I've had a decent I guess. Only bad thing that really happened to me was getting sad about how all my friends are now at university but I'm stuck at home. I'm pretty much over that now so it's not such a big deal, I'm really glad that I managed to get over that to be honest. I know it's cliche but I've found that remaining positive helps me to feel better about myself, go figure.
It's been almost ten years since I last went to my local library and got.some books it was good to get my library card again. Since the schools I've been at for the last few years have had their own library ice never really needed to go until I left school. Turns out we've had overdue library book fees on my old card for the past ten years, for a bunch of books that I don't even remember. I'm surprised that they never contacted us about it.
Anyway I have yard work to take care of and I'm supposed to meet up with my girlfriend today.
So have an awesome week guys
Hark, a Wanna-be Veggie!
I am so done with this week, and I still have a ton of work left to do. I have an essay that is due tomorrow that I only currently have notes for. I am going to be doing a lot of writing between now and tomorrow afternoon. My professor said we could hand it in on nest week's class, with a late mark, but that is only a back-up plan for me. I really think I can get it all done today. Of course, it's on one of my least favourites novels, Wuthering Heights. Thankfully we studied it in my final year of high school so I didn't really have to reread it.
So I decided, out of no where, that I am going to be a vegetarian for a month. Thirty days without meat. My friend told me that I wouldn't make it, but after two days I have realized that I don't really eat all that much meat here anyway. I have grown to love hummus, and even tofu isn't all that bad. The only reason I decided to do this is to see how different things would be, how the veggie people eat. So far the only difference I have found is a) there are much fewer options in the cafeteria and b) the vegetarian eggs are so much better than the regular ones.
Kayla, to be honest, I don't know what I want to do with my life. I mean, teaching is my best option right now, only because I'm not that great at a lot of things. I don't even know how well teaching will go for me, since I am really bad at talking in front of groups. It will take a lot of work. Also, teaching is literally the only thing I have ever thought of as a possible career for myself, so I am kind of limited. Also, name your darn marimo already!
Will Grayson Will Grayson is a really good book, Adam. It's not my favourite of John's novels, but I really liked the story. The double-narrator thing really appeals to me, mostly because I like to see things from different perspectives. It opens up so many possibilities for an English major, ha-ha.
Kate, I have never experienced such wakeception before. I don't recall waking up in a dream like that. Although I have been waking up before my alarm a lot lately. I will wake up, and squint at my alarm clock, and realize that I still have over an hour to sleep. I really don't like that feeling. Your question reminds me of this song that Liam did an epic cover of. I used to not like a lot of things, like the idea of being vegetarian, wearing dresses and high heels (though I still don't like heels, but now I have a pair), but now I don't mind them. Same goes the other way, like I used to like watching things on TV and having it on for noise, now I can't stand it. I go through periods where I like to wake up early, and others where all I want to do is sleep.
Kira, what in the heck do you mean about bagging a robot? Are you like, putting it in a bag or a fancy case for travel? That is all I imagine, is you and a bunch of smart people who can make robots trying to put your robot in a bag. And then the whole time thing throws that off, because why would you have to have it in a bag at a specific time?
Now I am going to relax a bit, then go to class, and then come back and write that essay. I really don't want to but I have put quite a bit of effort into my notes and I don't want that to go to waste. Enjoy the weekend, as the weather for me promises to be really nice, and don't forget to be awesome, not that you guys ever do.
P.S- sorry for the lame title. It was, for some reason, the first thing that came to mind and I actually typed it in there and I mean, come one, once that happens it has to stay.
Not Dead Yet
Hey, guys, what's up? I'm still alive. I'm really sorry I couldn't post for so long. Life has been really hectic.
I had a lot of homework for one thing. There was one English assignment that I had, on Transcendentalists. We had to make a CD with songs that reflected their ideals. I used Nerdfighteria Island for one. It was enjoyable.
Last Tuesday, I was at robotics until past midnight, because we had to bag our robot at 11:59. We bagged it at 11:58. Believe it or not, that was earlier than we do it most years.
Yesterday, I picked my IB courses: history, English, physics, French, Theory of Knowledge, economics, math, and language culture. Most of those were not a choice. I think it'll be the next to years that kill me.
Today, I've been moaning over the fact that Damian Wayne is dead. My fangirl heart can't take it. I was practically crying over my homework. Then I had to watch the Doctor say goodbye to Martha (because I'm an idiot) which made it all the worse.
I'm glad you're enjoying Will Grayson, Will Grayson, Adam. I adored it.
I should go. I promise, I'll make a longer post soon. I know I always say that, but really. It'll happen eventually.
I had a lot of homework for one thing. There was one English assignment that I had, on Transcendentalists. We had to make a CD with songs that reflected their ideals. I used Nerdfighteria Island for one. It was enjoyable.
Last Tuesday, I was at robotics until past midnight, because we had to bag our robot at 11:59. We bagged it at 11:58. Believe it or not, that was earlier than we do it most years.
Yesterday, I picked my IB courses: history, English, physics, French, Theory of Knowledge, economics, math, and language culture. Most of those were not a choice. I think it'll be the next to years that kill me.
Today, I've been moaning over the fact that Damian Wayne is dead. My fangirl heart can't take it. I was practically crying over my homework. Then I had to watch the Doctor say goodbye to Martha (because I'm an idiot) which made it all the worse.
