So I decided to write my post a tad earlier than usual for no particular reason other than I'm kind of bored right now. I don't know when I'll be posting it though because the Doctor Who Christmas Special is loading on my computer right now so this might be posted after I've watched that.
Hope everyone's holidays are going well. Mines been very nice and relaxing. I've pretty much just been visiting with family and playing a lot of loz: Skyward Sword. I'm trying to beat the game before my sister leaves for Ottawa and takes it with her, which is in like 3 days or something so I have to hurry.
Other than that, I did go skating with my family yesterday. We go every year at this time because Tim Horton's hosts free public skating days at the arena all this week. I also did a bit of shopping, but not that much because I'm trying to save up my money for a little trip at the end of the school year. All I ended up buying was sweaters though, I swear I must have an addiction to sweaters or something, I never seem to have enough of them.
It was my mom's birthday yesterday so we went out for chinese food and then came home to watch The Blindside. My sister baked an awesome red velvet cake and I decorated it using this thing I got for christmas. It looked pretty awesome if I do say so myself, and it tasted even better.
An it's almost the new year, so Happy New Year everyone! Do you guys make New Year's resolutions? I don't usually make New Year's resolutions because I never seem to be able to keep them, but I might this year. Probably something like studying more for school, or maybe drawing or reading more since I've been kind of slacking off with those this year.
Kate, don't worry, I've put off doing all my homework until the week before school starts up again on the 9th. Campion, I was thinking of seeing the Tin Tin movie eventually, but probably not for a while since it's not on the top of my movies-I-want-to-see list. Good review though, makes me want to know what the crane fight scene is all about.
PS - Just finished watching the special, it was very good. Makes me eager for more episodes. As for the Doctor/Amy thing I like all the companions in their own way, but I'm looking forward to see who the next one's going to be.
Your Inner Doctor
Merry (late) Christmas everyone! I hope you all had an enjoyable holiday, and got to spend it with family and/or friends. I myself am having a wonderful holiday season. Our company left to go back home today, but we have had lots of fun while they were here. On Monday we all went down to the lake, and watched my niece ride her new snowmobile. It was really cute, because it is a small/mini one, and she is so tiny on it. She is really good too, especially for only being 3 and a half. Then on Tuesday we went to the arena for a bit of skating. We weren't there very long, thank god, or else I think my feet would have fallen off. I haven't been skating in a couple of years, so my ice skates were tight on my toes. It went well though, I didn't fall, which is a big accomplishment for me. I honestly thought I was going to hurt myself when I initially stepped onto the ice.
I did some more drawing last night and today, and have put some pictures up on my DeviantArt account if you would like to see them. They aren't the greatest, but I like to think that I am getting better.
I don't really agree with you, Katie. At first, I couldn't wait for Amy to leave the TARDIS and The Doctor, as I thought she was too clingy and dependent on him (sort of like Rose). Now though, I think I have spent enough time hoping that she lives and watching her be a bad-ass that I can't imagine it without her. I mean, Smith's Doctor has always been with Amy, there was no in between for either of them. I loved the special, though.
Don't worry too much about procrastination, Kate. You aren't the only one trying to enjoy the holidays until the last moments. I have quite a bit of work that needs to be done before I return that I haven't even looked at. Congrats on your memorization though! Keep it up, I know you will do amazing. Just channel David Tennant, he's done a ton of Shakespeare.
I didn't really have any hopes for that movie. The first time I saw commercials for it, I thought 'not another stupidly animated movie'. I don't particularly enjoy that kind of animation, and it completely puts me off from watching the movie. Also, the fact that it comes from a French cartoon kind of ruins it. It gives excuse to the stupid ending humour though. When in doubt, push someone off a bridge. I'm glad that you still enjoyed it though.
I feel really lazy right now, but not sleepy. I was up really late drawing last night and then slept in, and now my internal clock feels all messed up. Hope you are all enjoying the holidays! Don't forget to be awesome!
I did some more drawing last night and today, and have put some pictures up on my DeviantArt account if you would like to see them. They aren't the greatest, but I like to think that I am getting better.
I don't really agree with you, Katie. At first, I couldn't wait for Amy to leave the TARDIS and The Doctor, as I thought she was too clingy and dependent on him (sort of like Rose). Now though, I think I have spent enough time hoping that she lives and watching her be a bad-ass that I can't imagine it without her. I mean, Smith's Doctor has always been with Amy, there was no in between for either of them. I loved the special, though.
Don't worry too much about procrastination, Kate. You aren't the only one trying to enjoy the holidays until the last moments. I have quite a bit of work that needs to be done before I return that I haven't even looked at. Congrats on your memorization though! Keep it up, I know you will do amazing. Just channel David Tennant, he's done a ton of Shakespeare.
I didn't really have any hopes for that movie. The first time I saw commercials for it, I thought 'not another stupidly animated movie'. I don't particularly enjoy that kind of animation, and it completely puts me off from watching the movie. Also, the fact that it comes from a French cartoon kind of ruins it. It gives excuse to the stupid ending humour though. When in doubt, push someone off a bridge. I'm glad that you still enjoyed it though.
I feel really lazy right now, but not sleepy. I was up really late drawing last night and then slept in, and now my internal clock feels all messed up. Hope you are all enjoying the holidays! Don't forget to be awesome!
Meh, I'm honestly to uncreative to think of a decent title.
Tonight I went to go and see the Tin Tin movie with my mother and brothers. With the massive amount of talented people working on the film I thought that it would be an amazing film. Cos Steven Speilberg was directing it, Peter Jackson was producing (guy's practically a hero in my country), Moffat (the head writer on Doctor Who) and Edgar Wright (the director for Shaun of the dead, Hot fuzz and Scott pilgram vs the world), Nick Frost, Simon Pegg (both from Shaun of the dead and hot fuzz) and Andy Circus (from Lord of the rings and king kong) acting and they even had John Williams as the films composer. These are some (if not all) of my favorite people in the film industry, needless to say I had incredibly high hopes for this film.
But sadly I was disappointed. But don't take that the wrong way, this film is by no stretch a bad film, it was actually pretty good. But I guess that with the massive amount of talented people that I expected to film to be one of the best films I've ever seen in my life but I must've held my expectations a little to high. But for what it is, it's a pretty good film. The acting was fantastic, the effects were great and it had some amazing scenes. My personal one was a fight between the these two cranes (trust me, it's a hell of a lot better than I'm making it sound). Also the animation was absolutely stunning. Usually I hate it when they go for the realistic cgi animation, like the Polar express. I hated the movie and all of characters faces were just kind of creepy and off putting for me. But in this film it really worked, I looked great and the animation actually allowed me to connect with the characters.
But the film did have it's flaws. I really think that Tin Tin as a character didn't get much development as a character. He was fun to watch but I couldn't really connect with him and he seemed a little one demential to me. Also there were these two bumbling cops that were just irritating and not very funny. The end was also anti-climatic and a bit of a let down. They push the bad guy off a dock and then the police show up and he gets arrested. I'm just glad that a few moments before that we had a great fight between the heroes and villain but it's a bit of a let down when they end up pushing him off a dock.
I do recommend this film, it was a lot of fun to watch despite it's problems and I really enjoyed it. But to be honest I just wish it could have been better. With all of the fantastic people working on it I really expected more.
Well thats enough of my pointless film review (which I think I might do more of in the future actually).
Anyway, have an awesome week guys
Tonight I went to go and see the Tin Tin movie with my mother and brothers. With the massive amount of talented people working on the film I thought that it would be an amazing film. Cos Steven Speilberg was directing it, Peter Jackson was producing (guy's practically a hero in my country), Moffat (the head writer on Doctor Who) and Edgar Wright (the director for Shaun of the dead, Hot fuzz and Scott pilgram vs the world), Nick Frost, Simon Pegg (both from Shaun of the dead and hot fuzz) and Andy Circus (from Lord of the rings and king kong) acting and they even had John Williams as the films composer. These are some (if not all) of my favorite people in the film industry, needless to say I had incredibly high hopes for this film.
But sadly I was disappointed. But don't take that the wrong way, this film is by no stretch a bad film, it was actually pretty good. But I guess that with the massive amount of talented people that I expected to film to be one of the best films I've ever seen in my life but I must've held my expectations a little to high. But for what it is, it's a pretty good film. The acting was fantastic, the effects were great and it had some amazing scenes. My personal one was a fight between the these two cranes (trust me, it's a hell of a lot better than I'm making it sound). Also the animation was absolutely stunning. Usually I hate it when they go for the realistic cgi animation, like the Polar express. I hated the movie and all of characters faces were just kind of creepy and off putting for me. But in this film it really worked, I looked great and the animation actually allowed me to connect with the characters.
