eleventh doctor, and then there was another guy there who kind of looked like the tenth doctor. We talked to him, and turns out he was waiting for a girl who never showed up. We spent half the night joking that he was waiting for Rose Tyler and that she would never come, and the other half joking about 'adopting' the Doctor since he looked so distraught. There was also a guy who looked kind of like Snape, with the hair and everything, just a bit shorter, and he was talking to another guy who looked like Percy Weasley from behind. Come on, we are nerdfighters we are going to notice these things.
On other nerd-related news, we are having a Harry Potter marathon tonight. The nerdfighter group here, which we have dubbed LUNA (Lakehead University Nerdfighters Association). We believe we have better rights to it than the nurses association. Through our wonderful connections we were able to book a lecture theatre to view them, and are going to (try) to stay up all night watching them. Apparently it takes about 18 hours to watch them all, so wish me luck. I may have to resort to coffee. It wouldn't be too bad if I didn't have a volleyball game Saturday afternoon, and apparently a bunch of people from our house are leaving this weekend so I don't know how well it is going to go. But I am going to do it because Harry freaking Potter nerdfighter marathon!
I was supposed to get together with LUNA to watch the Night of Awesome at Carnegie Hall but that just never ended up happening. I am going to watch the footage from it eventually, when I am not swamped with work and other fun/nerdy things. As for reading The Hobbit and the LOTR trilogy, ha! You are too funny. Maybe over the summer. I just have way too much school-related reading to do, what with being an English major and all. But I seriously have about a dozen books here with me, sitting sadly on my bookshelf, that I cannot read because they will become too distracting from what really needs to be done.
Anyway, sorry for being late. Enjoy your weekends, may they be as nerdtastic as mine shall be. As always, don't forget to be awesome, and everyone stop being sick already. =)
Okay, I'm really sorry that I missed two weeks. I forgot yesterday, so I'm posting this morning. It'll be really brief, but I'm not dead!
I've been really busy with robotics. This year's game is insane. Our robot has to throw Frisbees. Uh...fun?
I'm sick, so I've been drinking a ridiculous amount of tea. Today, as per usual, I was up and showered by 5:15. It has been about twenty five minutes since then, and I've already drunk three cups. Tea is my sustenance.
Got to go now. Have good weeks!
I've been really busy with robotics. This year's game is insane. Our robot has to throw Frisbees. Uh...fun?
I'm sick, so I've been drinking a ridiculous amount of tea. Today, as per usual, I was up and showered by 5:15. It has been about twenty five minutes since then, and I've already drunk three cups. Tea is my sustenance.
Got to go now. Have good weeks!
I remembered with time to spare.
I forgot how great reading was, and I am already reading a lot more than I had been all last year. So far I've been averaging 100 pages on days I don't have school, and 50-60 on days I do. Sometimes I become distressed because there is so much I want to read and there just is not enough time to do so.
The first rehearsal for the musical's orchestra was yesterday, as I posted on Facebook and a few other places. It went well and I have a better feel for how the songs go. The practice was really encouraging for me.
I wish you luck on your job search, Campion. Hopefully you find on you enjoy.
(Hobbit Spoilers... maybe) Yes, in the book the eagles only go so far because the eagle king won't risk letting the birds go into the dangerous land of Mirkwood... or something like that.
I have yet to watch the Carnegie Hall video, Katie, but I hope to do so soon. By now the worst of your illness is over, or so I hope. What did you think of the Name of the Star. I loved it and was completely unaware the sequel was coming out so soon.
Adam, there were a lot of times when reading the Hobbit, like when Gandalf would do something, I would think, "Well, isn't that convenient." It felt very much like you described - a get out of jail free card.
Also - I had to google VAT just to know what it was. I know my state has a 7% sales tax, and most of the time I'll just round up a dollar and estimate the price. I think a lot of people do it that way. If I have to buy a few things and I know that I may not have enough money to pay for it, I just think it's 7 cents per dollar. Pretty much this equation: (7 * $)/100 + $ = total. I've always been good with numbers, so it isn't difficult for me, but sometimes I will whip out my cell phone or ipod and use the calculators on that just to make sure I have enough money.