I'm glad you're enjoying Will Grayson, Will Grayson, Adam. I adored it.
I should go. I promise, I'll make a longer post soon. I know I always say that, but really. It'll happen eventually.
Monday, Monday, Wanna Sleep In On Monday
Everyone seemed to have a pretty good Valentine's Day, and that's great.
This morning I "experienced" waking up five different times. The first three were dreams. One I woke up at 7:58 which met I was going to be late for school. One I woke up at 8:58, and then I woke up at 6:30, thankful that the previous thing was a dream. The first time I actually woke up was about 5:20 according to my cell phone. Then the next and final time I woke up was at 6:25, when my alarm went off. When I was in eight grade, I loved school and was always excited to wake up each day. Now I really dislike waking up. Is there anything you all used to love but now dislike? And do you have any dreams like mine that are just really irritating?
Deidra and Kayla, National Honor's Society is pretty much an pretty much an organization for the "leaders" of the upperclassmen in high schools here. It's like a fancy honor roll. And Deidra, I totally agree with your statement on BBC Sherlock, but what you bought for only $8 is amazing.
I'm still cheering you on on your job hunt, Campion. Hopefully you'll find work soon.
Adam, I thought Will Grayson Will Grayson was a fantastic book, and I could relate easily to the characters. I hope you continue to enjoy it.
It's getting late and I have a history project that I need to be working on.
Not much happened this week.
So not much happened this week. I have a group project thats due in on Thursday so that's draining most of my time.
In more exciting news, Jenna Marbles is coming to our college this week so I'm really looking forward to that. She's a pretty well known Youtuber.
I've started reading Will Grayson Will Grayson, I'm enjoying it quite a bit so far.
Yeah, I don't much have much to say.
In more exciting news, Jenna Marbles is coming to our college this week so I'm really looking forward to that. She's a pretty well known Youtuber.
I've started reading Will Grayson Will Grayson, I'm enjoying it quite a bit so far.
Yeah, I don't much have much to say.
Why can't I hold all these books
Wow it's so weird that it's Friday again already. Which sucks cause that means I'll be going back to school soon. This break was so needed for stress relief... I don't want it to end...
My parents and Deidra visiting was nice. It was good to see everyone again and we did a whole bunch of stuff around town. Luckily the weather wasn't too too bad, it wasn't good either, but it could have been way worse.
Oh yeah so I don't think I've really been talking about my thoughts on career plans on here for a while. I think the last time I did I said a vet or something. But basically I don't want to do that anymore. I'm still not 100% sure what I want to do or if I even want to stay with a biology major next year. It's something that I think about a lot, but never manage to come to any solid conclusions. One idea that popped into my head recently was that maybe I could be a librarian. Sigh. I'm so jealous of people who know what they want to aim for and then just go for it (I'm partly looking at you Deidra).
On a brighter note, I found this little book shop downtown a while ago called Black Squirrel Books. I finally managed to go check it out yesterday and I really like it, I think I'll definitely have to go back sometime. And there's this little diner right beside it so I figure I can make an outing of it and get a meal as well. This trip I ended up getting 5 volumes of the manga Ranma 1/2 and 2 volumes of the manga Inuyasha there for $28 which is like a fricken miracle (checking on the prices on the back it would have cost me $97.30 plus tax to get all that brand new). And then I also found a neat looking novel about a girl who is a siren. I love me some mythical sea creatures, so I had to get it.
Oh man and I got my sewing machine finally!!! My parents brought it up with them. I've been kinda busy though so I still have to figure out how to work everything and get some thread. Then of course I have to sew something. If all goes well then I might even end up sewing part of whatever cosplay I decide to wear for Anime North in May. I'm thinking maybe something from Adventure Time.
I bought this Adventure Time game for DS a couple days ago too. I think I'm already almost done it, but it's fun. They should make more games for that show, the options for it are practically endless and I would probably buy them all.
Kate, yay for you watching ATLA, I love that show so much. Also I'm curious about this Honour's Society thing as well. What exactly is it all about.
Campion, basically everyone in the anime club here also looks down on One Piece and I've never really understood why. I actually really enjoyed that show when I was watching it. I think I got to something like 300 episodes before I finally had to take a break from it, but my sister has been watching it lately and it's been sparking my interest again. I'm glad you enjoy it too!
Deidra, ah god I know I just can't decide on a name for my marimo. Naming things is hard. And don't you worry your little tushy I'm watching Game of Thrones right now, I'll finish it at some point so long as I don't lose interest, which I doubt.
My parents and Deidra visiting was nice. It was good to see everyone again and we did a whole bunch of stuff around town. Luckily the weather wasn't too too bad, it wasn't good either, but it could have been way worse.
Oh yeah so I don't think I've really been talking about my thoughts on career plans on here for a while. I think the last time I did I said a vet or something. But basically I don't want to do that anymore. I'm still not 100% sure what I want to do or if I even want to stay with a biology major next year. It's something that I think about a lot, but never manage to come to any solid conclusions. One idea that popped into my head recently was that maybe I could be a librarian. Sigh. I'm so jealous of people who know what they want to aim for and then just go for it (I'm partly looking at you Deidra).