But the film did have it's flaws. I really think that Tin Tin as a character didn't get much development as a character. He was fun to watch but I couldn't really connect with him and he seemed a little one demential to me. Also there were these two bumbling cops that were just irritating and not very funny. The end was also anti-climatic and a bit of a let down. They push the bad guy off a dock and then the police show up and he gets arrested. I'm just glad that a few moments before that we had a great fight between the heroes and villain but it's a bit of a let down when they end up pushing him off a dock.
I do recommend this film, it was a lot of fun to watch despite it's problems and I really enjoyed it. But to be honest I just wish it could have been better. With all of the fantastic people working on it I really expected more.
Well thats enough of my pointless film review (which I think I might do more of in the future actually).
Anyway, have an awesome week guys
I am horrible.
Christmas break is here and it is nice. Wednesday afternoon we left to drive down to Oklahoma. It was a 10 hour drive but I slept most of the way.
Christmas was okay. I liked the gifts (I got my Letterman jacket!) but there was quite a bit of family drama, and that kinda ruined the whole thing.
I have been procrastinating... that is why I am horrible. I've memorized a bit more than half of my speech, and then I let it slide for the past few days. I still have to edit my research paper also. I did have math homework, too.
Considering I'm always down south in Oklahoma for Christmas, I rarely see snow. There are a few times when it snows, though. Two days ago snow was in the forecast in Oklahoma even though there is no snow back home in Nebraska.
There is another reason why I am horrible. I downloaded World of Warcraft on to my laptop and have started playing it again. I started playing the game when I was 10 because my brother wanted someone else to be able to back him up when saying that it wasn't a bad game. Little did he know that soon we would have to take turns and share the computer.
Once my brother moved out he got a new account and I had to stop playing (around age 13) because I couldn't really pay for time. About two times a year I start playing it now. Christmas (when I get money) and Summer (when school ends).
I've got to go now. My dad doesn't approve of me staying on my laptop. He wants me to socialize even though I am an extremely introverted person.
PS I have not yet caught up on Doctor Who. I still have to watch the Wedding of River Song and then the Christmas Special!
So this is Chrismas
Hey there! It's finally winter break and I'm so jazzed! I don't have to worry about exams, or studying, homework, it's a great feeling! Today is Christmas, or at least for another 11mins it is here. Now 10. Right, on with it then!
I really quite liked the Doctor Who special, good in my opinion. I'm mostly excited for Amy to be gone soon. I really don't like her character, too ick like Rose. Besides Doctor Who I've watched a lot of Firefly today. Uh how was your holiday? Good I hope! It's a busy week, my mom's birthday was yesterday, my friends is Tuesday, my sisters/cousins birthday on Wed., Then my brother's on Thurs., and another friends on new years. Ah there is so much to say with only six mins left!
On Friday I'm going to see the new Sherlock movie with my irl friends. Should be good! My dad is most likely going halfsys with me on an iMac. Also good. Alex is no. 4, very good. I painted my nails red, I consider myself to be a New Englander more than a Rhode Islander. I'm glad you got your shirt Kate! We had a small bit of Snow flurries today, no real snow like usual. Campion take back your rain, it's not welcome here! Adam give us the channel name please!
One minute to go so I'll catch ya next week. Dftba
I really quite liked the Doctor Who special, good in my opinion. I'm mostly excited for Amy to be gone soon. I really don't like her character, too ick like Rose. Besides Doctor Who I've watched a lot of Firefly today. Uh how was your holiday? Good I hope! It's a busy week, my mom's birthday was yesterday, my friends is Tuesday, my sisters/cousins birthday on Wed., Then my brother's on Thurs., and another friends on new years. Ah there is so much to say with only six mins left!
On Friday I'm going to see the new Sherlock movie with my irl friends. Should be good! My dad is most likely going halfsys with me on an iMac. Also good. Alex is no. 4, very good. I painted my nails red, I consider myself to be a New Englander more than a Rhode Islander. I'm glad you got your shirt Kate! We had a small bit of Snow flurries today, no real snow like usual. Campion take back your rain, it's not welcome here! Adam give us the channel name please!
One minute to go so I'll catch ya next week. Dftba
White Christmas
So school is finally out today, it was pretty pointless to even be there seeing as we didn't do any work really, but I guess the free pancake breakfast made up for it. A little bit anyway. But now that's done (even though technically I have two essays and some math to work on, but I'm not thinking about that right now lalalalalala) and I'm in Thunder Bay for the holidays as per usual. We still have to decorate and finish wrapping presents since we just got here, but we have time and it'll be fun. My sister is back from Ottawa so that's nice, too. We're planning on doing a lot of fun stuff while she's here like baking, skating, making a snowman, and maybe skiing.
Campion, I honestly can't even imagine Christmas without snow, it just seems so wrong to me. Christmas is the time of year when its cold out with tons of snow so you have hot chocolate and play outside while being bundled up so much it's hard to walk, and toboggan down huge hills. We already have maybe a foot and a half of snow here.
Adam, I consider myself Canadian first and I also consider myself an Ontarian, but more than that I consider myself a Northern Ontarian because our province is so big and southern Ontario isn't really the same as northern Ontario. If that makes any sense.
On a completely different note have you guys seen the trailer for The Hobbit? I was so excited when I saw it, it feels like I've been waiting forever for the movie to come out (because of all the stupid delays and setbacks) and I still have to wait one year to see the first part, but that's better than before.
So yeah, Merry Christmas! DFTBA! And I haven't really seen anyone say that they don't celebrate Christmas, but if you don't (and for our readers who don't) Happy Chrismukkwanzaadan!
Campion, I honestly can't even imagine Christmas without snow, it just seems so wrong to me. Christmas is the time of year when its cold out with tons of snow so you have hot chocolate and play outside while being bundled up so much it's hard to walk, and toboggan down huge hills. We already have maybe a foot and a half of snow here.
Adam, I consider myself Canadian first and I also consider myself an Ontarian, but more than that I consider myself a Northern Ontarian because our province is so big and southern Ontario isn't really the same as northern Ontario. If that makes any sense.
On a completely different note have you guys seen the trailer for The Hobbit? I was so excited when I saw it, it feels like I've been waiting forever for the movie to come out (because of all the stupid delays and setbacks) and I still have to wait one year to see the first part, but that's better than before.
So yeah, Merry Christmas! DFTBA! And I haven't really seen anyone say that they don't celebrate Christmas, but if you don't (and for our readers who don't) Happy Chrismukkwanzaadan!
It stopped raining... For once
Well for once it actually looks like it's stopped raining... And just in time for (insert whatever holiday you celebrate here). This year should be pretty good for my family, we're going to have most of the family over and I have a massive family so it should get pretty crowded. Also some of my family from the states should be coming over fir (insert whatever holiday you celebrate here) and I haven't seen them since I was 12 so that should be awkward as hell.
Unlike most of my friends who will be going away to the beach for things like swimming and surfing. I (being the untterly boring person that I am) will just staying home and doing absolutely nothing. I'll find something to keep myself busy I'm sure of it. I used to spend my Christmas's well, like once I went up to the beach to stay with my grandmother with my brother and we spent the time swimming and playing Mortal Kombat. Ah, good times.
And yes, I do understand that the majority of you guys will be spending your Christmas in Winter and I've got to ask... How is that? I mean, I only associate Christmas with snow and cold is because of all the American Christmas movies and TV specials that we get over here around this time but I just wonder it's like to have a cold Christmas. Because most of what I associate Christmas with is going to the beach, long hot summer and not having to worry about school for about three months. So what's a Christmas in winter like? To be honest it wouldn't be December for me without summer.
So anyway, I hope you guys have an awesome week and a very merry (whatever holiday you celebrate)
Don't Forget To Be Awesome Guy's
And have a happy new year!
Unlike most of my friends who will be going away to the beach for things like swimming and surfing. I (being the untterly boring person that I am) will just staying home and doing absolutely nothing. I'll find something to keep myself busy I'm sure of it. I used to spend my Christmas's well, like once I went up to the beach to stay with my grandmother with my brother and we spent the time swimming and playing Mortal Kombat. Ah, good times.