So with that long math problem, I think I'll end the post.
Have a good week.
The first rehearsal for the musical's orchestra was yesterday, as I posted on Facebook and a few other places. It went well and I have a better feel for how the songs go. The practice was really encouraging for me.
I wish you luck on your job search, Campion. Hopefully you find on you enjoy.
(Hobbit Spoilers... maybe) Yes, in the book the eagles only go so far because the eagle king won't risk letting the birds go into the dangerous land of Mirkwood... or something like that.
I have yet to watch the Carnegie Hall video, Katie, but I hope to do so soon. By now the worst of your illness is over, or so I hope. What did you think of the Name of the Star. I loved it and was completely unaware the sequel was coming out so soon.
Adam, there were a lot of times when reading the Hobbit, like when Gandalf would do something, I would think, "Well, isn't that convenient." It felt very much like you described - a get out of jail free card.
Also - I had to google VAT just to know what it was. I know my state has a 7% sales tax, and most of the time I'll just round up a dollar and estimate the price. I think a lot of people do it that way. If I have to buy a few things and I know that I may not have enough money to pay for it, I just think it's 7 cents per dollar. Pretty much this equation: (7 * $)/100 + $ = total. I've always been good with numbers, so it isn't difficult for me, but sometimes I will whip out my cell phone or ipod and use the calculators on that just to make sure I have enough money.
So with that long math problem, I think I'll end the post.
Have a good week.
It's been a bit of a boring few weeks at home, waiting to get back to college and see my friends. Looking forward to seeing everyone again.
I went to see the Hobbit recently, I really liked it although I don't like how the eagles are just a "get out of jail free" card. I got the book of Stephen Fry in America, it's pretty cool, so far I've read Rhode Island and California.
Katie, I hope you feel better soon. It's really sucks having the flu.
Is it true that in America, the prices on the shelves don't include VAT? That would be really confusing, doesn't that mean when you go to the till that the prices are really awkward?
Wherebouts was your sister in Europe Kayla? Anywhere cool or interesting? :)
Also, I would love to go to Gatsby themed party, that would be incredibly awesome.
I went to see the Hobbit recently, I really liked it although I don't like how the eagles are just a "get out of jail free" card. I got the book of Stephen Fry in America, it's pretty cool, so far I've read Rhode Island and California.
Katie, I hope you feel better soon. It's really sucks having the flu.
Is it true that in America, the prices on the shelves don't include VAT? That would be really confusing, doesn't that mean when you go to the till that the prices are really awkward?
Wherebouts was your sister in Europe Kayla? Anywhere cool or interesting? :)
Also, I would love to go to Gatsby themed party, that would be incredibly awesome.
I'm a Statistic Now
Posting early in the day to avoid not posting. There are many things I have to say, or at least at this moment there seems like a lot. Let's start with the rest of Sunday.
The rest of Sunday was spent with a dangerously high fever, coughs, and a splitting head ache. Monday was the same thing except school was in the mix. I actually felt so awful that I did no homework. The only thing I could do was lay in bed and watch Scrubs. Tuesday all the same symptoms apply but a new nose issue where every two minuets was spent with a tissue. I went to the doctors (not going to talk about that) to find out I have influenza type A. But I'm on medication and feeling better every day.
Really not a lot to say, just that I'm a part of a statistic now. Also that I finished The Name of the Star ad it was pretty good. The sequel comes out in February so I'll be reading that. Did you guys get a chance to watch Carnegie Hall?
Maybe more later as the day progresses!
The rest of Sunday was spent with a dangerously high fever, coughs, and a splitting head ache. Monday was the same thing except school was in the mix. I actually felt so awful that I did no homework. The only thing I could do was lay in bed and watch Scrubs. Tuesday all the same symptoms apply but a new nose issue where every two minuets was spent with a tissue. I went to the doctors (not going to talk about that) to find out I have influenza type A. But I'm on medication and feeling better every day.