On a brighter note, I found this little book shop downtown a while ago called Black Squirrel Books. I finally managed to go check it out yesterday and I really like it, I think I'll definitely have to go back sometime. And there's this little diner right beside it so I figure I can make an outing of it and get a meal as well. This trip I ended up getting 5 volumes of the manga Ranma 1/2 and 2 volumes of the manga Inuyasha there for $28 which is like a fricken miracle (checking on the prices on the back it would have cost me $97.30 plus tax to get all that brand new). And then I also found a neat looking novel about a girl who is a siren. I love me some mythical sea creatures, so I had to get it.
Oh man and I got my sewing machine finally!!! My parents brought it up with them. I've been kinda busy though so I still have to figure out how to work everything and get some thread. Then of course I have to sew something. If all goes well then I might even end up sewing part of whatever cosplay I decide to wear for Anime North in May. I'm thinking maybe something from Adventure Time.
I bought this Adventure Time game for DS a couple days ago too. I think I'm already almost done it, but it's fun. They should make more games for that show, the options for it are practically endless and I would probably buy them all.
Kate, yay for you watching ATLA, I love that show so much. Also I'm curious about this Honour's Society thing as well. What exactly is it all about.
Campion, basically everyone in the anime club here also looks down on One Piece and I've never really understood why. I actually really enjoyed that show when I was watching it. I think I got to something like 300 episodes before I finally had to take a break from it, but my sister has been watching it lately and it's been sparking my interest again. I'm glad you enjoy it too!
Deidra, ah god I know I just can't decide on a name for my marimo. Naming things is hard. And don't you worry your little tushy I'm watching Game of Thrones right now, I'll finish it at some point so long as I don't lose interest, which I doubt.
I'm Holmes!
I am back at home for reading week, so of course I was lazy almost all day and am only now getting around to writing my post. I am only here for two days, heading back to school on Saturday. It has been a great break so far. My time visiting Kayla was amazing, I am definitely going to have to go back to visit again soon.
We did quite a bit together considering I was only there for three days. For some highlights: I went to an anime club meeting (so not my thing but the crappy fanfic reading was interesting), then got to see the university. It really made me thankful I chose to go to Lakehead and not apply anywhere else. The campus is significantly larger and so many tall buildings. Also tunnels that are not tunnels. We went to the nature museum and I got to see something called a sea potato. She took me to a comic book store where I bought a TARDIS sweater, and wow is it ever comfortable. And of course beaver tails. My biggest accomplishment was not getting killed in that city (something I said pretty much every time we rushed across the street).
Kayla, you need to name your marimo and decorate the bowl. It looks very empty. Also watch more Game of Thrones, I want to talk about it. The next season is coming out on the same night as Doctor Who, on March 30 (also the day after my birthday, woo!). So hurry it up.

Kate, what is the point of a National Honours Society? Is it just for pride or something? Or do you have jackets and secret meetings and discounts at smart people stores?
I went to the grocery store with my mum this evening and found a really awesome deal in the DVD bin. It is a version of the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, 39 episodes and 4 full films, for only $8. If only the BBC would just get to work and we could have that much Cumberbatch/Holmes already. Anyway, I am excited to watch it.
Enjoy the rest of your weeks,and don't forget to be awesome!
We did quite a bit together considering I was only there for three days. For some highlights: I went to an anime club meeting (so not my thing but the crappy fanfic reading was interesting), then got to see the university. It really made me thankful I chose to go to Lakehead and not apply anywhere else. The campus is significantly larger and so many tall buildings. Also tunnels that are not tunnels. We went to the nature museum and I got to see something called a sea potato. She took me to a comic book store where I bought a TARDIS sweater, and wow is it ever comfortable. And of course beaver tails. My biggest accomplishment was not getting killed in that city (something I said pretty much every time we rushed across the street).
Kayla, you need to name your marimo and decorate the bowl. It looks very empty. Also watch more Game of Thrones, I want to talk about it. The next season is coming out on the same night as Doctor Who, on March 30 (also the day after my birthday, woo!). So hurry it up.
Kate, what is the point of a National Honours Society? Is it just for pride or something? Or do you have jackets and secret meetings and discounts at smart people stores?
I went to the grocery store with my mum this evening and found a really awesome deal in the DVD bin. It is a version of the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, 39 episodes and 4 full films, for only $8. If only the BBC would just get to work and we could have that much Cumberbatch/Holmes already. Anyway, I am excited to watch it.
Enjoy the rest of your weeks,and don't forget to be awesome!
I can't believe what I've been missing out on
I've had a good week, better than most of my weeks actually. I try to go job hunting at least once a day now, I figure if I'm always looking and applying that I'm bound to get something eventually. My radio show is going pretty well, it's been airing for a few weeks and we have been getting some good feedback on it and we are really enjoying ourselves, I'm really glad that I decided to do it, it's been a lot of fun. Also, my friends absolutely hate the anime and manga One Piece. I don't mean they just dislike it, I mean they flat out vilify it, it's on the same level as Twighlight for these guys. Until recently, I hated it too but that's mostly because they hated it, I'd never even seen until recently. One day I decided to sit down and watch it and it was pretty good, I really liked it. In fact I've even started reading the manga (my local library has like 30 volumes of the stuff) and I'm really enjoying it. So now I'm trying to keep it a secret from my friends that I like it, not because I'm afraid of how they will react but because I'm really looking forward to their reactions, I'm hoping that I can build up a sufficient collection of the anime and manga so when I tell them their reactions will be all the more the priceless. It's a weird relationship that I have with my friends.