And yes, I do understand that the majority of you guys will be spending your Christmas in Winter and I've got to ask... How is that? I mean, I only associate Christmas with snow and cold is because of all the American Christmas movies and TV specials that we get over here around this time but I just wonder it's like to have a cold Christmas. Because most of what I associate Christmas with is going to the beach, long hot summer and not having to worry about school for about three months. So what's a Christmas in winter like? To be honest it wouldn't be December for me without summer.
So anyway, I hope you guys have an awesome week and a very merry (whatever holiday you celebrate)
Don't Forget To Be Awesome Guy's
And have a happy new year!
So Close
This week has gone by really slowly. It seems like the school hours go by like the clocks are melting, and once I get home time seems to escape and run off without me. I would really prefer it to be the other way around, since of course I just want school to be over already. I mean, why can't they just give us these days off as well as the ones we normally get? All of the students are basically either zombies or on mega-sugar highs. I know I find it hard to concentrate during the last week.
Oh well, only one more to go. And it will be a fun day, too. We have our annual pancake breakfast first thing, which is usually pretty fun because it means I can sleep in a couple of extra minutes and skip breakfast at home. Then I have a period one spare, and a movie period two. Third is a toss-up, because the teacher is kind of horrible in the way that we will be doing actual work in her class, with the possibility of an essay. You can never tell with her. And then I am off fourth period, then to the assembly to watch the younger grades make fools of themselves on stage. So it should be an entertaining day.
For Christmas, we are having family coming down to spend a week. My sister, her husband, and my niece, which is exciting because it will be the first Christmas I spend with her. Also a giant family dinner on Christmas. I plan to watch the Doctor Who Christmas special, but that may be difficult with everyone here. Other than that, I don't really have anything planned for the holidays other than relaxing and a bit of schoolwork. Darn work.
I cannot even fathom the fact that you are getting rain right now Campion. I have never had a Christmas without snow, and lots of it. I mean, how do you make snow angels and snowmen without snow? Mud angels? Rock men? (That's a joke)
Adam, you still have not told us your YouTube channel name. I will continue to bother you about this fact until you do so. I hope all of your exams and finals went well, and that you are now back home with your family. As for your question, I think of myself as a Canadian first, since nationality is the bigger part when it comes to defining a person, in my opinion. I wouldn't really identify myself as an Ontarionian unless someone asked where in Canada I was from. I think it has more to do with the fact that when people think of Canada, they don't recognize territories and provinces as well as they recognize American states.
I fully intend to buy the Forever Yours songs, but like you Katie I have been kind of rushed and have not had the time to pick up an Itunes card or anything. I am really hoping that Alex wins the Christmas Number one. It would be awesome for a YouTuber to win, and show that the site isn't just for watching videos of cats doing crazy/adorable things, but it's also a place to find amazing music and musicians with heart and drive and talent. I think that Alex has put a lot of effort into this, and he really deserves it. I hope that Christmas with your brother is amazing!
Kate, I am so jealous of your speech. I wish I got to memorize that one instead of the ones I had to memorize for Hamlet and Othello. You will do great on it. I was able to memorize mine in one night, and you get all of the holidays so you should be able to rock it. Plus, the pure awesomeness of the speech will inspire you even more. Also, yay for finally getting your shirt!
I am jealous of your sleeping in, Kira. I want to do that so much, but still must wait. But it will feel so good on Saturday morning when I can sleep past 7. Hope you have fun on your vacation!
I will post this before it gets any longer or it becomes late. I wish you all an early Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Festive Kwanzaa, whatever it may be that you celebrate. And as always, don't forget to be awesome!
Oh well, only one more to go. And it will be a fun day, too. We have our annual pancake breakfast first thing, which is usually pretty fun because it means I can sleep in a couple of extra minutes and skip breakfast at home. Then I have a period one spare, and a movie period two. Third is a toss-up, because the teacher is kind of horrible in the way that we will be doing actual work in her class, with the possibility of an essay. You can never tell with her. And then I am off fourth period, then to the assembly to watch the younger grades make fools of themselves on stage. So it should be an entertaining day.
For Christmas, we are having family coming down to spend a week. My sister, her husband, and my niece, which is exciting because it will be the first Christmas I spend with her. Also a giant family dinner on Christmas. I plan to watch the Doctor Who Christmas special, but that may be difficult with everyone here. Other than that, I don't really have anything planned for the holidays other than relaxing and a bit of schoolwork. Darn work.
I cannot even fathom the fact that you are getting rain right now Campion. I have never had a Christmas without snow, and lots of it. I mean, how do you make snow angels and snowmen without snow? Mud angels? Rock men? (That's a joke)
Adam, you still have not told us your YouTube channel name. I will continue to bother you about this fact until you do so. I hope all of your exams and finals went well, and that you are now back home with your family. As for your question, I think of myself as a Canadian first, since nationality is the bigger part when it comes to defining a person, in my opinion. I wouldn't really identify myself as an Ontarionian unless someone asked where in Canada I was from. I think it has more to do with the fact that when people think of Canada, they don't recognize territories and provinces as well as they recognize American states.
I fully intend to buy the Forever Yours songs, but like you Katie I have been kind of rushed and have not had the time to pick up an Itunes card or anything. I am really hoping that Alex wins the Christmas Number one. It would be awesome for a YouTuber to win, and show that the site isn't just for watching videos of cats doing crazy/adorable things, but it's also a place to find amazing music and musicians with heart and drive and talent. I think that Alex has put a lot of effort into this, and he really deserves it. I hope that Christmas with your brother is amazing!
Kate, I am so jealous of your speech. I wish I got to memorize that one instead of the ones I had to memorize for Hamlet and Othello. You will do great on it. I was able to memorize mine in one night, and you get all of the holidays so you should be able to rock it. Plus, the pure awesomeness of the speech will inspire you even more. Also, yay for finally getting your shirt!
I am jealous of your sleeping in, Kira. I want to do that so much, but still must wait. But it will feel so good on Saturday morning when I can sleep past 7. Hope you have fun on your vacation!
I will post this before it gets any longer or it becomes late. I wish you all an early Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Festive Kwanzaa, whatever it may be that you celebrate. And as always, don't forget to be awesome!
I love being out of school. It's very relaxing. I slept in.
I was watching Anderson Cooper a while ago. Thinking about all the stupid things Joe Biden has done...Ah, politicians. Lacking common sense since the beginning of time.
So...Kim Jong Il is dead. That's something to talk about. Not been a very good year for dictators around the world, has it? They all ended up dead or thrown out of power.
Adam, I always consider myself Canadian rather than...Ontarian? Maybe that comes from the fact Ive lived in a border city for my whole life. Being right on the line between Canada and America, you feel a bit country proud.
Kayla, congratulations on your acceptances. I'm jealous. We've had absolutely no snow where I am. Well, we have, but it all melted within hours.
Sorry I can't reply to others, but I really have to go or I'll miss my flight. Bye!
I was watching Anderson Cooper a while ago. Thinking about all the stupid things Joe Biden has done...Ah, politicians. Lacking common sense since the beginning of time.
So...Kim Jong Il is dead. That's something to talk about. Not been a very good year for dictators around the world, has it? They all ended up dead or thrown out of power.
Adam, I always consider myself Canadian rather than...Ontarian? Maybe that comes from the fact Ive lived in a border city for my whole life. Being right on the line between Canada and America, you feel a bit country proud.
Kayla, congratulations on your acceptances. I'm jealous. We've had absolutely no snow where I am. Well, we have, but it all melted within hours.
Sorry I can't reply to others, but I really have to go or I'll miss my flight. Bye!
I Got My Shirt!
In English we have to memorize a speech from Julius Caesar, and the speech I have to recite it the one in which Cassias says "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves." I was lucky enough to get first pick, and I wanted that quote because the quote is what inspired the title of Tfios. We have to recite them the day we get back from holiday break (Jan 4) and I already have 11/25ish lines down. If we recite the speech perfectly we get 150/100 points. That's 50 points extra credit which would definitely help me get that A!
Right after school on Wednesday, my dad, my brother, and I will be on our way to Oklahoma to visit my grandparents for Christmas. We do this every year and it's always the same 10 hour drive there and 10 hour drive back. At least I'm usually asleep through half of it.
I didn't do my P4A video. I lacked the time and because I was over at my mom's, I also lacked the proper lighting. I didn't stay up to watch the whole live show. Stickaid drained me too much, and I didn't really want to have to deal with that.