Really not a lot to say, just that I'm a part of a statistic now. Also that I finished The Name of the Star ad it was pretty good. The sequel comes out in February so I'll be reading that. Did you guys get a chance to watch Carnegie Hall?
Maybe more later as the day progresses!
I'm gonna go skating finally!
Okay so I forgot to post again, but no biggie because it's only 12:45 right now so it's not that late. I am getting better lol.
This week has been pretty good, I think I've started the semester too relaxed though, I need to make sure to keep on top of my readings, unlike last semester.
The canal has finally opened for skating here, so I'm going tomorrow with some friends I met here and again on Sunday with some friends from back home who also go to school here in Ottawa. Hopefully it won't be too cold, but it will be cold enough so it doesn't melt again right away. Also my sister is going to be working at the Beavertail Shack on the canal both those days so she said she'd see if she could hook me up with a discount, score!
Today in my film class we were going through a brief history of film and we got to watch some of the first films made. It was really neat actually. I liked watching Le Voyage dans la Lune by George Melies. Partly because it was pretty imaginative, because it was so old and the hand colouring was cool to look at, and because I remember seeing that in Hugo whenever that movie came out.
I got a pen pal from Australia, which is pretty exciting. We met on tumblr and decided to write each other. It's been fun getting to know her through letters. We plan on sending each other drawings and other trinkets too when we can.
I've been looking at some old story ideas I wrote throughout high school and I've been inspired to write them out, or at least expand on the idea some more so I have a better idea of how the story all pans out. It's bound to be a slow process, but it's fun and it's better than never doing anything with all the little idea blurbs I write down all the time.
(potential slight Hobbit spoilers in this paragraph) Deidra, there's reasons for why the eagles don't fly people everywhere they want to go. Pretty sure it explains it in the book, so maybe you should read those next. But yeah Radagast was the best, loved him, loved his animals, and it is now my dream to be pulled on a dogsled like him by epic rabbits. Don't ask me how, but it'll happen, just you wait.
Katie, hope you're feeling better. Kate, yes less internet is good so read more (a note I should also follow). Campion, congrats on passing high school, and just keep chugging, I'm sure you'll find a job eventually.
This week has been pretty good, I think I've started the semester too relaxed though, I need to make sure to keep on top of my readings, unlike last semester.
The canal has finally opened for skating here, so I'm going tomorrow with some friends I met here and again on Sunday with some friends from back home who also go to school here in Ottawa. Hopefully it won't be too cold, but it will be cold enough so it doesn't melt again right away. Also my sister is going to be working at the Beavertail Shack on the canal both those days so she said she'd see if she could hook me up with a discount, score!
Today in my film class we were going through a brief history of film and we got to watch some of the first films made. It was really neat actually. I liked watching Le Voyage dans la Lune by George Melies. Partly because it was pretty imaginative, because it was so old and the hand colouring was cool to look at, and because I remember seeing that in Hugo whenever that movie came out.
I got a pen pal from Australia, which is pretty exciting. We met on tumblr and decided to write each other. It's been fun getting to know her through letters. We plan on sending each other drawings and other trinkets too when we can.
I've been looking at some old story ideas I wrote throughout high school and I've been inspired to write them out, or at least expand on the idea some more so I have a better idea of how the story all pans out. It's bound to be a slow process, but it's fun and it's better than never doing anything with all the little idea blurbs I write down all the time.
(potential slight Hobbit spoilers in this paragraph) Deidra, there's reasons for why the eagles don't fly people everywhere they want to go. Pretty sure it explains it in the book, so maybe you should read those next. But yeah Radagast was the best, loved him, loved his animals, and it is now my dream to be pulled on a dogsled like him by epic rabbits. Don't ask me how, but it'll happen, just you wait.
Katie, hope you're feeling better. Kate, yes less internet is good so read more (a note I should also follow). Campion, congrats on passing high school, and just keep chugging, I'm sure you'll find a job eventually.