Also I was at a store called JB Hi-Fi, not sure if you guys have it, it's like an electronics store mixed with a DVD store. I was intending to buy a game... until I saw the box set of Cowboy Bebop DVD's, needless to say that's what I left with. I had never seen it before but I've had a lot of people recommending it to me so I decided to pick it up and it was pretty dam good. I'm really enjoying the show and I can see why it's usually on peoples list of favourite anime.
Also I got to spend Valentines day with my girlfriend. It was really nice, we walked around town and talked for a bit and we also went to this science fiction and fantasy art exhibit that they were having at the museum, some of the art they were show casing was pretty interesting. It was all Kiwi made art, some of it coming from WETA and others from freelance artists. We had a good time there, the museum was also where we had our first date together so it was pretty special to us.
Kayla, good job on your midterms, glad your still in one piece. Deidra, Being Humans a pretty good show, haven't seen a great deal of it but what I saw was pretty good. Kate, hope your application gets accepted and good luck with that. Adam, that is a really cool picture of Hank.
Hope you guys have an awesome week
Also I was at a store called JB Hi-Fi, not sure if you guys have it, it's like an electronics store mixed with a DVD store. I was intending to buy a game... until I saw the box set of Cowboy Bebop DVD's, needless to say that's what I left with. I had never seen it before but I've had a lot of people recommending it to me so I decided to pick it up and it was pretty dam good. I'm really enjoying the show and I can see why it's usually on peoples list of favourite anime.
Also I got to spend Valentines day with my girlfriend. It was really nice, we walked around town and talked for a bit and we also went to this science fiction and fantasy art exhibit that they were having at the museum, some of the art they were show casing was pretty interesting. It was all Kiwi made art, some of it coming from WETA and others from freelance artists. We had a good time there, the museum was also where we had our first date together so it was pretty special to us.
Kayla, good job on your midterms, glad your still in one piece. Deidra, Being Humans a pretty good show, haven't seen a great deal of it but what I saw was pretty good. Kate, hope your application gets accepted and good luck with that. Adam, that is a really cool picture of Hank.
Hope you guys have an awesome week
It's President's Day
And I have no school, hence why I'm posting this a lot earlier than I usually do. It's not even noon and I am bored. I'm cat-sitting for my mom and the only thing I have really been doing is watching Netflix. Right now I'm watching Avatar: the Last Airbender.
Spring apparently is not so near. It is snow right now and we are expecting a bad blizzard Thursday. That's unfortunate considering Track season starts next week. Everyone was hoping to get the field event pits out, specifically the pole-vaulters as we have done the most off-season practising.
Last week I turned in the application that will be seen by the teachers at my school, and those teachers will decide if I, and other classmates, will be able to join the National Honor Society. I'm not sure whether or not I'll get it. Most people may have more out of school activities and work experience, but I have a lot of school activities and community service. I hope I get in. I don't know when we will find out who made it and who did not.
Well my dad and I are going to go shopping now. I'd save this and add more to it later, but I probably couldn't think of anything else to write.
Spring apparently is not so near. It is snow right now and we are expecting a bad blizzard Thursday. That's unfortunate considering Track season starts next week. Everyone was hoping to get the field event pits out, specifically the pole-vaulters as we have done the most off-season practising.
Last week I turned in the application that will be seen by the teachers at my school, and those teachers will decide if I, and other classmates, will be able to join the National Honor Society. I'm not sure whether or not I'll get it. Most people may have more out of school activities and work experience, but I have a lot of school activities and community service. I hope I get in. I don't know when we will find out who made it and who did not.
Well my dad and I are going to go shopping now. I'd save this and add more to it later, but I probably couldn't think of anything else to write.
Lots of Valentine Treats
Hey hey hey everyone, I am slightly sleep deprived, but in a fairly good mood so I'm going to try to make this a good post to make up for my short one last week.
I didn't die this past week which was good. I hate midterms. But hey, I get a whole week off school now so I guess I'll be fine. FREEEEDOOMMMMMM!
Phew ok got that out of my system now. Anyway update on my life I guess: basically been caught up with school lately, and semi planning for when Deidra gets here (tomorrow!). I never managed to get around to buying decorations for my marimo yet, it's been like 2 weeks lol. Also I haven't thought of a name for it. And I also need to get my side cut re-shaved, I'm thinking of just buying a razor to save money instead of always going to a hairdresser to get it done. But I don't know where to get one so I guess I'll just have to look around the mall.
Oh man and I haven't actually been on youtube for like weeks, not even to watch vlogbrothers videos, but I needed some background noise while studying/working on lab reports. So I watched all the vlogbrothers videos going back to where I had left off... and all the danisnotonfire videos.... and all the amazingphil videos. And then because I was being a horrible procrastinator last weekend I started watching Game of Thrones and this other show called Shameless. Both are pretty great so far. (Oh and like Katie said, Community started up again, score!) Haha, man I watch way to much tv...
So yeah Valentine's Day happened. Hope your guys' went well. Mine consisted of working on a chem lab, being alone in the apartment and then going on the internet when I should have been reading notes. Overall I think it went pretty good. And today I went to the grocery store to get half price Valentine's Day stuff. I got cookies and a little cake. Because I am not fat at all (to be fair I plan on sharing with my sis and Deidra).