Usually I consider just think of myself as American. I definitely think about being an American more than I think about being a Nebraskan at least. Kansas, Nebraska, and Iowa (of what I have seen of them) all seem to have the same terrain and accent so I wouldn't consider calling myself a Nebraskan would be too distinguishing of where I grew up. From my point of view it's pretty much the same... yeah.
So, yeah... I can't wait for winter break to begin. I won't really feel like break until I wake up Thursday morning at my grandparents house. Not having to wake up early makes me happy. Though I know I will be paranoid and worried about my cats because they obviously have to stay here. My mom will be watching over them.
I hope you all have a great week!
Right after school on Wednesday, my dad, my brother, and I will be on our way to Oklahoma to visit my grandparents for Christmas. We do this every year and it's always the same 10 hour drive there and 10 hour drive back. At least I'm usually asleep through half of it.
I didn't do my P4A video. I lacked the time and because I was over at my mom's, I also lacked the proper lighting. I didn't stay up to watch the whole live show. Stickaid drained me too much, and I didn't really want to have to deal with that.
Usually I consider just think of myself as American. I definitely think about being an American more than I think about being a Nebraskan at least. Kansas, Nebraska, and Iowa (of what I have seen of them) all seem to have the same terrain and accent so I wouldn't consider calling myself a Nebraskan would be too distinguishing of where I grew up. From my point of view it's pretty much the same... yeah.
So, yeah... I can't wait for winter break to begin. I won't really feel like break until I wake up Thursday morning at my grandparents house. Not having to wake up early makes me happy. Though I know I will be paranoid and worried about my cats because they obviously have to stay here. My mom will be watching over them.
I hope you all have a great week!
Hey, Its Sunday!
So I've had a very stress-filled week and its going down hill to complete suck in a record amount of time. On the bright side, it's the week of the charts for Alex and with twelve different versions of Forever Yours its pretty crazy. So how was p4a, I missed it. Actually I was pretty involved with finding videos to support, but then "the incident" occurred.
I went to go unplug my laptop charger from the outlet and the third prong stayed in the outlet. So no computer, again. My sister's nice enough to let me use hers for the time being. My intensive is driving me crazy. The instructor is one of the upper grade teachers and a lot tougher than I thought she was. I have a mound of research to do, and I'm about ready to burst. I just want vacation to come so I can sleep and be lazy. Although I only get a week to do so. My friend got out on Friday, but has no February break like me. It evens out I guess.
Even though its the day to buy Forever Yours I have to purchase it tomorrow. My mom just called to tell me my brother rushed her through the store so she couldn't pick up the iTunes card... Oh well. Still no luck with my exam results, I don't know how long they expect us to wait for such news.
I need to get off her computer, so I guess that's it for now
Happy Forever Day!
So I've had a very stress-filled week and its going down hill to complete suck in a record amount of time. On the bright side, it's the week of the charts for Alex and with twelve different versions of Forever Yours its pretty crazy. So how was p4a, I missed it. Actually I was pretty involved with finding videos to support, but then "the incident" occurred.
I went to go unplug my laptop charger from the outlet and the third prong stayed in the outlet. So no computer, again. My sister's nice enough to let me use hers for the time being. My intensive is driving me crazy. The instructor is one of the upper grade teachers and a lot tougher than I thought she was. I have a mound of research to do, and I'm about ready to burst. I just want vacation to come so I can sleep and be lazy. Although I only get a week to do so. My friend got out on Friday, but has no February break like me. It evens out I guess.
Even though its the day to buy Forever Yours I have to purchase it tomorrow. My mom just called to tell me my brother rushed her through the store so she couldn't pick up the iTunes card... Oh well. Still no luck with my exam results, I don't know how long they expect us to wait for such news.
I need to get off her computer, so I guess that's it for now
Happy Forever Day!
Adventures, Questions, Complaints
Hi, I'm in the library at the moment and I've just finished my last bit of study before my Algebra exam today. I decided I'd write a bit for my post before I go to get lunch. Unfortunately due to the hectic week that was revision I didn't get a P4A video done, oh well. One video idea I've had for ages that I would hate to let pass me by is a thoughts from places video from Germany. I'm going over there on my own in January to visit a friend. I'm sort of nervous about it because I have to navigate the airport and then get two trains on my own which is scary.
Also, a question, I was friends with an exchange student from Toronto a few years ago and he asked me what it's like being European. I found this I really strange question because I don't see myself as European, I'm very much Irish first. I sometimes forget we're part of Europe (but maybe that comes with being on a different landmass). So is it the same in North America? Do you think of yourselves as American/Canadian first or whatever state you live in first? You know seeing as the states over there are like the same size as countries for us. I'm guessing this question isn't entirely relevant to Campion, I always thought of New Zealand being to Australia what Ireland is to England.
My favourite musician Damien Rice, who I mentioned in a video before I think, has had one of his songs Cannonball picked to be the X Factor (Britain) winners song. I think it's a shame that such a wonderful song by one of the greatest ever Irish musicians is going to be diluted to nothingness. He said himself he was disapointed but he has no say in the matter other than to demand royalties. I always saw him as the antithesis of the X Factor. He was in the band Juniper but decided to quit and go busking round Europe because he didn't want the fame. Almost any gig he's played is very small and intimate, he was playing in concert to thousands of people when he got angry at people for talking and said " If this is fame, I don't want it." Oh well, just my opinion.
Anyway, I'm going to get lunch, sorry I didn't have time to reread your posts while I was doing this and reply to stuff you put in.
P.s. After Rice quit Juniper, the other members formed BellX1, another Irish band well worth checking out. Flame is a fantastic song.
Also, a question, I was friends with an exchange student from Toronto a few years ago and he asked me what it's like being European. I found this I really strange question because I don't see myself as European, I'm very much Irish first. I sometimes forget we're part of Europe (but maybe that comes with being on a different landmass). So is it the same in North America? Do you think of yourselves as American/Canadian first or whatever state you live in first? You know seeing as the states over there are like the same size as countries for us. I'm guessing this question isn't entirely relevant to Campion, I always thought of New Zealand being to Australia what Ireland is to England.
My favourite musician Damien Rice, who I mentioned in a video before I think, has had one of his songs Cannonball picked to be the X Factor (Britain) winners song. I think it's a shame that such a wonderful song by one of the greatest ever Irish musicians is going to be diluted to nothingness. He said himself he was disapointed but he has no say in the matter other than to demand royalties. I always saw him as the antithesis of the X Factor. He was in the band Juniper but decided to quit and go busking round Europe because he didn't want the fame. Almost any gig he's played is very small and intimate, he was playing in concert to thousands of people when he got angry at people for talking and said " If this is fame, I don't want it." Oh well, just my opinion.
Anyway, I'm going to get lunch, sorry I didn't have time to reread your posts while I was doing this and reply to stuff you put in.
P.s. After Rice quit Juniper, the other members formed BellX1, another Irish band well worth checking out. Flame is a fantastic song.
Nine Days Till Christmas
Well my week has been pretty relaxed, probably since Chirstmas break starts soon. Today has been pretty epic though. I just got early acceptance to both the University of Ottawa and Lakehead University! I'm really excited about it. I'm not sure where I'll go in the end (I also have yet to hear from the University of Guelph), but I have like almost half a year to decide, so that's good.
The second sunflower plant finally bloomed yesterday and guess what? It's orange! I'm so glad that it made a flower. It actually grew a lot too and now the flower is too heavy for the stem, so I have to figure out a way to hold it up straight.
Tomorrow Deidra and I are going to go see the Nutcracker ballet. I'm really happy that we're going to see it because I've never actually been to a ballet before and I'm sure it's going to be amazing.
Adam, hope your finals are going/went well. Also, I haven't really been on youtube for a while so I completely forgot about P4A. I'll have to make sure to check it out tomorrow to show some support.
Wow, Katie. 7 hours of sorting is super intense, I would definitely not be able to do that. Also intensives sound pretty interesting and I think I played that game before, but I'm not very good with doing math games like that.
The second sunflower plant finally bloomed yesterday and guess what? It's orange! I'm so glad that it made a flower. It actually grew a lot too and now the flower is too heavy for the stem, so I have to figure out a way to hold it up straight.
Tomorrow Deidra and I are going to go see the Nutcracker ballet. I'm really happy that we're going to see it because I've never actually been to a ballet before and I'm sure it's going to be amazing.
Adam, hope your finals are going/went well. Also, I haven't really been on youtube for a while so I completely forgot about P4A. I'll have to make sure to check it out tomorrow to show some support.