Not a very good week
My week hasn't been the best. I just found out that I wasn't accepted for my job and every other application has been turned down thus far, so my job search is back to sqaure. But I'm still going to look for other jobs, so it's just going to take longer. Also I've been noticing that I get sick a lot, especially recently as I've been feeling off lately. I think that sitting at home doing nothing but play video games all day has affected my mood and self esteem and that I just need to follow through with my new years resolution with being more proactive and I just need to fins a way to keep myself busy, that will probably cheer me up.
On a happier note, I actually hung out with my friends a few days ago. I never usually hang out with people because I'm not a very sociable person but it felt good to actually be around people that aren't my siblings for a change. I've also completed the fourth recording for my radio and it's going very well, we've finally gotten to the point we're the reviews we do on the show aren't awkward and we feel comfortable talking while we record. So at least those things went well this week. Also my exam results for last year came back and it turns out that I passed everything, so I actually managed to pass high school. Which I'm proud of because I'm not the most academic person in the world.
All in all, I think that I need to just focus on the good things that happened this week and quite a few good things did happen. I'm going to continue looking for work and just trying to keep myself busy.
As always, have and awesome week
On a happier note, I actually hung out with my friends a few days ago. I never usually hang out with people because I'm not a very sociable person but it felt good to actually be around people that aren't my siblings for a change. I've also completed the fourth recording for my radio and it's going very well, we've finally gotten to the point we're the reviews we do on the show aren't awkward and we feel comfortable talking while we record. So at least those things went well this week. Also my exam results for last year came back and it turns out that I passed everything, so I actually managed to pass high school. Which I'm proud of because I'm not the most academic person in the world.
All in all, I think that I need to just focus on the good things that happened this week and quite a few good things did happen. I'm going to continue looking for work and just trying to keep myself busy.
As always, have and awesome week
Possible Spoilers, Advance with Caution
Short post partly because I don't have much to say, and partly because I am tired of typing away at my computer. I've been doing notes for about an hour now, which doesn't sound bad but I have a sore on my hand that is making life annoying right now.
I saw The Hobbit last Thursday night, and it was really good. Much better than the trilogy. I found there was more action to capture me. I heard someone say later that they thought the action took away from the plot, but I can't disagree more. I understand the plot because of the action. And once again, (spoilers maybe), I don't understand why they can't all just fly on giant magical eagles to their destination instead of walking and being attacked. Really Gandalf, you are a brilliant wizard use your head! More spoilers here, sorry. I think my favourite parts were with the Brown wizard, just because he was so funny. You can't catch me and my magical racing bunnies! And the part with the stick-bug still makes me and my friends crack up.
I have a busy weekend ahead of me so I am trying hard to get as much work done as possible. My house has a volleyball game Saturday afternoon, and I am going to a Great Gatsby 1920's themed party that night. I don't think Sunday will suffice with the amount of work I have and the amount of procrastination that usually occurs on any given Sunday around here.
That's about it. Longer than I originally anticipated but I mean, The Hobbit. Hopefully everyone gets a chance to see it and we can all nerd out about it. Have a good weekend, and don't forget to be awesome!
I saw The Hobbit last Thursday night, and it was really good. Much better than the trilogy. I found there was more action to capture me. I heard someone say later that they thought the action took away from the plot, but I can't disagree more. I understand the plot because of the action. And once again, (spoilers maybe), I don't understand why they can't all just fly on giant magical eagles to their destination instead of walking and being attacked. Really Gandalf, you are a brilliant wizard use your head! More spoilers here, sorry. I think my favourite parts were with the Brown wizard, just because he was so funny. You can't catch me and my magical racing bunnies! And the part with the stick-bug still makes me and my friends crack up.
I have a busy weekend ahead of me so I am trying hard to get as much work done as possible. My house has a volleyball game Saturday afternoon, and I am going to a Great Gatsby 1920's themed party that night. I don't think Sunday will suffice with the amount of work I have and the amount of procrastination that usually occurs on any given Sunday around here.