Adam that is a fantastic picture of Hank, I must say. Also glad you got your Visa, and hope that your week wasn't too stressful. And Campion, I hope your job search improves and you get some interviews.
Oh yeah did you guys hear about that meteor that broke up over Russia. It hurt like over a thousand people from like shattered glass and stuff. That's pretty terrible. That would make a cool scar story though once they heal up (hopefully no one was hurt too extremely) like just "hey how'd you get that scar" "this? oh you know a meteor fell out of the sky and almost killed me with glass shards, no big deal."
Anyway I have to go now. I need to make a bunch of Oreo truffles for anime club tomorrow. And I have to clean and do laundry so my room/apartment is clean for when my parents and Deidra get here.
P.S.- I got this fizzy grapefruit drink and this message was in the cap: Gi mi sponge fi go dry up sea. Anyone have a clue as to what it might mean?
I didn't die this past week which was good. I hate midterms. But hey, I get a whole week off school now so I guess I'll be fine. FREEEEDOOMMMMMM!
Phew ok got that out of my system now. Anyway update on my life I guess: basically been caught up with school lately, and semi planning for when Deidra gets here (tomorrow!). I never managed to get around to buying decorations for my marimo yet, it's been like 2 weeks lol. Also I haven't thought of a name for it. And I also need to get my side cut re-shaved, I'm thinking of just buying a razor to save money instead of always going to a hairdresser to get it done. But I don't know where to get one so I guess I'll just have to look around the mall.
Oh man and I haven't actually been on youtube for like weeks, not even to watch vlogbrothers videos, but I needed some background noise while studying/working on lab reports. So I watched all the vlogbrothers videos going back to where I had left off... and all the danisnotonfire videos.... and all the amazingphil videos. And then because I was being a horrible procrastinator last weekend I started watching Game of Thrones and this other show called Shameless. Both are pretty great so far. (Oh and like Katie said, Community started up again, score!) Haha, man I watch way to much tv...
So yeah Valentine's Day happened. Hope your guys' went well. Mine consisted of working on a chem lab, being alone in the apartment and then going on the internet when I should have been reading notes. Overall I think it went pretty good. And today I went to the grocery store to get half price Valentine's Day stuff. I got cookies and a little cake. Because I am not fat at all (to be fair I plan on sharing with my sis and Deidra).
Adam that is a fantastic picture of Hank, I must say. Also glad you got your Visa, and hope that your week wasn't too stressful. And Campion, I hope your job search improves and you get some interviews.
Oh yeah did you guys hear about that meteor that broke up over Russia. It hurt like over a thousand people from like shattered glass and stuff. That's pretty terrible. That would make a cool scar story though once they heal up (hopefully no one was hurt too extremely) like just "hey how'd you get that scar" "this? oh you know a meteor fell out of the sky and almost killed me with glass shards, no big deal."
Anyway I have to go now. I need to make a bunch of Oreo truffles for anime club tomorrow. And I have to clean and do laundry so my room/apartment is clean for when my parents and Deidra get here.
P.S.- I got this fizzy grapefruit drink and this message was in the cap: Gi mi sponge fi go dry up sea. Anyone have a clue as to what it might mean?
February 14
Happy February 14th everyone. Hope you get to spend it with those you love. My day started out suckish, but got progressively better. I have to wake up for an 8:30 class that was just a really boring film. I ended up nodding off a few times, but I went back to bed as soon as class was over so that works.
I cannot wait for this week to be over. I had a midterm on Monday and a paper due Tuesday and nothing to do since then. It's gotten to be pretty boring. I went bowling with friends last night, for the first time since I've been here. I got second place both times. Tonight I am probably going to go over to a friend's to watch movies to escape all of the Valentine's stuff. Tomorrow is my last day for the substance use, personality, behaviour, and mood study that I am a part of. I hope I win the prize for volunteering, but even if not it was pretty cool. I started watching the show Being Human. Netflix has it, and it's a British show, so hopefully I will watch it all. It's pretty interesting.
Don't forget to be awesome. Happy Valentine's day. Yupp.
I cannot wait for this week to be over. I had a midterm on Monday and a paper due Tuesday and nothing to do since then. It's gotten to be pretty boring. I went bowling with friends last night, for the first time since I've been here. I got second place both times. Tonight I am probably going to go over to a friend's to watch movies to escape all of the Valentine's stuff. Tomorrow is my last day for the substance use, personality, behaviour, and mood study that I am a part of. I hope I win the prize for volunteering, but even if not it was pretty cool. I started watching the show Being Human. Netflix has it, and it's a British show, so hopefully I will watch it all. It's pretty interesting.
Don't forget to be awesome. Happy Valentine's day. Yupp.
Today, I did stuff (I'm going for the record for the most unoriginal titles in a row)
Well my job search isn't going so well. Haven't been called in for an interview for a while so it's looking kind o crappy at the moment. It's getting especially hard since all my friends are off to university while my parents pressured me into staying home and finding work. Not really happy about that since I can't find any.
On a more positive note my girlfriend has moved back to my city and we can see each other for the first time since last November. So it should be fun seeing her again.