Kate, that's good that you get to see your brother again. Hopefully you'll be able to make a P4A video, too.
Kira, it's been a pretty mild winter so far to be honest, but we have had a bunch of snow so I took your advice and I was able to make a snowman a couple days ago, carrot nose and all. As for Christmas plans, just the usual relaxing and visiting with family with the potential for some fun stuff like skiing with my sister.
Campion, that sucks that the weather has been so bad, mother nature just likes to do that to spite everyone, eh?
PS- I just found out that the sequel to this book I really love finally came out. I've been waiting for it for over a year so this is really exciting. I'll have to try and get it ASAP. Today has been amazing, hope your days are going as well as mine!
PS- I just found out that the sequel to this book I really love finally came out. I've been waiting for it for over a year so this is really exciting. I'll have to try and get it ASAP. Today has been amazing, hope your days are going as well as mine!
I can't believe how many of my posts revolve around it raining
Well, I seriously can't believe that it's raining again. Here I was thinking that exams are finally over and summers on the way, it's time to finally start having fun and then BOOM... it pours down a storm for a few weeks straight. I mean it was clear and sunny all throughout exam time when I couldn't have any fun and now that I'm free it rains for nearly a month. I'm sure that the weather is trying to screw with me, oh well at least I have the internet.
Adam, I hope that your project for awesome video goes well. I might do one this year but usually I don't have enough time to work on it by the time project for awesome comes around, so I'll just hope that I have enough time for it. I recently got back into as well, built my deck around about last year and I've dueling my friends ever since.
Kira, I hope your midterms go well (not that I actually know what they are. I assume they are some sort of mid year exam). I know how stressful stuff like that at school is. I hope that it goes well for you. And I just realized that you have the same name as a character from Death Note... huh, go figure.
Katie... seriously? Seven hours of sorting? Wow, I honestly don't think I would have the patience to do something like. After about two hours I would have just given up and stormed off to bed. Good job for enduring it, I don't think that I could have lasted that long.
Kate, I hope that you do get to make your project for awesome video. I know how hard it can be to make them. Also I hope you enjoy seeing your brother on Friday, it's good that your excited to see him.
Kyla, well done on your marks. Sounds like you really put a lot of hard work into it. Good work on your charity drive, my schools lazy as hell when we do ours and we probably have five times as many people as you do. Also I understand as to why you got so distracted by Star Trek... that's happened to me once or twice in the past.
Deidra, I too have problems with the laptop I use. It's my brothers one, so he share's it with me and it's incredibly temperamental so it's difficult to get working. Like how for some reason it will only work when it's placed on top of this old plastic garden chair we have... not really sure why. And when the power cord is pulled out, I have about 3 minutes before the whole thing shuts down. Laptops are a temperamental bunch.
So anyway guys, have an awesome week
Every Time
So I spent today doing the most annoying task ever created: Christmas shopping. And for some reason my family always leaves it until really late in the month, and I'm stuck going through stores filled with what seems like hundreds of other people who don't know what to buy. Really, I just want to get in and get out. But I did get everything I needed, which is great because there is no way I would go back now. Something interesting I noticed today though: it seems like every time I go into the city with my family, it's on a Thursday. And then I have to come home and post, kinda late, before I can go to sleep.
I think I have heard of that game Katie, or at least some variation of it. All I know is that I would be horrible at it, as I truly hate math. Since I'm not taking it this year, I've sort of just given up on it completely. I also don't really understand what these intensives are. But if they mean you get to visit awesome places, then they sound way better than community hours.
Kira, I don't see why you would be upset about missing snow for a cruise. That is a trade I would make any day. As much as I love snow at Christmas, I think I'm getting a little tired of it. Also, I don't really know why people apologize for things they can't help. Probably just to sympathize with other people, and make them feel a bit better about their problems. As for mine, I gave up and changed outlets. It means having my laptop at the opposite end of my room, but no more annoyance.
Adam, pretty please share your YouTube channel with us! I can guarantee you would have some more subscribers if you did. Also, I hope that your finals are going/went well. I'm sure you will do fine, as long as you studied and whatnot.
I am still writing on my own blog every day, as per the December Challenge. Since I must still do that, this post will be cut short. Don't forget to be awesome!
I think I have heard of that game Katie, or at least some variation of it. All I know is that I would be horrible at it, as I truly hate math. Since I'm not taking it this year, I've sort of just given up on it completely. I also don't really understand what these intensives are. But if they mean you get to visit awesome places, then they sound way better than community hours.
Kira, I don't see why you would be upset about missing snow for a cruise. That is a trade I would make any day. As much as I love snow at Christmas, I think I'm getting a little tired of it. Also, I don't really know why people apologize for things they can't help. Probably just to sympathize with other people, and make them feel a bit better about their problems. As for mine, I gave up and changed outlets. It means having my laptop at the opposite end of my room, but no more annoyance.
Adam, pretty please share your YouTube channel with us! I can guarantee you would have some more subscribers if you did. Also, I hope that your finals are going/went well. I'm sure you will do fine, as long as you studied and whatnot.
I am still writing on my own blog every day, as per the December Challenge. Since I must still do that, this post will be cut short. Don't forget to be awesome!
Frantic Midterm Cramming
Hi, guys. It's midterm week. I am typing and reading over my notes at the same time. I don't know why, seeing as I'm really not that worried...
Sorry I didn't post last week. I was a bit busy at robotics, operating a piece of machinery I need a stool to work properly. The woes of being a midget...
So, uh...what to talk about? Happy belated birthday, Katie. Good luck with your exam results. I'm sure you did well. I agree with you - Thanks for the birthday cupcake, Deidra. Have I commented about how beautiful your cat is? Sorry about your outlet pains. Hey - that brings me to an interesting question. Why do people apologize about things they can't do anything about?
Adam, you should definitely share your channel.
Kayla, it is completely understandable that Star Trek distracted you. Major Trekkie, right here. Congrats on your fundraiser.
Kate, congratulations on NaNoWriMo. I was thinking about it...then said no way. I barely spend any time in my house anyway. No time to write.
Campion, I feel your pain. Limiting bandwith would kill me. When I'm not on Nerdfighters or fanfiction or Mugglenet, I'm watching the Big Bang Theory online, so...I take up a lot of bandwith.
So, something I've gotten back into...that I haven't done in a while...I guess writing? My robotics team is on break between seasons, so I have a bit more time to take a break and think, instead of rushing around doing menial tasks for people. I'm kidding, I love robotics.
So have a great week, guys. Take time to stop and smell the roses or make a Bonhomme or an ordinary snowman because LIFE IS AWESOME!
Anyone have any holiday plans? I won't be around for the snow, so I'm a bit upset - I'm going to a cruise in the Carribean.
Either way, enjoy your week.
Sorry I didn't post last week. I was a bit busy at robotics, operating a piece of machinery I need a stool to work properly. The woes of being a midget...
So, uh...what to talk about? Happy belated birthday, Katie. Good luck with your exam results. I'm sure you did well. I agree with you - Thanks for the birthday cupcake, Deidra. Have I commented about how beautiful your cat is? Sorry about your outlet pains. Hey - that brings me to an interesting question. Why do people apologize about things they can't do anything about?
Adam, you should definitely share your channel.
Kayla, it is completely understandable that Star Trek distracted you. Major Trekkie, right here. Congrats on your fundraiser.
Kate, congratulations on NaNoWriMo. I was thinking about it...then said no way. I barely spend any time in my house anyway. No time to write.
Campion, I feel your pain. Limiting bandwith would kill me. When I'm not on Nerdfighters or fanfiction or Mugglenet, I'm watching the Big Bang Theory online, so...I take up a lot of bandwith.
So, something I've gotten back into...that I haven't done in a while...I guess writing? My robotics team is on break between seasons, so I have a bit more time to take a break and think, instead of rushing around doing menial tasks for people. I'm kidding, I love robotics.
So have a great week, guys. Take time to stop and smell the roses or make a Bonhomme or an ordinary snowman because LIFE IS AWESOME!
Anyone have any holiday plans? I won't be around for the snow, so I'm a bit upset - I'm going to a cruise in the Carribean.
Either way, enjoy your week.
Things and More Things
Ugh... it's late. I had my best friend over and we were helping each other with our research papers. I finished mine and will be turning it in tomorrow (early) for extra credit.