That's about it. Longer than I originally anticipated but I mean, The Hobbit. Hopefully everyone gets a chance to see it and we can all nerd out about it. Have a good weekend, and don't forget to be awesome!
I've set an alarm so I remember to post.
Now I should always remember to post unless I'm busy of course.
Yesterday I finally saw the Hobbit with my best friend. It felt rather long, but overall I enjoyed it. That was probably the best highlight of the weekend.
Getting the music for the musical was another highlight of my weekend. I don't know if I've said, but the musical we are doing is Brigadoon. The music has a Scottish feel to it as that is where the play is set. I've played through most of it, but a lot of the songs of high-pitched notes I've never played in an actual song before, so that's going to challenge me. Not to mention that a lot of it is incredibly fast.
I'm so jealous you get to see John Green, Adam. My fellow nerdfighter friends and I are hoping the vlogbrothers go on tour again and the places they missed on their other two tours.
I'm currently in love with the website Goodreads. I've only been active on it about two weeks and already it's making me read a lot more than I have been. Hopefully I start reading as much as I did when I was a pre-teen. Though that would mean less internet time... but that's good, I guess.
The first week of school went well for me, and I'm pretty satisfied with the classes I have this quarter. I'm in Spanish 4 right now, and that's my least favorite. The teacher says she is going to make us work with people we don't know/haven't worked with, and like... I can't really learn that way. If I don't feel socially anxious around a person, I'm either friends with them, or I don't like them, and it's hard to work with someone you can't talk to. Anyway... that's going to be bothersome later on in the class.
I think that's all I'll say for now.
It's been a weird day
It has and I'll explain tomorrow... again.
The week went well, I procrastinated less and got work done on time. I think it was the head of the environmental department of the NFL came and talked to us on Friday about all the things the NFL does to go green. That was awesome, but it would have been better if I was more into sports.
I felt awful yesterday because all the habits I kicked during the week came back to visit. And I feel awful today because I have this weird sinus headache fever cough thing so I'm going to watch Scrubs and read for the rest of the day.
The week went well, I procrastinated less and got work done on time. I think it was the head of the environmental department of the NFL came and talked to us on Friday about all the things the NFL does to go green. That was awesome, but it would have been better if I was more into sports.
I felt awful yesterday because all the habits I kicked during the week came back to visit. And I feel awful today because I have this weird sinus headache fever cough thing so I'm going to watch Scrubs and read for the rest of the day.
Update and some book recomendations
Hey everyone hope the start of school's been going well for everyone that's starting the new semester. Today's the last day of the first week back for me and I think this semester is going to go better than the last. This semester I have calculus, cell biology, organic chemistry, geology, and a film studies class on the history and esthetics of film (really looking forward to this one since its a change from all the math and science). And none of my classes are earlier than 11:30 this semester which is sweet.
My sister's coming back from her three week trip to Europe tomorrow which will be awesome. The apartment is too quiet without her here.
So I ended up reading Warm Bodies over the break and it was actually a pretty good book. I definitely like the author's writing style. It'll be interesting to see what they've done with it for the movie (though I'll be honest I'm not a fan of how R is wearing a hoodie in the movie... like of all the things they might need to change from the book to the movie version, the wardrobe should not be it).
Just this evening I read the book Fifty Shames of Earl Grey, which is obviously a parody of Fifty Shades of Grey (which I've never read) and also Twilight. Let me tell you that was probably the funniest book I've ever read, I laughed through the whole thing. Highly recommend it if you're looking for some stupid humour.
Deidra I'm so happy you finally got to see the Hobbit, we must discuss it as soon as it's convenient. I've also begun to call Ottawa my home, which I have mixed feelings about to be honest. Hope you get your fish tank soon (I expect pictures when you do).
Campion I'm also working on procrastinating less and it seems to be going quite well so far so I hope it does for you too. I hope that you get the job you wanted.