On a side note the new Power Rangers series recently came out, Power Rangers Megaforce and I've seen the first few episodes. I'm enjoying it a lot and its nice that they make a lot of call backs to the first Power Rangers series. The new person who recruits the rangers even uses the old cheesy line from the old show, "find and recruit five teenagers with attitude" which needless to say I got a big kick out of. Also it's the shows 20th anniversary and the show is supposed to have a reunion episode where they bring back all the old Power Rangers to fight in a big battle. I really hope that it looks as awesome as it sounds.
Anyway I need to go now
So have an awesome week guys
On a more positive note my girlfriend has moved back to my city and we can see each other for the first time since last November. So it should be fun seeing her again.
On a side note the new Power Rangers series recently came out, Power Rangers Megaforce and I've seen the first few episodes. I'm enjoying it a lot and its nice that they make a lot of call backs to the first Power Rangers series. The new person who recruits the rangers even uses the old cheesy line from the old show, "find and recruit five teenagers with attitude" which needless to say I got a big kick out of. Also it's the shows 20th anniversary and the show is supposed to have a reunion episode where they bring back all the old Power Rangers to fight in a big battle. I really hope that it looks as awesome as it sounds.
Anyway I need to go now
So have an awesome week guys
Tired of Winter
Thanks to the dryness of winter, my skin has gotten ridiculously bad. I've never had so many patches of dry skin in my life. Thankfully spring is just around the corner. The weather has been noticeably warming up, but chances are it won't last. Track and Field season starts in two weeks and it needs to be warm for that!
My mother got me addicted (well... not quite "addicted") to Farmville again. So I've been wasting time on that.
Near the end of my final class, all the lights except for two lights and the projector screen flickered off for a second. I couldn't help but think of Supernatural and getting some salt. I asked around and the flicker happened throughout the school. At conditioning a girl said that all of the traffic lights on the major road that goes through town were out, and police officers were their directing traffic. I wonder what happened to knock out the power.
I'm glad you had fun seeing the Vlogbrothers and I hope you have fun in the US. Deidra, I hope you have better luck with your fish. I hope everyone stays happy and has a great week.
My mother got me addicted (well... not quite "addicted") to Farmville again. So I've been wasting time on that.
Near the end of my final class, all the lights except for two lights and the projector screen flickered off for a second. I couldn't help but think of Supernatural and getting some salt. I asked around and the flicker happened throughout the school. At conditioning a girl said that all of the traffic lights on the major road that goes through town were out, and police officers were their directing traffic. I wonder what happened to knock out the power.
I'm glad you had fun seeing the Vlogbrothers and I hope you have fun in the US. Deidra, I hope you have better luck with your fish. I hope everyone stays happy and has a great week.
Awesome week
Hi, my week went quite well afterwards. My interview in the U.S. embassy was fine, I got my Visa to go over to San Francisco so I'm really excited about it now. I just have to pay off the rest of my flights, find a job and find a place to live.
John and Hank were amazing in Dublin, it was so cool to see them live. I got John and Hank to sign my books. Also Hank was wearing a horsehead.
Your argument is invalid. :D
They put up a thoughts from places video for Dublin, I really enjoyed it. Something that's always struck me about Dublin is it's bizarre architecture. I thought Hank really captured what I had always wanted to put into words.
I was at a rugby match today, it was between Ireland and England, England won (sad face). It wasn't a great match but oh well, it was nice to be there.
I have a hectic week with a lot of assignments due, it's going to be tough to get everything finished and done to a good standard. So that's a bit nerveracking.
John and Hank were amazing in Dublin, it was so cool to see them live. I got John and Hank to sign my books. Also Hank was wearing a horsehead.

Your argument is invalid. :D
They put up a thoughts from places video for Dublin, I really enjoyed it. Something that's always struck me about Dublin is it's bizarre architecture. I thought Hank really captured what I had always wanted to put into words.
I was at a rugby match today, it was between Ireland and England, England won (sad face). It wasn't a great match but oh well, it was nice to be there.
I have a hectic week with a lot of assignments due, it's going to be tough to get everything finished and done to a good standard. So that's a bit nerveracking.
I have had the worst/ best week depending on how you look at it.
It would be the worst week if you count yesterday, having nemo come through wasn't the best of times. I probably got almost twenty inches of snow in my front yard. If you count it, there have been three major disasters in the recent months. That small earthquake that disrupted southern Rhode Island over the summer, hurricane Sandy, and now Nemo the blizzard. I lost power for two hours and it kept flickering on and off until about midnight. So from a weather perspective, awful.
However from my prospective, everything this week was absolute awesomesauce. I don't know if you guys are familiar with Soulpancake, or their segment with Kid President, but his Pep Talk video is everywhere! My sister's English teacher had the video emailed to them around the first week it released, and showed it to her class. THEN my nerdfighter of a History teacher showed it to my class. I was in the back going OH MY GOD I LOVE EVERYTHING KID PRESIDENT AAAHHHHH! So that was awesome. And because of nemo I earned a three day weekend because of the statewide emergency.
The only notsome thing was that my schools production of Twelfth Night was going to be today, and my favorite teacher who left before this year started was going to come and visit to see the play. However Community started it's new season Thursday and it was pretty awesome. You can tell the writers are new though. However its a spoof of the Hunger Games, so props.