I will be trying to make a project for awesome video, but I also lack subscribers of any kind. Plus I will probably be very busy this week. My brother is coming home from the army's basic training. He will be graduation on Thursday and will be home sometime Friday. I'm actually excited to see him, which is something I didn't expect.
I find that when I am tired, I don't have much to say... next week I will definitely have more to tell (probably).
(My shortest post yet? I'm getting lazy)
I will be trying to make a project for awesome video, but I also lack subscribers of any kind. Plus I will probably be very busy this week. My brother is coming home from the army's basic training. He will be graduation on Thursday and will be home sometime Friday. I'm actually excited to see him, which is something I didn't expect.
I find that when I am tired, I don't have much to say... next week I will definitely have more to tell (probably).
(My shortest post yet? I'm getting lazy)
Fuck it...
I'm posting anyway. Yea yesterday was Sunday, and I haven't posted in awhile but DAMN IT HAVE THINGS TO TELL YOU! First of, sorry for the caps, I'm just upset. I remembered yesterday, but then my mom had us go through photos to send to my oldest brother for Christmas. That led to almost seven hours of sorting and I just went to the nearest bed out of exhaustion.
Also I don't have school today or tomorrow due to the teacher preparation of our intensives. Not sure if you know what intensives are, so real short: Intensives are things we due to build our credits. Like how some have to have so many community service hours done before you can graduate. Well we have to have so many intensive credits. I chose the BEST intensive. I mean all of them were amazingly nerdy and awesome, but this was the best.
Have you guys ever watched the Great Gatsby film? If so you know that Rhode Island's own Newport is where some of the shots were located. I'm going to go see those fancy mansions! Oh yea and I live in RI, just so ya know. I guess that's a thing. Anyway I'm really super excited and I can't wait! They are a little more than a week long so plenty of time to do awesomeness.
I finished my exams on Friday, and we should get our reports soon-ish! Thank you for the birthday cupcake Deidra! I had a wonderful birthday in case you were wondering. No one really knew so it was quiet, and that was really nice. I'm not was for hallow happy birthdays from kids I don't know and or like. It was Kira's birthday a while ago, so happy really belated birthday! I agree, Adam share your channel! All P4A awesome must be spread! Running out of stuff to write...Now. There, I'm stuck.
Since I'm stuck...Wait! Okay so any math nerds? Probably. I'm not a huge math nerd, or really not at all. However I am currently obsessed with the game 24. Where they give you difficulty 1-3 and four numbers on each card and you have to add, subtract, multiply, or divide to get 24. Anyway we had a small tournament on Friday because we finished our exams early. Needless to say I suck at it, but watching my teacher play was hilarious! He is so good it's kinda scary!
Okay now I'm done. Happy fake Sunday!
Vague title is Vague
Hello there, I haven't had the most extraordinary of weeks but it was still pretty good. One of the highlights being of course that the Swindon Town Swoodilypoopers won the F.A. cup. I've never been so excited about a fictional sports team, but it was really enjoyable. I was delighted that Fat Lucas got to play such a big role in his last game. My fan fiction is still going okay. I was really happy with my last post.
I'm very excited about this years Project4Awesome, I'm going to try make a video for it promoting a charity, i'm not sure if there's much of a point since I don't have any subscribers. I'm still looking forward to the live show though and of course I can't wait to see the prizes for the raffles.
In college, I have finals this week so I have to study lots for those. i'm a bit nervous but hopefully it'll work out okay.
One of my friends gave me his old Yu-gi-oh deck so I'm enjoying feeling all nerdy and looking through the cards. I'm going to get back into playing with people.
Anyway sorry this post is late.
I'm very excited about this years Project4Awesome, I'm going to try make a video for it promoting a charity, i'm not sure if there's much of a point since I don't have any subscribers. I'm still looking forward to the live show though and of course I can't wait to see the prizes for the raffles.
In college, I have finals this week so I have to study lots for those. i'm a bit nervous but hopefully it'll work out okay.
One of my friends gave me his old Yu-gi-oh deck so I'm enjoying feeling all nerdy and looking through the cards. I'm going to get back into playing with people.
Anyway sorry this post is late.
My First Late Post
Ah this sucks, I completely forgot that I had to post today... well yesterday technically. I did think about it earlier but then I got caught up watching Star Trek and it slipped my mind completely.
But anyway, this week has gone really well. It was pretty easy school-wise. I got an 85% mark on the written part of my english ISU which was better than I thought I would get. Now all I have to do is figure out what I'm going to do for my oral presentation and I'll be done with it.
Right now my school is holding some fundraisers for the Harvest Centre in my town, the place that gives food to those that need it in the community. We're having an actual food drive, but we're also collecting change and all of it will be going towards buying food and other necessities. I think it's a really great thing, and I'm not sure how much food we've collected so far, but we already raised 500 dollars in one week which is pretty astounding for a school our size. My class is actually in the lead for that with 120 dollars and we only have 7 students.
Anyway, that's it for now, don't forget to be awesome!
But anyway, this week has gone really well. It was pretty easy school-wise. I got an 85% mark on the written part of my english ISU which was better than I thought I would get. Now all I have to do is figure out what I'm going to do for my oral presentation and I'll be done with it.
Right now my school is holding some fundraisers for the Harvest Centre in my town, the place that gives food to those that need it in the community. We're having an actual food drive, but we're also collecting change and all of it will be going towards buying food and other necessities. I think it's a really great thing, and I'm not sure how much food we've collected so far, but we already raised 500 dollars in one week which is pretty astounding for a school our size. My class is actually in the lead for that with 120 dollars and we only have 7 students.
Anyway, that's it for now, don't forget to be awesome!
Grrr, Anger.
I don't usually complain a lot. I don't like to complain. But sometimes, things just really piss me off. Like the fact that the plug-in that I've always used for my laptop has suddenly started giving me problems. It's in an awkward place, so I have to use a three way connector-y piece, as my bed is pushed up against the wall, so there is barely any room to actually plug the cord in on a good day. But I came down to write my post, and when I plugged my laptop in, nothing happened. No charge light, no increase in screen brightness, just the universe laughing at me. And of course there is no room for my hand to fit there,so I can't even see what the problem is. I basically freaked out, Deidra-tantrum style. Yupp.
Anyway, this past week I have been doing a Blog Every Day in December on my personal blog, and it has been going pretty well. I missed one day because I had a giant essay to work on, but that is all done and over with, so it's all good now. That was basically the only homework I've had all week, so it's been really nice and relaxing. I did some baking, to prepare for Christmas.
I remember watching the Power Rangers when I was younger. I don't remember too much, but I think I also liked the red best, because it's the only one I have a clear memory of. It was most likely blue though, since blue has always been my favourite colour, but whatever. I know for a fact that it wasn't pink, since I've always hated pink. I have recently gotten back into Pokémon, though I like to believe that I never got out of it. Last year I finally went back and really beat my Yellow version on my GameBoy, including completing the Pokédex. Honestly, I think my childhood was Pokémon. It is where most of my childhood memories come from.
I hope that today was special for you, Katie. Happy Birthday! I must say, it's getting difficult finding different and cool images of cupcakes. Especially ones that reflect the person to whom I am 'giving' them too. And without making myself too humgry for cupcakes. This one only followed one of those criteria. It is so colourful and pretty, and it reminded me of your posts. They brighten up the blog each week. Of course, it looks delicious. If only it wasn't a cyber cupcake, I would really send you one, and have one myself. Hope the day was great!
Anywho, I must still post on my blog, and it is getting late, so I will go now. Don't forget to be awesome!
Anyway, this past week I have been doing a Blog Every Day in December on my personal blog, and it has been going pretty well. I missed one day because I had a giant essay to work on, but that is all done and over with, so it's all good now. That was basically the only homework I've had all week, so it's been really nice and relaxing. I did some baking, to prepare for Christmas.
I remember watching the Power Rangers when I was younger. I don't remember too much, but I think I also liked the red best, because it's the only one I have a clear memory of. It was most likely blue though, since blue has always been my favourite colour, but whatever. I know for a fact that it wasn't pink, since I've always hated pink. I have recently gotten back into Pokémon, though I like to believe that I never got out of it. Last year I finally went back and really beat my Yellow version on my GameBoy, including completing the Pokédex. Honestly, I think my childhood was Pokémon. It is where most of my childhood memories come from.