My sister's coming back from her three week trip to Europe tomorrow which will be awesome. The apartment is too quiet without her here.
So I ended up reading Warm Bodies over the break and it was actually a pretty good book. I definitely like the author's writing style. It'll be interesting to see what they've done with it for the movie (though I'll be honest I'm not a fan of how R is wearing a hoodie in the movie... like of all the things they might need to change from the book to the movie version, the wardrobe should not be it).
Just this evening I read the book Fifty Shames of Earl Grey, which is obviously a parody of Fifty Shades of Grey (which I've never read) and also Twilight. Let me tell you that was probably the funniest book I've ever read, I laughed through the whole thing. Highly recommend it if you're looking for some stupid humour.
Deidra I'm so happy you finally got to see the Hobbit, we must discuss it as soon as it's convenient. I've also begun to call Ottawa my home, which I have mixed feelings about to be honest. Hope you get your fish tank soon (I expect pictures when you do).
Campion I'm also working on procrastinating less and it seems to be going quite well so far so I hope it does for you too. I hope that you get the job you wanted.
To Isengard!
I finally actually feel like I am back home. Much to my mother's disappointment, I have begun to call Thunder Bay and my university residence home. It's just that I spend so much time here and most of my friends are here. And when I actually go home I am just really bored. I mean, it's nice to see my family and all, but very boring.
My first week back has been pretty good. I have four 8:30am classes so I have set a strict bed time of 11pm for myself, and it has proved to be very beneficial. I am tired by this time, and am able to sleep. I get everything I need done during the day, and waking up that early in the morning, consistently, isn't all that difficult. I am proud to say that I am not only keeping up with readings, notes, and assignments, but am already a little ahead of my personal schedule. I really hope to keep this up, as last semester I had a great tendency to procrastinate.
I have five courses again this semester. As well continuing on in history and social welfare, I am taking a rhetoric course (boring), literature after 1750s (interesting), and a biological anthropology and archeology class. That is the the only one I think I have will have trouble with, as it includes a bit of science.
I have not been out to buy my new fish tank or get more fish. I hope to do so at the end of the month when my mother and sister come up for appointments and to visit. On a plus note, I am going to see The Hobbit tonight with a friend. I am excited, but hope that I don't fall asleep during it as I did when I watched the trilogy with Kayla.
All of that being said, have a good weekend and don't forget to be awesome!
My first week back has been pretty good. I have four 8:30am classes so I have set a strict bed time of 11pm for myself, and it has proved to be very beneficial. I am tired by this time, and am able to sleep. I get everything I need done during the day, and waking up that early in the morning, consistently, isn't all that difficult. I am proud to say that I am not only keeping up with readings, notes, and assignments, but am already a little ahead of my personal schedule. I really hope to keep this up, as last semester I had a great tendency to procrastinate.
I have five courses again this semester. As well continuing on in history and social welfare, I am taking a rhetoric course (boring), literature after 1750s (interesting), and a biological anthropology and archeology class. That is the the only one I think I have will have trouble with, as it includes a bit of science.
I have not been out to buy my new fish tank or get more fish. I hope to do so at the end of the month when my mother and sister come up for appointments and to visit. On a plus note, I am going to see The Hobbit tonight with a friend. I am excited, but hope that I don't fall asleep during it as I did when I watched the trilogy with Kayla.
All of that being said, have a good weekend and don't forget to be awesome!
Things happened again
Not a lot really happened this week. Pretty much sums up my week, stuff happened this week but nothing notable. I'm still waiting on a response on the job that I was interviewed for. Beyond waiting, most of what I've done this week is just play video games and just trying to find constructive things to do, that mostly consists of writing and trying to get back into making videos. I haven't made a video in a while because the cable that I use to connect my camera to my computer went missing and it took me a while to get a replacement. I actually have footage for several videos on my camera, I just have to get them onto my computer to edit them
So yeah, that's kind of the extent of what happened to me this week. I'm supposed to go in for my radio show tomorrow and that's pretty much it for me.