Adam I'm sure everything went awesome and you had a good interview and an awesome time at the nerdfighter event! Campion I'm sure your boredom will end soon and life will give you lemons. Keep that expression in mind, knowing that you can supply sugar, otherwise your lemonade will be really sour. Deidra I hope the crush thing gets better, I'm kind of struggling with that too. Hang in there! Kayla I would love to go see Bill Nye the Science Guy, I'm extremely jealous! Kate and Kira I hope you guys had awesome weeks too!
I watched Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close last night on a charged laptop and it was really good. It came out forever ago, but if you have the time you should go and watch it! Very powerful. I have to write a short story for English and I don't know where to start. I'm mostly worried that I write something really awful. Okay well I'll see you next week!
It would be the worst week if you count yesterday, having nemo come through wasn't the best of times. I probably got almost twenty inches of snow in my front yard. If you count it, there have been three major disasters in the recent months. That small earthquake that disrupted southern Rhode Island over the summer, hurricane Sandy, and now Nemo the blizzard. I lost power for two hours and it kept flickering on and off until about midnight. So from a weather perspective, awful.
However from my prospective, everything this week was absolute awesomesauce. I don't know if you guys are familiar with Soulpancake, or their segment with Kid President, but his Pep Talk video is everywhere! My sister's English teacher had the video emailed to them around the first week it released, and showed it to her class. THEN my nerdfighter of a History teacher showed it to my class. I was in the back going OH MY GOD I LOVE EVERYTHING KID PRESIDENT AAAHHHHH! So that was awesome. And because of nemo I earned a three day weekend because of the statewide emergency.
The only notsome thing was that my schools production of Twelfth Night was going to be today, and my favorite teacher who left before this year started was going to come and visit to see the play. However Community started it's new season Thursday and it was pretty awesome. You can tell the writers are new though. However its a spoof of the Hunger Games, so props.
Adam I'm sure everything went awesome and you had a good interview and an awesome time at the nerdfighter event! Campion I'm sure your boredom will end soon and life will give you lemons. Keep that expression in mind, knowing that you can supply sugar, otherwise your lemonade will be really sour. Deidra I hope the crush thing gets better, I'm kind of struggling with that too. Hang in there! Kayla I would love to go see Bill Nye the Science Guy, I'm extremely jealous! Kate and Kira I hope you guys had awesome weeks too!
I watched Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close last night on a charged laptop and it was really good. It came out forever ago, but if you have the time you should go and watch it! Very powerful. I have to write a short story for English and I don't know where to start. I'm mostly worried that I write something really awful. Okay well I'll see you next week!
It's midterm season again.
Ok short post this week because my bio midterm is tomorrow and I should be studying right now. Sorry about missing my post last week, I was sick and went to be right after getting home from school and completely forgot. I'm all better now which is good, wouldn't want to be sick for the rest of my midterms. Hope everyone's doing well. I got tickets to see Bill Nye the Science Guy in March which is exciting. I also saw the movie Warm Bodies. It was pretty good, but way different from the book. Anyway got to go now. (I wish reading week would get here already.)
I reached the point in my day where I did not want to do anything productive any more way too early in the day, and therefore completely forgot about my post. Not that I have very much to say. I am behind a bit in work, and have a paper due next week along with a midterm and lots of reading. And to top that off I am going through stupid personal crush-type things that are totally plugging up my mind. I mostly want to curl up in a ball and sleep though the next week, and then have Kayla comfort me over reading week.
And yeah. That's it. Too much going on internally for me to think of anything better. Continue to be awesome, mis amigos.
And yeah. That's it. Too much going on internally for me to think of anything better. Continue to be awesome, mis amigos.
And then some more stuff happened
My life has become very boring lately. Mostly consisting of me trying to find work, not getting any, lying around the house and doing odd jobs for various family members in order to earn some money. On Tuesday I went out with my uncle to do some filming, he works for one of the local T.V channels and we were filming one a meeting between the members of one of the local tribes. I couldn't understand what the meaning was about (they spoke mostly in Maori, which I don't speak), I think that it may have been about the organisation of their tribe or something along those lines, I'm really not sure.
Also I've been spending a lot of my time helping out grandfather clean up and re paint his house. He and my grandmother are retiring soon and they want to move, so I'm helping them to do up their house so they can move. I've actually been enjoying myself helping them, it keeps me busy and helps me to earn a bit of money and I really enjoy spending time with them.
I'm helping him tomorrow, so I need to get some rest
Have an awesome week guys
Also I've been spending a lot of my time helping out grandfather clean up and re paint his house. He and my grandmother are retiring soon and they want to move, so I'm helping them to do up their house so they can move. I've actually been enjoying myself helping them, it keeps me busy and helps me to earn a bit of money and I really enjoy spending time with them.
I'm helping him tomorrow, so I need to get some rest
Have an awesome week guys
Incredibly nervous
I'm really really nervous. This wednesday I have my interview at the U.S. embassy in Dublin. I feel like Chandler in Friends when he has to go for an interview. I'm just so worried that I'll say something stupid and they won't let me into the country. I know that's really unlikely as long as I have all my documents in order but THERE ARE SO MANY DOCUMENTS. I'm almost certain I'm going to forget or lose something. Ok, deep breaths. Smiley face.
On the bright side, in the evening after my interview I'm going to see John Green so that'll either make me feel better or make the day even more awesome.