Stuff Just Happens
Well, my weeks been fairly boring. The holidays are always fun... at first. While I was studying I spent all this time thinking about things that I was going to do once my exams were over. But now that they are over I realize that most of the things I planned to do are really boring. I think the main reason I wanted to do them was because they seemed to be more exciting than exams. Some of the things that I planned on doing included, going for a swim in the lake I live next to, make a comic book, write a novel and go through and watch all of these movies that I put on this large list. Only now do I realize that I have no interest in making a comic book or writing a novel, the lake I live next to isn't the most suitable place to go swimming and I have no money to rent any movies.
Some things that I have taken to doing however are working on my art, actually putting effort into my videos and I've even started volunteering at this local history centre we have. I've enjoyed actually finding contructive things to do with my time but I'm currently looking for other things to do since I have another three months of doing nothing.
Also as a random recommendation for stuff to do on the internet, I highly recommend the site I don't know why but I've really gotten addicted to some of the content they have on their recently. It's this site review website with each person reviewing their own thing. Like some of them will review old movies, while another might review comics and another will review video games. There are roughly 20-30 people on the site. I don't really watch their videos because I'm interested in what they are reviewing but some of them are really entertaining to watch. I would really recommend the Nostalgia Critic, Linkara and That Dude In The Suede. This site has temporarily replaced YouTube for me for some reason.
Anyway have an awesome week guys
Some things that I have taken to doing however are working on my art, actually putting effort into my videos and I've even started volunteering at this local history centre we have. I've enjoyed actually finding contructive things to do with my time but I'm currently looking for other things to do since I have another three months of doing nothing.
Also as a random recommendation for stuff to do on the internet, I highly recommend the site I don't know why but I've really gotten addicted to some of the content they have on their recently. It's this site review website with each person reviewing their own thing. Like some of them will review old movies, while another might review comics and another will review video games. There are roughly 20-30 people on the site. I don't really watch their videos because I'm interested in what they are reviewing but some of them are really entertaining to watch. I would really recommend the Nostalgia Critic, Linkara and That Dude In The Suede. This site has temporarily replaced YouTube for me for some reason.
Anyway have an awesome week guys
I Just Wanted a Shirt....
I have been very disappointed this week. I had ordered that Nerdfighter Community t-shirt and a DFTBA wristband on Nov 7, and I have yet to receive it. I checked the tracking code and it said that it was delivered to the post office on Nov 10, but it has yet to be delivered. My mom had sent out a few emails hoping to track the package down, but UPS sent back an email yesterday saying "Your package is on time for a delivery date of Nov 13." Now... I'm pretty good at math and all, and I'm absolutely positive that it has been over twenty days since that date and I have yet to receive this shirt that was meant to be a birthday present.
This whole ordeal has bummed me out big time.
I did finish NaNoWriMo, much to my surprise. Like I have said, at the beginning of the month I had no faith in myself.
For my Algebra 2 class, we have the opportunity to create some kind of a creative project in order to replace a low test grade with the optional project's grade. We had the same project last year in my Geometry class. My Geometry teacher, Mrs. Wagner, is married to my Algebra teacher, and I'm 90% sure that she (my Geometry teacher) shared all of our projects with Mr. Wagner. Well, Mr Wagner had even said that we had very good projects last year.
The project I am doing this year is a continuation of last year's project. For my geometry class, I had written a short children's story titled "The Adventures of Paul E. Ghon and His Composite Figure Friends." This year's project is titled "Paul E. Ghon 2: Polly No'meal Saves the Day."
And trust me.... there are plenty of other puns that fill this story.
Deidra, your cat is so pretty. I'm always so happy to get home at the end of the day because my cats jump up to the window and greet me before I am even in the house.
I've always been into pokemon, though not so much the newest stuff. I love all of the games and all of the new pokemon, but the show just does not really appeal to me. I guess I just loved the original characters too much. Recently I have been getting into drawing pokemon and playing the games more though!
I thought that the fanfiction was really good, Adam! I encourage you to keep it up.
I'm really tired and I'll be going to bed early tonight.
This whole ordeal has bummed me out big time.
I did finish NaNoWriMo, much to my surprise. Like I have said, at the beginning of the month I had no faith in myself.
For my Algebra 2 class, we have the opportunity to create some kind of a creative project in order to replace a low test grade with the optional project's grade. We had the same project last year in my Geometry class. My Geometry teacher, Mrs. Wagner, is married to my Algebra teacher, and I'm 90% sure that she (my Geometry teacher) shared all of our projects with Mr. Wagner. Well, Mr Wagner had even said that we had very good projects last year.
The project I am doing this year is a continuation of last year's project. For my geometry class, I had written a short children's story titled "The Adventures of Paul E. Ghon and His Composite Figure Friends." This year's project is titled "Paul E. Ghon 2: Polly No'meal Saves the Day."
And trust me.... there are plenty of other puns that fill this story.
Deidra, your cat is so pretty. I'm always so happy to get home at the end of the day because my cats jump up to the window and greet me before I am even in the house.
I've always been into pokemon, though not so much the newest stuff. I love all of the games and all of the new pokemon, but the show just does not really appeal to me. I guess I just loved the original characters too much. Recently I have been getting into drawing pokemon and playing the games more though!
I thought that the fanfiction was really good, Adam! I encourage you to keep it up.
I'm really tired and I'll be going to bed early tonight.
I didn't feel like posting but then I did
I didn't feel like posting today but then I did. I'm not really in a great mood lately. I've been stressed out with finals and other stuff. I'm just trying to stay positive, Christmas is coming soon and then I'm going to visit my best friend in Germany for a week. I haven't seen her for like four months (skype isn't really the same) so I can't wait for that. My Swindon Town fanfiction has been getting intimidatingly large numbers of views and I haven't posted for a while because of that. My new post just doesn't feel right and I don't want to put it up unless I have it perfect. I feel like I'm just listing things which happen rather than anything more interesting.
I'm sort of tired so I'm just going to post a bit of the fanfiction I'm working on, I'd really like some feedback on it. Hope that's ok.
I'm sort of tired so I'm just going to post a bit of the fanfiction I'm working on, I'd really like some feedback on it. Hope that's ok.
As John drove from his house on the outskirts of Swindon to the Stadium, he reflected over the first week of training. He had worked the players hard, they weren’t going to be content with survival, he wanted to challenge. He had instilled his routine. In the morning they worked on fitness, after lunch they worked on technical skills and teamwork and then they finished with an hour long lecture on tactics from John.
It had always been John’s motto that no player is ever bigger than the team, but he couldn’t help but wonder about bald John Green. He was a gentleman and always tried to get everyone else involved but there was no denying he was just much more talented than anyone else at the club. In the last week alone, John had received two offers from much bigger clubs about signing him.
As John pulled in at the stadium, he saw that a few of the players and staff were there already. He walked into the dressing room and saw Dave Mustaine, Bald John Green and Voluptuous Pericard. Voluptuous was an exciting young French striker. He had talent, no doubt, he just lacked a little consistency.
Let me know what you think. As for something I've gotten back into............... can I say reading? I used to read all the time when I was young but then I sort of got really busy and didn't make time for it and I'm starting to read much more now.DFTBA
Talk about ALL the things!
Today was pretty awesome. Two of my three teachers were away so we had supplies in for them. In biology class we ended up having a big discussion about pokemon and then a debate over what the plural of platypus is. Then in english we were reading the final act of Othello as a class and things just got really out of hand we ended up laughing so much and just having a bunch of fun. And it's the weekend now!
I'm hanging out with Deidra right now, sleeping over at her place to be more exact and we just spent the evening playing Twilight Princess and then we watched Super 8. Let me tell you Super 8 was a fantastic movie in my opinion. There was action, a little romance, aliens, mystery. The best part of all though was that it wasn't just another movie with the same old Hollywood actors. It was just a bunch of like teens that I hadn't really seen in any movies before (though they have been in a few, I looked them up).
Adam, your Swindon Town fanfic is going really well so far, I'll be sure to check in on it from time to time. I hope you keep it up because it's definitely better than a lot of the fanfiction that I've read on other things.
For Christmas my family has a sort of double celebration I guess you could say. On Christmas Eve we spend the evening at my Grandparents house for an awesome dinner (with ham not turkey) and then presents. Then on Christmas Day we open the family presents and have my uncle over for a second christmas dinner. We always get a real tree for our house and it's usually pretty tall so we have to use a ladder to decorate the top. My mom does a bunch of baking and we all pitch in to help. My favourite things we make are gingerbread cookies, shortbread cookies, and meat perogies. The food is definitely my favourite part of the holiday, but watching all the christmas tv specials comes at a close second.