I'll hopefully have more to actually write about next week
Have an awesome week guys
I'm glad to hear you all had great christmas/ new years. I remembered all day yesterday and then at 10:00 decided that watching The Hunger Games again would be a good idea. Then it was 12:00 and I was sad, so I went to bed.
I had a nice vacation and went back to school on Wednesday, to be out sick Thursday and Friday. Now I have a bunch of studying, assignments, and two tests to make up. This entire week has been one huge ball of suck. A girl from our school, who I guess had transferred out but was deciding to come back, died. She was sledding down a hill and lost control. I didn't know her very well, but I can't stop thinking about everyone who did and how sad they are.
Sorry to drop that on you, I have a lot of work to do and I have to go. DFTBA,
I'm glad to hear you all had great christmas/ new years. I remembered all day yesterday and then at 10:00 decided that watching The Hunger Games again would be a good idea. Then it was 12:00 and I was sad, so I went to bed.
I had a nice vacation and went back to school on Wednesday, to be out sick Thursday and Friday. Now I have a bunch of studying, assignments, and two tests to make up. This entire week has been one huge ball of suck. A girl from our school, who I guess had transferred out but was deciding to come back, died. She was sledding down a hill and lost control. I didn't know her very well, but I can't stop thinking about everyone who did and how sad they are.
Sorry to drop that on you, I have a lot of work to do and I have to go. DFTBA,
I actually get things done when I don't procrastinate
I'm honestly surprised at how much I get done when I don't procrastinate. I've been meaning to start a writing project of mine for several years now and a few weeks ago I actually got onto it and it's been going well so far. I've been meaning to get a job for some time and I'm really close to actually getting one (hope that I do end up getting it) and I've been putting off getting my full license which I've been working towards for a few months. I'm happy that I'm getting stuff done for once.
I think that I'm slowly starting to learn that putting things off and being lazy really doesn't help with anything. If there's anything that I want to improve on this year it's by trying to be more proactive and to not be so lazy all the time. I think that one of things that represents this is that my posts are usually (if not always) late or they either don't end up being posted at all. Something else that I really wanted to improve on this year is getting my posts up on time and by posting more often than usual.
Not really a lot else I have to talk about. I did some training for my job today and it went really well. I fairly confident that I'm going to get it but it's not really the end of the world if I don't get it (but I'm still really hopeful).
So anyway, I'm sorry for late (again, I'll work on it. Promise) And thanks for putting up with me last year
So anyway I hope that we all have an awesome year
I think that I'm slowly starting to learn that putting things off and being lazy really doesn't help with anything. If there's anything that I want to improve on this year it's by trying to be more proactive and to not be so lazy all the time. I think that one of things that represents this is that my posts are usually (if not always) late or they either don't end up being posted at all. Something else that I really wanted to improve on this year is getting my posts up on time and by posting more often than usual.
Not really a lot else I have to talk about. I did some training for my job today and it went really well. I fairly confident that I'm going to get it but it's not really the end of the world if I don't get it (but I'm still really hopeful).
So anyway, I'm sorry for late (again, I'll work on it. Promise) And thanks for putting up with me last year
So anyway I hope that we all have an awesome year
For a Moment I Ruled the World
It's a little late, but I have a very legitimate reason. I was playing Monopoly with my older sister and brother in law. It took about two and a half hours, but I finally overtook them. Bankrupted them both, owned every single property, had over $5000 and many buildings on the board. It was really fun.
In other news, I won't be going back to school tomorrow, as was my original plan. My sister, niece, and brother in law decided to come down to visit for the last few days of the break, so I will drive back up with them on Sunday. A lot later than I wanted to, but I get to spend time with them. So a win-lose situation, but whatever. As long as I get to go and buy my new fish tank and fish.