Thanks for the tax information, it seems kinda strange to me that the price on shelf would be different to what you pay at the till. Like I don't really see what benefit there is to it. But I'm sure I'll adjust pretty quickly if and when I'm over there :)
My exams went surprisingly well, especially considering I was so sick for most of them. The first bit of this new semester has been pretty easy, it'll probably escalate a bit as time wears on but it's definitely less intense than last semester.
I left this post way too late so I'm going to go to bed.
On the bright side, in the evening after my interview I'm going to see John Green so that'll either make me feel better or make the day even more awesome.
Thanks for the tax information, it seems kinda strange to me that the price on shelf would be different to what you pay at the till. Like I don't really see what benefit there is to it. But I'm sure I'll adjust pretty quickly if and when I'm over there :)
My exams went surprisingly well, especially considering I was so sick for most of them. The first bit of this new semester has been pretty easy, it'll probably escalate a bit as time wears on but it's definitely less intense than last semester.
I left this post way too late so I'm going to go to bed.
Happy February
Hey all!
I didn't post last week because I had to babysit a friends daughter, and she came to my house to spend the night, because she's not much younger than me. Anyway it would have been weird if I just said "wait like an hour while I go do something..." However I am here now and that's all that matters.
This week was BEYOND stressful, I probably was in tears almost every day. That's right it was the end of the semester. I get my grade report next week, and the worst thing is if my grades go down from the last time. I don't know why every teacher gives projects or essays or tests on the last week instead of spacing them out.
In English we've been working on essays, mine on the Piping Plover. The point of these essays was to talk about endangered species and what precautions are taking place to help these animals. The end of the semester was on Thursday, and the English teacher had the essay due 8 am when school started that day. I found this extremely annoying. The essay wasn't hard, but he stressed that "8:00 am or it would be late". Some peoples busses get to school at 8:00!
A Chemistry test and project on Friday so the teacher could input grades over the weekend. I didn't finish the test, so I'll have to continue that next week. The project was on trends on the periodic table, so it wasn't hard, I did electronegativity. The problem was that almost everyone was doing a paper project, so I thought I would do a 3-D one. I did it the night before, constructing the table from cut foam sponges and toothpicks. Mostly successful until I got to class and he said we had to present them. I didn't think he had mentioned that, and had a mini freakout silently, in my head. That was a disaster (actually it was okay because another girl did the same topic, so I said she could go first so that helped).
I took a math test. Meh.
I had a music recital on Tuesday. I don't know why, but every time I go up and try to play the piano for a group of people I forget everything I ever learned about the piano. That was our last recital for the piano before we start guitar, so of course to maintain consistency the same thing happened. I couldn't even find C. awful.
I think the only classes that didn't stress me out was ASL because our test was postponed. History because I love that teacher. And Gym (or Wellness as we call it) because I didn't have it this week.
Kate I have a feeling your mom will do just fine. I know how you feel with the stress though, my brother had open-heart surgery just before Thanksgiving last year. He's doing well now. Campion are we able to listen to the broadcasts online? That would be really cool! Deidra I don't know why Life doesn't want you to have fish. I've chinese fighting fish, they were good too!
Do you guys watch Ben's or ninebrassmonkeys Becoming YouTube series?
I've got a mountain of homework, so I'll see you guys next week!
I didn't post last week because I had to babysit a friends daughter, and she came to my house to spend the night, because she's not much younger than me. Anyway it would have been weird if I just said "wait like an hour while I go do something..." However I am here now and that's all that matters.
This week was BEYOND stressful, I probably was in tears almost every day. That's right it was the end of the semester. I get my grade report next week, and the worst thing is if my grades go down from the last time. I don't know why every teacher gives projects or essays or tests on the last week instead of spacing them out.
In English we've been working on essays, mine on the Piping Plover. The point of these essays was to talk about endangered species and what precautions are taking place to help these animals. The end of the semester was on Thursday, and the English teacher had the essay due 8 am when school started that day. I found this extremely annoying. The essay wasn't hard, but he stressed that "8:00 am or it would be late". Some peoples busses get to school at 8:00!
A Chemistry test and project on Friday so the teacher could input grades over the weekend. I didn't finish the test, so I'll have to continue that next week. The project was on trends on the periodic table, so it wasn't hard, I did electronegativity. The problem was that almost everyone was doing a paper project, so I thought I would do a 3-D one. I did it the night before, constructing the table from cut foam sponges and toothpicks. Mostly successful until I got to class and he said we had to present them. I didn't think he had mentioned that, and had a mini freakout silently, in my head. That was a disaster (actually it was okay because another girl did the same topic, so I said she could go first so that helped).
I took a math test. Meh.
I had a music recital on Tuesday. I don't know why, but every time I go up and try to play the piano for a group of people I forget everything I ever learned about the piano. That was our last recital for the piano before we start guitar, so of course to maintain consistency the same thing happened. I couldn't even find C. awful.
I think the only classes that didn't stress me out was ASL because our test was postponed. History because I love that teacher. And Gym (or Wellness as we call it) because I didn't have it this week.
Kate I have a feeling your mom will do just fine. I know how you feel with the stress though, my brother had open-heart surgery just before Thanksgiving last year. He's doing well now. Campion are we able to listen to the broadcasts online? That would be really cool! Deidra I don't know why Life doesn't want you to have fish. I've chinese fighting fish, they were good too!
Do you guys watch Ben's or ninebrassmonkeys Becoming YouTube series?
I've got a mountain of homework, so I'll see you guys next week!
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