Happy Birthday Kira! I hope you have an awesome weekend and an awesome birthday. And don't stress too much about school or anything just try your hardest and work your way through whatever they send your way and you'll be fine. I honestly believe that worrying about it will just make it worse than whatever it would have been.
Campion, it sucks you're limited in your bandwidth use. I don't know how it is with everyone else, but where I live, or I guess with the plan my family has, there isn't really a limit to how much bandwidth we use. I honestly never even knew what bandwidth was until like a couple years ago when someone was talking about it on a youtube video.
As for something that I watched before and got back into, all I can really think of off the top of my head would be Doctor Who. It played on cable for the Eccleston and like one of the Tennant seasons when I was younger and all I can remember thinking was that it was a really cool show. Then it stopped for some reason and I kind of forgot about it until I got into Nerdfighting. So I went back and watched all the episodes from Eccleston and onwards, and it's still as good as I remember.
Oh and I almost forgot, this week my school started a gardening club so I joined it. It seems like it'll be a lot of fun so I can't wait till we start growing things.
I'm hanging out with Deidra right now, sleeping over at her place to be more exact and we just spent the evening playing Twilight Princess and then we watched Super 8. Let me tell you Super 8 was a fantastic movie in my opinion. There was action, a little romance, aliens, mystery. The best part of all though was that it wasn't just another movie with the same old Hollywood actors. It was just a bunch of like teens that I hadn't really seen in any movies before (though they have been in a few, I looked them up).
Adam, your Swindon Town fanfic is going really well so far, I'll be sure to check in on it from time to time. I hope you keep it up because it's definitely better than a lot of the fanfiction that I've read on other things.
For Christmas my family has a sort of double celebration I guess you could say. On Christmas Eve we spend the evening at my Grandparents house for an awesome dinner (with ham not turkey) and then presents. Then on Christmas Day we open the family presents and have my uncle over for a second christmas dinner. We always get a real tree for our house and it's usually pretty tall so we have to use a ladder to decorate the top. My mom does a bunch of baking and we all pitch in to help. My favourite things we make are gingerbread cookies, shortbread cookies, and meat perogies. The food is definitely my favourite part of the holiday, but watching all the christmas tv specials comes at a close second.
Happy Birthday Kira! I hope you have an awesome weekend and an awesome birthday. And don't stress too much about school or anything just try your hardest and work your way through whatever they send your way and you'll be fine. I honestly believe that worrying about it will just make it worse than whatever it would have been.
Campion, it sucks you're limited in your bandwidth use. I don't know how it is with everyone else, but where I live, or I guess with the plan my family has, there isn't really a limit to how much bandwidth we use. I honestly never even knew what bandwidth was until like a couple years ago when someone was talking about it on a youtube video.
As for something that I watched before and got back into, all I can really think of off the top of my head would be Doctor Who. It played on cable for the Eccleston and like one of the Tennant seasons when I was younger and all I can remember thinking was that it was a really cool show. Then it stopped for some reason and I kind of forgot about it until I got into Nerdfighting. So I went back and watched all the episodes from Eccleston and onwards, and it's still as good as I remember.
Oh and I almost forgot, this week my school started a gardening club so I joined it. It seems like it'll be a lot of fun so I can't wait till we start growing things.
My Father Cut Off The Internet... Again
Well aren't I a lazy person. I seem to be forming a bad habit of getting all my posts in late but this week I have a credible excuse. My father has cut off my Internet for the last few days and I just got it back today. He did this because of the massive amounts of bandwidth I've been using, I've been using up the internet so much because I recently discovered a lost love that I used to have as a child... The Power Rangers.
When I was in Kindergarden I LOVED the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. To me, it was the greatest show in the history of the universe. In fact, the reason Red is my favorite color is because the Red Power Ranger was always my favorite (come on, he had a giant T-Rex robot). In fact for a few years I called Red the color Jason (after the Red Ranger) and for my 3rd birthday my mother made me a Red Power Ranger cake and I refused to let anyone eat it because it was so awesome. Sure eventually it got all moldy and rotted and I had ton throw it away but the cake was still awesome.
After that I sort of forgot about it because they stopped airing the show in New Zealand after a few seasons. So I just assumed that they stopped making them and recently they started broadcasting the latest Power Rangers series in my country again, Power Rangers Samurai. I was incredibly excited because I thought that they had recently revived the show but then I found out there had been at least 16 series made since the original but for some reason the show was banned in New Zealand... which honestly doesn't make any sense since most of the series were actually filmed in New Zealand. So they have made a Power Rangers series nearly every year since the day I was born and I only found this out recently.
It's been interesting revisiting this show that I used to love. To be perfectly honest the show's special effects are a lot worse than I remember and it's a hell of a lot cheesier than I remember but it still has this charm that makes me love the show. I guess I used to love it because it had a lot of action with giant robot fights and martial arts that no other show was doing at the time, especially live action shows (that and it's theme song was epic). While it does have it's flaws and I still love the show to bits and it's awesome to watch in all it's cheesy glory.
Which leeds me to a question that I wish to pose to you guys. Is there anything from when you were really young that you really loved that you've recently gotten back into?
Anyway have an awesome week guys

When I was in Kindergarden I LOVED the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. To me, it was the greatest show in the history of the universe. In fact, the reason Red is my favorite color is because the Red Power Ranger was always my favorite (come on, he had a giant T-Rex robot). In fact for a few years I called Red the color Jason (after the Red Ranger) and for my 3rd birthday my mother made me a Red Power Ranger cake and I refused to let anyone eat it because it was so awesome. Sure eventually it got all moldy and rotted and I had ton throw it away but the cake was still awesome.
After that I sort of forgot about it because they stopped airing the show in New Zealand after a few seasons. So I just assumed that they stopped making them and recently they started broadcasting the latest Power Rangers series in my country again, Power Rangers Samurai. I was incredibly excited because I thought that they had recently revived the show but then I found out there had been at least 16 series made since the original but for some reason the show was banned in New Zealand... which honestly doesn't make any sense since most of the series were actually filmed in New Zealand. So they have made a Power Rangers series nearly every year since the day I was born and I only found this out recently.
It's been interesting revisiting this show that I used to love. To be perfectly honest the show's special effects are a lot worse than I remember and it's a hell of a lot cheesier than I remember but it still has this charm that makes me love the show. I guess I used to love it because it had a lot of action with giant robot fights and martial arts that no other show was doing at the time, especially live action shows (that and it's theme song was epic). While it does have it's flaws and I still love the show to bits and it's awesome to watch in all it's cheesy glory.
Which leeds me to a question that I wish to pose to you guys. Is there anything from when you were really young that you really loved that you've recently gotten back into?
Anyway have an awesome week guys

(Just cos it's awesome)
Woot December!
Yay, it's finally December! Now, only 24 more days until Christmas. I'm kind of super excited, but more for the break part than the holiday. I have been so horribly busy these past weeks, and the next few will be annoying only because I'm now looking forward to the break. But my sister and niece are coming down to visit for a week to spend Christmas with us, so that will make it even better.
I am also starting a blogging challenge on my personal blog. I will be posting a photo and writing every single day, which I hope I will be able to do. I am excited to do it, especially sincec some of the day's challenges are going to be really good. Except for tomorrow, which is supposed to be a self-portrait. I'm not a big fan of photos.
Congrats on NaNo, Kate. I am assuming that you have finished by today, which is pretty amazing. Looking back, I would never have had enough time to get anywhere in a NaNo novel. Also, your kitties are adorable! This is my baby, Boots. Also one o my favourite pictures of her. She likes to follow me around the house, and even sleeps on te corner of my bed sometimes. I am going to miss her when I leave for school. =(
I've never tried tea, but your list of reasons may make me more inclined to do so one day, Katie. Until then, I will sit here and drink my hot chocolate while watching Doctor Who. I do celebrate Christmas, but there aren't many traditions that we have. I mean, we always do a special dinner with who ever is here with us, and decorate the house and such. The music, though, is something that I don't especially enjoy. It is just annoying for me, and it never changes. It isn't really fun or exciting, and years of stupid Christmas concerts growing up have really caused me to hate them.

I thought it was both birthday-y and Christmas-y, and totally awesome. And delicious. Hope you love it! (despite the fact that you must love it from afar.)
Well, have a good weekend all, and look into my blog to see my blogging/photo challenge. I'm hoping to not miss any days. And don't forget to be awesome!!
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