Kate, I am so jealous of your Doctor Who hoodie (that work looks so wrong). Don't feel bad about not having seen The Hobbit yet. I have not seen it yet either, but am really hoping to see it in the next few weeks once I am back in Thunder Bay. Hopefully it remains in theatres long enough. If not, I will be kind of upset, and crossing my fingers that it will be on DVD rental by the end of February, since I am going to Ottawa to visit Kayla for reading week. I think I would prefer it that way because Kayla and I watched the trilogy together.
Adam. you have no idea how insanely jealous I am that you are going to get to see John Green. I wish he didn't have so many problems with Canada. It makes me very mad that he does. Sorry to hear about you being sick for your exams. That is one of the worst things ever.
I don't really make New Year's Resolutions any more. I realized that by making them so specifically for the New Year, I am mentally setting myself up for failure. Instead, I will just continue with the good habits I have apparently formed over the past few months. I have been eating a lot healthier and actually getting in real exercise each week (minus this Christmas break; being home doesn't agree with those habits). My procrastination issue will always need work, but in the last few weeks of the term I was doing exceptionally well with it. And I have been putting myself out there, especially with open mic nights, so boosting my confidence is going well. So, I guess my resolution is to just continue being awesome.
I can't wait to get back into the groove of a new year and a new school term. It will help with my sleep schedule, boredom, and ability to post on time. Just a few more days. Sometimes I think I'm insane for wanting school, but then I remind myself that I want to be a teacher. Anyway, hope you have all had amazing breaks, are all ready for the 'dreaded' return, and are continuing to be awesome.
In other news, I won't be going back to school tomorrow, as was my original plan. My sister, niece, and brother in law decided to come down to visit for the last few days of the break, so I will drive back up with them on Sunday. A lot later than I wanted to, but I get to spend time with them. So a win-lose situation, but whatever. As long as I get to go and buy my new fish tank and fish.
Kate, I am so jealous of your Doctor Who hoodie (that work looks so wrong). Don't feel bad about not having seen The Hobbit yet. I have not seen it yet either, but am really hoping to see it in the next few weeks once I am back in Thunder Bay. Hopefully it remains in theatres long enough. If not, I will be kind of upset, and crossing my fingers that it will be on DVD rental by the end of February, since I am going to Ottawa to visit Kayla for reading week. I think I would prefer it that way because Kayla and I watched the trilogy together.
Adam. you have no idea how insanely jealous I am that you are going to get to see John Green. I wish he didn't have so many problems with Canada. It makes me very mad that he does. Sorry to hear about you being sick for your exams. That is one of the worst things ever.
I don't really make New Year's Resolutions any more. I realized that by making them so specifically for the New Year, I am mentally setting myself up for failure. Instead, I will just continue with the good habits I have apparently formed over the past few months. I have been eating a lot healthier and actually getting in real exercise each week (minus this Christmas break; being home doesn't agree with those habits). My procrastination issue will always need work, but in the last few weeks of the term I was doing exceptionally well with it. And I have been putting myself out there, especially with open mic nights, so boosting my confidence is going well. So, I guess my resolution is to just continue being awesome.
I can't wait to get back into the groove of a new year and a new school term. It will help with my sleep schedule, boredom, and ability to post on time. Just a few more days. Sometimes I think I'm insane for wanting school, but then I remind myself that I want to be a teacher. Anyway, hope you have all had amazing breaks, are all ready for the 'dreaded' return, and are continuing to be awesome.
Happy New Year!
Hey, everyone! Happy New Year.
I had a few friends over last night. We watched all of the Dark Knight trilogy. That was fun. Unfortunately, I doubt I'll ever get over my Batman obsession...
Okay, I haven't slept in about forty hours, but I'm not tired at all. What is wrong with me? Despite my lack of fatigue, I can't think of anything to write, so have a good week.
I had a few friends over last night. We watched all of the Dark Knight trilogy. That was fun. Unfortunately, I doubt I'll ever get over my Batman obsession...
Okay, I haven't slept in about forty hours, but I'm not tired at all. What is wrong with me? Despite my lack of fatigue, I can't think of anything to write, so have a good week.
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