
Rambles From a Girl Who Got No Sleep

First things first...HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, DEIDRA! I'm glad you enjoyed it so much. Now, I must give you a virtual cupcake like you have for all of us. It's really awesome that you had an awesome birthday for an awesome person that never FTBA. Okay, I'm slap happy. That was really stupid. But happy birthday!

I do not like this new Blogger layout, but I'm going to suck it up and deal with it so I can finish this post and go to work. I'm on break from school, so that's REALLY nice. As I typed this...I realized I have very small hands. Like, little kid hands. I always make fun of my friend for having little hands, but mine are just as small.

Campion, I'm glad you found your way back all right. I have a horrible sense of direction, too, and I feel kind of dumb asking for directions, but never exactly embarrassed. Just..."Oh, my God, how can I be so stupid?". I got lost in Ottawa once. That was awkward, seeing as it isn't even that big of a city. Even worse, I got lost in Swiftcurrent, which must have 500 people at most. On an unrelated side note that relates to something else you said, people spell it colour everywhere in the world except in the United States. They take out the U's from a lot of words. Such as favourite.

Deidra, I'm glad you've gotten university all settled. Same goes to you, Kayla. Makes me feel like these four years are going to just fly by...now I'm worried. I always worry about not getting good enough grades, and not getting in to university, and ending up living in a cardboard box on a street corner.

Kayla, I have never heard of a pizza cone. Ha...funny that I'm writing about that just as I'm eating a slice of pizza...okay, no, not really. Thunder Bay is the murder capital of Canada? NEVER would have guessed that. Cinnamon sugar beaver tails are the best. 

Kate, I think a beaver tail is something that you kind of have to eat before appreciating it. It's sounds kind of disgusting, until you try it. So, if you're ever in Ottawa, try one. 

Okay, I don't know if I have anything else to say. Er...Okay, a question de la semaine. Okay, this one is kind of random, stemming from me looking at a scar on my foot. Do any of you have any stories behind any injuries? Mine - again, about the scar on my foot - is that I, in a fit of frustration, did something very stupid. That stupid thing? I kicked a bed...that was in the process of being assembled. So when my foot came down, already throbbing, I stepped on a screw. Not fun.

So, I don't want to keep rambling anymore, so DFTBA,


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